
Responsibility of a husband?

"You will know soon," Gina mysteriously spoke while wiping the cleaned wooden mug. "But while you are here, you should prepare for your new mission. If I am not wrong it is a rather difficult one." 

"Glad to know," Damien said grudgingly. He wanted to know more about his teammates and not the difficulty of his mission. 

Gina smiled at him, her plump lips curved upwards in a charming smile as she winked at him seductively, "Don't look down, Lord Damien. If not for the request of the leader of your team, I wouldn't have hidden it from you." 

"I don't really hide things from man as handsome as you, you know?" She added with a light titter and Xavier pulled Damien away from the counter when he saw his master going red in the face when Gina leaned down enough to show her generous bosom.

"I wouldn't be charmed by her if I were you," Xavier said to Damien as the two of them walked past the large hall of the guild ignoring the ruckus that Levi and the rest were causing as the little guy chucked down a barrel of liquor while others cheered him. 

"Why?" Damien asked. 

Xavier blew a soft sigh and whispered, "She is a fox beastman. They have a really bad habit of charming men and sucking their energy." 

"Like the nine-tailed fox?" Damien asked with a light gasp and Xavier arched a brow before remarking, "And where do you think that legend came to exist? I just hope that she had not set you on her target list given how you are brimming with vitality." 

Damien returned to the mansion with a heavy head on his shoulders. From worrying about the difficulty of the mission, he was now worrying about a fox beastman targeting him. 

"What did he mean by brimming with vitality? Where did he see me brimming with vitality?" Damien muttered under his breath. If anything he looked the weakest of all men who roamed bare chest in the guild. 

As he was crossing the cobblestone path, he bumped into someone. 

"Watch where—oh it is you Lord Damien," the servant changed his tune when he saw that the person who bumped into him was none other than Damien. This did not sit well with Damien because as far as he was concerned, the servants had never treated him with respect. 

In fact, it wouldn't be incorrect to say that they looked down on him as if he was beneath them in many ways.

Damien gazed down at the man from above the box before saying, "What are you doing here? And where do you think that you are taking this box?" He could smell a peculiar yet familiar scent and noticed that the scent belonged to his siblings. 

Was this man stealing the belongings of his siblings? 

His eyes narrowed but just as Damien raised his hand to apprehend the man, someone called him from the front,


Damien turned and looked at Priscilla and Henry. The young boy still seemed to be carrying a grudge against him, so he turned his head to one side with — Humph. 

Both of them were supporting Lady Cecil who seemed to be utterly pleased with something. 

"Mother? What are you all doing here?" He asked as Damien took three steps towards Lady Cecil took her hands and let his mother lean on him. 

Lady Cecil smiled at him, she was looking at him as if he was one sly schemer who had succeeded in winning the world and was still pretending to be humble.

"You really kept it a secret from us, Dami," she began, with her hand raised she pinched him on the cheek before saying, "I am glad that you have not been sulking over the tragic disposal that took place months ago." 

Damien did not understand either the head or foot of this conversation. However, fortunately for him, he didn't need to as Lady Cecil chuckled and uttered, "I am so glad that you and Wistoria have worked your differences. I mean it's really important to move on from the past and live for the future. And now that she has invited us to live with her in the main manor, it is about time — I believe I will hold my grandchildren soon?" 

She glanced at Damien as if asking him to hurry up and get on with but he was no longer listening to his mother anymore. Oh no, instead he was staring at her in shock and surprise. 

Words seemed to be simply failing him at the moment. What did she mean by working on their differences? The last he spoke with that woman led to another row, what did his mother mean by that they were doing alright now? 

Their relationship was as perfect as the one between a dog and a cat. 

"Oh Dami, I cannot wait for you to bless me with a healthy grandchild," laughed Lady Cecil whose face was oddly flushed for someone who was suffering from a rather life-threatening disease, she seemed to be doing quite alright. 

His siblings too seemed to be rather embarrassed but pleased nonetheless. 

Damien however, didn't respond. The first thing he did after they arrived at the main building was to look for Wistoria, he found her in her bedroom which overlooked the rose garden.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked as he pushed open the door and entered the room when he saw that the was not closed.

Wistoria was sitting in her bed with a book in her head, she did not even raise her head as if she had been expecting him. 

"What do you mean to say?" She asked lightly. 

"You know what I mean," Damien spoke to the woman with an annoyed voice. "You—why did you suddenly move us all to the main building? I thought that you wanted us to stay separately." 

"Have you forgotten what you asked me a few days ago?" Wistoria asked, causing Damien to raise a questioning brow. She sighed as if he was proving way more incompetent than she had expected. "You said that you wanted to get rid of the title of the slave, isn't that right? Then what's a better way than you getting the respect as my husband?" 

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