
Wanderer, I See You

It's nothing short of a testament to how much of an annoyance Ludwig was that, even though the Quest rewards have long since fallen into my Inventory, I'm still sat here staring at the place he once stood.

I want nothing more than to fall into the arms of my adoring maid after how exhausting the last few days have been, but I just can't bring myself to leave yet. My mind is aflame with so many thoughts I can barely see straight.

Some small, niggling part of me is worried Ludwig will get right back up, despite being turned to dust by Sirzechs' fucking nuke. I can almost hear his voice in the back of my head still, those grating words, his condescending smile.

I can still feel his bloody fist on my skull too. If I have the choice, then I never want to feel that numb sensation in every limb as my body slowly shuts down ever again. I doubt I'll ever be able to forget it, frankly.

I still can't get over how it all went down. An ancient Devil, freed after ten millenia spent imprisoned, and the first thing he does is attack the half-breed. Sometimes I think I just have a big fuck off sign behind my head saying 'please, try your best to kill me', that's the only way it makes sense.

The less said about the Skill I got, the better. I'm not exactly looking forward to meeting another dragon any time soon, especially one who would be so willing to kill me. Wouldn't a dragon prioritise respect over murderous intent if I was strong anyways?

I suppose I shouldn't be complaining. While I doubt it holds much sway over the mind of a more powerful dragon, it's certainly something. Hell forbid I earn the ire of someone like fucking Tiamat, or even worse Ophis. I doubt the Skill would even do jack shit if she set her sights on me. Or is it He? What form do they even take now?

[Congratulations on your triumph, User!]

...thank you? A bit late, but I appreciate the sentiment anyway.

[Now that your life is no longer in immediate peril, we can address our previous conversation, and your new boons!]

[One facet of the Barebones System that you now have access to is a dedicated Store! This can be used to buy... well, just about anything really. Shoes, socks, or a weapon that could kill the Gods themselves! Nothing is off-limits!]

You know, I should be jumping for bloody joy right now after hearing that, but... there's always a fucking catch with you, Anya, a monkey's paw of some kind.

[If you consider a 'catch' to be a natural limitation to stop you from destroying the causality of this world, then yes, there is one. You cannot sell or buy any items from this specific world for CEL, so no Sacred Gear auctions, User!]

That is actually a surprisingly valid limitation. The world would probably fold in on itself if I sold the Boosted Gear, or if I just bought one for myself. Not that I fucking would, that thing is cursed.

Alright then, I'll bite. Explain it to me more, can I turn any currency into this CEL? Can I finally sell the Talon?

[Sol, the Underworld's currency, can be exchanged for CEL at a rate of 10:1, and yes! You can sell anything in your Inventory, even Caduceus. Not that you should.]

[You will now earn 5000 CEL per Quest completion, 10000 CEL per Renown Enemy Slain, 5000 CEL for a Dungeon Clear and 750 bonus CEL per Level.]

This is actually quite a decent mechanic to have in the system, Anya. I'm impressed.

[Hehe, I do my best for you!]


Right then, time to get to work. If there's one thing I'm interested in, it's the breadth of items I can get from the Store, and just how much I'll have to break the bank for some hard hitters. First things first though, Stat Boosts.

Alistair Mammon (Luocha)

Level: 201 (65/400)

HP: 15300

MP: 9322

STR: 100

AGI: 110

INT: 110

VIT: 120

LUK: 87

Fucking stupendous. 57 new Stat Points, in quite the nice spread. I only wish it were all even, but I suppose I can't win them all. Not that it matters much, I've got some new Skills to take a look at.

Level 200 Intrinsic Skill Unlocked!

Duelist's Trance: When facing a single enemy, User gains a 10% increase to AGI. When facing multiple enemies, User gains a 10% increase to STR.

That's fine, I guess? I'm not gonna complain but for Level 200, I expected more.

120 VIT Skill Unlocked!

Yaoshi's Blessing: User can 'infuse' the energy of Abundance into a target and grant them continuous HP recovery at a rate of 3%HP/s, which cannot be interrupted. This Skill allows for Overhealing up to 120% HP.

...well, this is almost certainly going to be active on myself at all times. Finally, a way to heal myself that isn't on a massive fucking cooldown, it only took 200 Levels.

100 STR Skill Unlocked!

Charged: User can charge physical attacks to increase their power, with a 10% increase for every 0.5 seconds spent charging.


Feeling a bit experimental, I clench my fist and let it hang, watching in unrestricted fascination as the limb begins to shake slightly with each moment that passes.

Around five seconds in my fist starts to glow, and I'm not very fond of exploding so I turn and strike the air where Ludwig once stood. The blow almost shatters the air around my fist, the force pushing me back slightly and leaving my jaw agape as the implications of this power hit.

Physical attacks. That's the key point. Sure, my fists are now an unregistered firearm in 4 different continents and this no doubt makes them much stronger, but that phrase, physical attacks, means I can do this with weapons as well.

With that thought bouncing in my head and excitement in my every movement, I summon Caduceus and watch with glee as both my arm and the weapon itself begin to glow slightly after I Charge.

Following the natural order of things, I then begin combining Skills. A Sonido after ten seconds of Charging is the first experiment, and with the combined power of Charge Up alongside Momentum Transfer, my little rapier is able to skewer Manasceran Steel like fucking Styrofoam.

...that would've been real nice to have against Ludwig.

[These experiments can wait! As much as I love to watch you fight, you still haven't made use of the Store!]

Normally I'd be quite pleased with those words, but I'm almost certain Anya just likes seeing me fight because I embody her ideology of power being given to those who struggle for it. She's right, though. I should take a peek at this.

{Initializing Store Module v1.04...}

Seconds pass as the System slowly but surely loads the newest avenue of my empowerment, and after an agonising wait the module finally opens.

My first impression of the Store is nothing short of amazement. Thousands upon thousands of pages of items, some more powerful than anything I've even heard of, some nothing more than trinkets. Each of them has a price, a description, and... a user manual? I guess that makes sense given some of the items for sale.

The fucking Dragon Balls? 87,000,000 CEL. An EVA? 960,000 CEL. A deck of cards with only Jokers? 4 CEL. Even the bloody Jingu Bang is there. Not that I'd ever be able to afford it at 412,000,000 CEL. Fucking extortion, that one.

There's two items that instantly catch my interest though, ones that I immediately shortlist and lose myself in the possibilities of having. The first? Quite simple, and quite possibly the most valuable to me.

Precursor's Eye (EX): With this Eye, the User can view alternate timelines and influence the path of Fate itself very slightly based on those visions. Can you handle the burden of knowledge, User?

A brilliant item, one that unfortunately has to be transplanted to actually be used, but I'm nothing if not a savant for losing eyes anyways. I'd certainly say that's worth it for, at least by the seems of it, a knockoff version of The Almighty.

The second one is... a much more personal desire. One that I'm sure doesn't require much explaining, though.

Yamato (EX): Forged by the legendary Devil Knight, Sparda, this blade has yet to meet something it can't cut clean through. In Vergil's hands, it was a tool of power and inspired fear in any who saw it. What would it be in your hands, User?

If it wasn't for the staggering price tag the both of them had, I'd be panting at the mere idea of having either of them.

Precursor's Eye (EX): 1,350,000 CEL

Yamato (EX): 1,200,000 CEL

That's fine, though. It just means I have something to strive for.

I'm already at 874,000 CEL from selling the Talon of Horus, which I was admittedly shocked by the value of. I suppose the Chaos Gods influence sells for quite a lot on the market.

Still, quite a nice headstart on the savings. I'm not sure which one I'll buy first, but I'll just have to make that decision when I actually have the funds. No use fantasising now.

A shame they don't sell Skills on the Store, but maybe I just haven't reached a high enough Level to buy them yet. I can still sell Gacha and Skill Tokens though, for 100 CEL a piece.

Speaking of though, I should be quite close to my next EX item, so...

Gacha Pull Used: Shovel (R)

Gacha Pull Used: Used Hard Drive (R)

Gacha Pull Used: Summoner's Ring (EX)


Summoner's Ring (EX): Upon binding this item to a select creature, the User can expend 50MP to Summon said creature, with an hour cooldown between summons.

Fucking finally! I was getting sick of my own pet dragon, a member of the most powerful race in this realm, being nothing more than house pet. Granted, he's still gotta grow a bit, but that's fine. I want to see my boy thrive, and now he can.

Pulling it out of my Inventory, I slip it on... and watch as the ring slowly disappears mere seconds later, sitting in stunned silence as my new EX item vanishes from this realm. Did- did I just break it?

[System Acessories do not manifest in reality. This is to avoid extremely valuable items being broken or lost haphazardly.]

Jesus fucking Christ. Could've warned me first, Anya, I thought I bloody ruined it.

[I will warn you of one thing. Do not use the Lord's name in vain. The Angels hate that, and Uriel is already quite displeased that you aren't dead yet.]

Uriel? He still has a grudge against me? I thought Angels couldn't hold anything close to a minor peeve with someone.

[They shouldn't. Uriel seems to be unaware of just how close he is coming to Falling.]

...I'm sorry, what? Why is he risking that over me? What the fuck did I ever do?

[It is not so much what you did, per se, as opposed to what you represent.]

[You are a Half-Devil with the most powerful ability to heal among the Abrahamic, your name isn't in the Book of Names, and most importantly you use the Holy Curse as a weapon flagrantly as opposed to fearing it.]

[Simply put, you are a walking reminder that God is eternally dead, a testament to the failures of the Holy System. Your very existence is a black mark against the memory of the Father and what he governed.]

...and that is my fault how?

[It mostly isn't. Uriel is shattered by his grief, and lashing out in anger. You are merely an unfortunate victim.]

How the hell does he know what I'm doing? Or even what I'm thinking?

[You have been a person of interest to Heaven for quite a while. They are capable of following your actions through one of their powers, Heavenly Seersight, which allows for them to see anything considered one of the Father's creations briefly.]

How did the Angels not sweep us in the Great War if they know where anything is at any moment? That seems like quite a broken ability to have access to.

[Devils are not considered the Father's creations, and thus cannot be watched. This was intentional, Lucifer wanted to be able to surprise God on the day of the Final Battle.]


Hearing that, it really does seem like Lucifer planned out the Father's death from the start. I wonder, did he ever care about the Underworld? Or were we nothing more than a weapon he spent millenia nurturing, biding his time until we served our purpose?

Wait, hold on, how can the Angels watch me? I'm a Devil! And what the hell do they even want me for, why am I a person of interest?

[I am afraid I cannot say for certain what their intentions are. As for your surveillance, due to your human blood, you are consider-]

Oh for fucks sake, of course it's that. It's always the Half-Devil bullshit. Don't bother with the rest, Anya, I get the gist of it.

Looks like all I can do is hope Michael is one hell of a peacekeeper amongst the Archangels. If not, then there may just be a second Great War before the first one has even settled fully...

Moving on! I've spent too long in this bloody pit, it's about time I make good on my word and visit my adoring maid. Hopefully she can help take my mind off my angelic stalker and the seemingly imminent apocalypse.


I am very quickly coming to the conclusion that I should've teleported away instead of going back up to the surface.

All I'd wanted to do was say an actual farewell to the General and get some general idea what Roygun was doing before I left, but now...




The second I come into view from the sublevels of Cain's Throne, cheers erupt in each direction. Above, to the side, damn near all around me. I'm almost certain half of them don't even know my name.

I seem to have become quite popular amongst the Satanihilus. I suppose that makes sense, given I practically gave them immortality for a brief period, but these men are looking at me like I'm a fucking Saint.

Some move in to thank me personally, a pat on the shoulder or a brief shake of the hand and a few solemn words. Others are simply content to shout words of respect and appreciation. 'Half the Devil, Twice the Man' is a phrase I hear quite often.

Once again, like many before him, a Devil comes up to me, reverence in his eyes as he takes my hands in his own. I barely catch his whispered words of thanks before he leaves.

...what the fuck is happening?

"I was just as shocked as you are. Seems like you made quite the first impression."

Sirzechs approaches from the side, having watched this all unfold with a smile on his face as he leaned against a nearby wall, the cheering now going soft as we converse.

"All I did was stab my sword into the ground. They're acting like I won the war already." I respond, incredulous.

The General shakes his head.

"Maybe to you that's all it was, but... A lot of them didn't think they'd make it back home from this place. They never do. Every battle means a chance of death in exchange for a brighter tomorrow."

He goes silent for a moment, rubbing his chin, seemingly planning something.

"Our deal with the Phenex is still fresh. We don't have many Tears yet. All we have is Magic and hope. At least, we did, but now there's you." He smiles.

"Who knows, maybe we could save the money on Phenex Tears and just send you out everywhere." He says, before he moves away and... points a finger gun at me? Then winks??

"General what the fuck are you doing?"

He wilts slightly, losing his excitement that had been slowly building as he spoke.

"Come on, man, you're supposed to do it back. This is your big moment!"

His excitement droops further as I cross my arms and stare, still confused and most importantly sick of his shit.

He sighs, muttering under his breath that I 'killed his excitement' before he finally gives me an explanation as to what this 'big moment' is.

"Look, the Phenex deal was a great thing for us, but they're downright extorting the Council. 125,000 Sol for a single Tear, and we need orders in the thousands."

He scratches the back of his head, almost guilty for a moment.

"I admit, Father and I probably could've done a bit better with the negotiations, but I wanted those Tears in our hands and not theirs. I was tired of seeing my soldiers die."

Instantly, I catch onto something.

"You brought your dad with you to a negotiation for the Phenex to cut ties with the Officio Satanorum? What, did you get fucking homesick?" He chuckles.

"Not quite. The Phenex were only willing to negotiate with the Gremory Clan, and since I was active around the Underworld, I figured I'd do it myself. It didn't go so well." He grimaces at the memory.

"After that, they figured it'd be better to negotiate with my father instead. All I did was escort him there and back. Part of me has faith in him and his ability, but... he never told me what the final agreement was. I've asked, time and again, but he won't say."

...Could it be the wedding contract? Is that where it came from? Surely it wouldn't be. The Phenex have a monopoly on healing in the Underworld, they'd be stupid to just take a vague promise of marriage as their service pay. There isn't even a guarantee that the Gremory's will have another child.

Though... considering the one child between Venelana and Zeoticus turned out to be Sirzechs fucking Gremory, I imagine there's a bloody queue of people asking for the nextborn of their children. Maybe it was smart of them to skip the line, especially considering they're making bank on every Tear sold still.

"Anyways, we have gone way off topic here." The General starts, snapping me back to the conversation at hand.

"The point I was making is that this is your chance, Alistair. You're a half-devil, with some good friends and a lot of grit sure, but you've got nothing to your name. No status, no money, and no land. This is where that changes."

"One of the members of Clan Gamigin was here, a moment ago. He wanted the story, so I gave it to him. Told him about how with a single spell, you made these men immortal. You'll be all over the news soon."

He places a hand on my shoulder, stars in his eyes as he celebrates... my future?

"Once the Council hears about the things you've done today, they'll be begging for your services. You'll be swimming in Sol! Sure, this may cause a little grudge to develop between you and the Phenex, but how bad could it really get? It's just business!"

He says all that with a smile, and I can't help the odd chill I feel go up my spine at his words. This fucker has never heard of jinxing something, it seems.

"With a single spell you could heal an entire garrison of men, when it'd cost millions of Sol for all the Tears! In a single day, you could heal thousands!" He leans back against a nearby wall and smiles.

"If you weren't on track for being made High Class already, you sure as shit are now."

Well... I'll be damned.

"I guess I'll need to keep in contact with the Council after all. A shame, but it'll be worth it for the money." Sirzechs laughs.

"You say that, but I can see the sparkle in your eyes. You're practically drooling. I don't blame you, you're gonna be on one hell of a nice paycheck."

The mere thought of it admittedly has me salivating somewhat. All the CEL I could ever dream of, and the Council would be funding it every step of the way.

As pleasant as those dreams are, though, there's something else I'm concerned about.

"Why are you so invested in my future, General? I doubt you'd care this much for anyone else you speak with."

To my surprise, his eyes sharpen somewhat as he scans the area around us. A moment later, he sighs, then beckons me to move closer.

"You're different, Alistair. Different from the normal Devil, not just because of your blood. I'd know, because I am too."

"I think you'll find I'm very aware of that fact, General. I just saw you turn a dragon into nothing but dust." He smiles wryly at my words.

"Funny you should say that. I saw you grow nearly twice as strong as you were this morning over the course of an hour. Like I said, we're different."

Despite all the trust I've built with him, all the happy moments and all the jokes, my heart still seizes up for a moment when he says that. He clearly notices, because he moves to apologise, but stops himself.

"Anomalies. That's what they call us. Me, Ajuka, and soon to be you too. The Council can't find any real explanation as for why we're so powerful, so they just don't bother. There's no official designation yet."

"...Why are you telling me this, General?" I say, surprised that I've been lumped in with the 'to-be Super Devils'.

He looks at me with an emotion I can't explain. Almost a mix between pity and protectiveness.

"You're strong. There's no doubting that. But, if your 'anomaly' is what I think it is, you have the potential to be the strongest, maybe even more than me." He smiles, as if that would make him proud.

"When it comes out though, there will be eyes on you all across the Underworld, and a lot of them won't be very friendly. Some of them you won't be strong enough yet to handle yourself, so if you ever need a hand, ever find yourself in a bind... don't hesitate to ask for help."

I should feel quite happy with such a sentiment. Truth be told, I am. It's a nice feeling, having friends that powerful, but... I don't think this is just about my 'anomaly' becoming public.

"Those unfriendly eyes you mentioned, one of them wouldn't happen to be Rizevim, would they General?"

It seems like I've hit the mark. Instead of shock at my words though, the General only sighs once more in resignation.

"I'd expected you to have some more tact with the subject, but yeah. Rizevim's not made a peep in years, and Lord Lucifuge hasn't said a damn thing. Point is, when word gets out about you, he might start getting interested."

Zekram's the only one with access to Gehrman. Forgive me, Sirzechs, but I'll have to play the skeptic here. Your source is anything but trustworthy.

"I don't suppose you have an idea what Rizevim might do? Anything he might want? There has to be a reason he's been silent for so long, some type of plan he has."

As if my words were a well-timed joke, Sirzechs cracks into booming laughter.

"You- you actually think anyone could understand what he wants? That's how he gets you, Demi-fiend. You could be the strongest, the smartest, or even the most mentally deranged Devil alive, but you could never understand that madman."

"He's like a burnt book. You just can't get a read on him, and that's what makes him far more dangerous than Bidleid, Daimadosu, or any other Devil alive combined. He's insane, and he uses it as the perfect tool."

The General suddenly straightens, a finger pointed at me. It almost feels like the mere thought of Rizevim has aged him by several centuries.

"Remember this, Demi-fiend. He thrives on Chaos. If you ever get even the smallest chance to kill him... take it. Take it without hesitation. Hesitation is defeat. He's already one step closer to winning if you fear him."

Sirzechs then wipes his eyes with his hands, as if these thoughts alone have already drained his energy.

So. Rizevim's a madman, he's hiding, and he's got eyes on me. I knew that would be the case after I killed Euclid, anyways.

Truth be told, I'm almost certain he's sitting there in his cave watching the War play out, seeing how paranoid and jumpy we are, and pissing himself in laughter. Geriatric prick.

Frankly though, I'm exhausted, I'm hungry, and I am fucking tired of thinking about all the people who want to kill or enslave me. Rizevim's a natural disaster, even if I spend the next hour talking about him with Sirzechs I won't be any closer to killing him.

No, I made a promise, and I'm damn well going to keep it. The universe can only keep me from Grayfia for so long, though it unfortunately means I'll be cutting this chat with the General a bit short.

"I'll keep you updated then if I see anything. Thank you, General. For all the help with Ludwig, and with this."

As if he hadn't gone on a fucking tirade about his arch-nemesis, Sirzechs smiles and offers a hand.

"Think nothing of it. You'll be a big name soon, Alistair. Like I said, a lot of eyes will be on you, but... that doesn't mean you should forget about the small things."

As he shakes my hand, he leaves me with one last request, one I couldn't possibly refuse.

"There's a place in Lilith, the Galedwin Memorial Hospital. Give it a visit. They could do with your help. Other than that... I'll send for you when I need you next."

Once he finishes talking, I quickly notice a new alert from the System.

Companion Quest: Coincidence? has been issued.

Rewards to be calculated based on performance upon completion.

Seconds later, I teleport away, almost missing the frown on the General's face.


The mere sight of Gehrman's estate is enough to relieve the tension from my weary bones, like a physical reminder that, finally, everything is over and I can let myself relax.

There'll be more meetings to come, more interactions with the Council, more battles to be won, but that's fine. Happiness must be fought for, after all.

All I want is just a moment of rest between these frantic fucking battles for my life. I'm sure that's not too much to ask. Nearly ten years of on and off Civil War, but the second I get involved it's a new skirmish each week.

My spiteful rantings about the sudden kick-up of the war are cut mercifully short when I reach the door to the estate, catching a sound I didn't think I'd hear for centuries yet to come, one that leaves me momentarily stunned on the spot.

From deep within the estate, echoing throughout the halls, the soft melody of a piano can be heard.

I almost forget that the Underworld is a melting pot of technological innovation as I chase the sound, mere seconds away from questioning how the fuck they made a piano in 1410 before I catch myself.

Just as I reach the door I'm certain the noise is coming from, another alert blares on my HUD, one that catches me off guard.

Companion Quest: Left Behind has been initiated.

Rewards: 1050EXP, 5000 CEL, 1 EX Skill Unlock Token

Paying barely any mind to it, I slowly push the door open and come face to face with what seems to be a massive ballroom, nothing more than a decorated, empty space with a well-kept piano tucked into a corner.

My main focus though isn't on the room, but the inhabitants. Sat there at the piano, having not yet noticed me, is Grayfia, her fingers dancing along the keys with a finesse I could only dream of having.

To her side, much bigger than I remember and soundly sleeping next to the piano, is my beloved Alduin. As Grayfia plays, his tails seemingly dance along to the melody.

I find myself staring for an embarrassingly long time, enchanted by the sight of her once again. The way the light from outside makes her hair glow, the sheer level of focus in her expression as she plays with closed eyes. The small, soft smile on her lips as she moves.

...this is what it's all for. Every second I've spent in pain and agony is made worth it when I see that smile again. I'd do it all a thousand times over for her.

"Ah, Master!" Cutting those embarrassing thoughts short, Grayfia opens her eyes and quickly realises I'm in the doorway, jumping up with her face reddening instantly.

"My deepest apologies, Master. I didn't expect you would be returning. Um..." She hesitates for a moment, fiddling with the hem of her dress as she looks anywhere but my eyes.

"Did you... did you enjoy the song?" She asks, almost afraid that I'll say no.

"I did. Never heard of it, though. I didn't know you could play the piano either." I say, taking a seat next to where she once sat.

To my surprise, she doesn't answer my question, instead responding with one of her own as she blinks in confusion.

"You recognise it? How? They haven't been made in the Human world yet."

...fuck. I don't have a response to that.

Noting my silence, Grayfia slowly moves to my side at the piano, taking a seat as she places a hand on my back. Her embarrassment is now replaced with a devotion and reverence I could never hope to live up to as she stares me in the eyes.

"I told you already, Master. Anything you may wish to say, any plans or any secrets. You can tell me. I would sooner die than betray your trust."

It almost hurts just how willing she is to help me at every turn. Were it not for the state of her name and the War, I'd bring her everywhere at my side.

"I've seen them before. I could've learnt how to play one for myself, too."

She clearly notices the way I evade the question, but she also catches on to the fact that I'm not ready to talk about it yet, and seems content with the fact that I even bothered to continue talking at all.

One day, Grayfia. I promise. I'll tell you everything I can without mentioning the System.

"I was taught by my mother" She starts, a finger running along the keys and nostalgia in her eyes as she thinks back.

"Father spent years training me to be the perfect aide, teaching the essence of servitude, but Mother believed it was necessary I learnt things for myself instead of my Master. She taught me how to sew, how to play the piano. She even taught me how to dance."

Her eyes seemingly gloss over for a moment as she loses herself in memories of a lost parent. Seconds later, she's back to facing me now.

"That song was the first I ever learnt. The Lucifuge Lullaby. It was written by my Mother, a few years before she died. I'd wanted to see if it would help put Alduin to sleep. Clearly it worked."

Before I can respond, she continues, her focus solely on me and my current state.

"Enough about that. Are you alright, Master? You seem exhausted, and... much more powerful than I last remember."

I can hear the question in her words again, and this time I decide fuck it, Sirzechs knows, everyone probably will soon if Roygun noticed as well. May as well tell her.

"I'm fine for now. I fought a dragon, took back a prison. That's about it really."

Her eyes widen in horror at the mention of fighting a dragon, but I don't give her a chance to interrupt me as I continue.

"As for the whole 'getting stronger' thing. You remember that time I stumbled over and got about... 20 times stronger back in Lucifaad?" I say, a hand tracing over the keys on front of me as I speak.

"It's a moment I struggle to forget. I've been confused over it for quite some time."

"Put simply, I can take the power of the people I kill. That whole slip and fall was my body experiencing shock from all the power I got after killing Euclid."

I expected some form of shock, or maybe even surprise, but instead she simply nods her head, as if she always knew.

"As I had expected. Quite the powerful ability to have, no doubt. I can only be forever glad it fell into your hands."

My second greatest secret, and she saw through it like a fucking paper sheet. I suppose it was obvious looking back. I was far too focused on Bidleid to notice the slip-up in the moment.

Now that I think about it... I've got one of the most powerful women to ever live at my side. Why not use that?

"Grayfia, would you be willing to train me?"

My words clearly weren't what she expected, because she spends a solid second processing them.

"As in... combat? Are you asking me to spar with you, Master?" She asks.

"Yeah. I've got all these abilities, all this raw power, but I've got barely any training. No finesse. I'm nothing more than a child throwing shit at people, yet Ludwig made Sirzechs kneel with his fists alone."

I admit, her reaction wasn't exactly what I had in mind. She nearly jumps in shock as the implications of my words hit.

"Ludwig... Ludwig the Accursed!? That was the dragon you fought!?" She shouts, quickly turning me over in my seat so that she can hurriedly check my body for any wounds, patting me down.

Normally I'd bat her hands away and gloat at my ability to shrug off injuries, but I can't say no to being cared for by her. I just need to not mention the whole 'nearly dying' thing if her reaction to the fight alone was this extreme.

"He was a hell of a prick, too. The first thing he did after they freed him was attack me."

The worry has mostly left Grayfia now, but she still makes sure to place a hand on my cheek as she speaks.

"I only wish I could have been there to stand alongside you. It hurts to know that your life was at risk, and all I could do was sit here."

Her thumb rubs against my skin softly as she seemingly makes a decision.

"I'll do my best to train you, Master. If I can stop just one blade from harming you, then it will be worth it."

Chuckling, I take her hand from my cheek and enjoy the warmth of it, lacing our fingers together as if it were the most natural thing I've ever done.

"You realise my whole fighting style is taking hits and getting back up, right? I'm basically a magnet for injuries these days. One blade out of a thousand won't be much."

Her head falls onto my shoulder as I finish, her tone soft, but her words hitting with all the force of a freight train.

"I know, Master. That's simply how you use your powers. It's just a shame that you get hurt so often. I don't like it."

My heart aches at the sheer worry in her voice. It must be horrible, to simply sit there not knowing if I'm alive or dead at any moment, hearing stories of how close I've come to death every day since I left. She must feel powerless. Worthless, even.

"I can't make any promises, but... I'll do my best to not get hurt as much in the future."

Content with my words, she slides further down, her head now resting on my thigh as she turns and looks up at me.

"That's all I ask of you, Master. Though I can't protect you myself at the moment, know that I'll always be here to relieve you of your burdens. That is my duty to you."

She smiles up at me, and yet again I'm left hypnotised by the sight. Unable to stop myself, I rest a hand on the top of her head, the other laced with hers across her hip.

"I should really be making dinner for you, or even drawing a bath, Master."

Companion Quest: Left Behind has been-

Fuck the quest. I'm not letting this moment end. Not yet.

"Maybe later. How about you teach me some other songs you know for the piano instead?"

She smiles, instantly catching onto what I want, yet not saying anything about it. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she wanted the same thing given how faint her words a moment ago were.

"I suppose I could, but that would take too long. I think I have a better idea."

Grayfia's smile widens, and with a glee I'd not expected to see in her she moves up from our shared seat, beckoning me toward her as she moves to the center of the room.

"What exactly are you trying to do, Grayfia?" I ask, slowly standing from my spot so as to not accidentally awaken Alduin.

Her smile grows somewhat coy as she waits for me to come close. When I finally reach her, a pair of Constructs appear over the piano, ones I recognise as her arms.

"A Devil of your power will no doubt be invited to many parties and events, and any good Devil must know how to dance to survive in Ars Goetia."

You've got to be fucking kidding.

"Alas, I am not, Master. This is quite the important skill to learn."

Her Construct begins to play a song I once again don't recognise, the notes slow and intimate as Grayfia holds a hand open for me to take, her cheeks slightly red.

...I'd be a fucking fool to say no to that.

Taking hold of her hand, I lean in close and place the other hand on the small of her back, which is about the extent of my knowledge in this field.

"Not a bad start, Master. Angle your legs slightly. Always give room for your partner to move first, take control only if you can handle it. Never leave a dance unfinished."

...interesting word choice.

"Like this?" I ask, following her advice as best I can, our bodies moving in rhythmic circles on the empty floor.

"Yes. Now, keep your body relaxed, and be comfortable. Tension will only ruin the dance for the both of you." She says, noticing how stiff my every movement is.

Suddenly, she moves in closer, our bodies pressing against one another as I feel her warmth, her every word a soft melody in my ear that leaves me putty in her hands.

"Never be afraid to hold your partner close. Intimate or not, a dance is about proximity." She says, the feeling of her against me being far more addictive than any drug the world could ever produce, her red eyes leaving me downright hypnotised.

Each word she says lingers in my ears, her touch leaves goosebumps along my body. I'm no blushing virgin, but fucking hell this woman does things to me.

The tune of the piano slows even further as she rests her head on my shoulder now.

"Those are some of the basics. It'll take a while to learn, of course, but... I'd be more than happy to teach you all I know, Master."

"Of course." I say, grinning like a bloody fool, "when's the next lesson?"

She laughs, a soft, brief giggle that makes my heart jump as the piano quickly picks up in speed, almost as if she's testing whether or not I was paying attention.

We move faster as the seconds go by, her head still resting on my shoulder as the piano quickly approaches a crescendo. Seconds before the end of the song, she leans up and whispers in my ear.

"Your final lesson for today, never forget the dip. It's more than just theatrics."

It takes a surprising degree of focus to stay in step with her, to match her every movement, but when the final note hits, I follow her lead and lean forward as she leans back, her body resting in my arm, the both of us now face to face.

She smiles up at me, her body pressed tight against mine and her eyes staring deeply into my own. A half second later, my hand slips away from hers and moves to her cheek. Grayfia stares up at me, adoration in her eyes as her cheeks slowly go brighter. She giggles softly at my touch as she speaks one last time.

"You pass." She whispers, her warm breath hitting my face from how close we are, a hand brushing against my chin.

Less than a second later, our lips meet halfway in a hesitant peck, one that quickly gives way to hungry, needy kisses as we slowly fall to the floor.

I don't think I could ever get enough of this woman. I don't think I want to.

miss me? :) sorry for the long wait, things got tough for a while, but I'm back. let me know if you liked this, admittedly slow chapter.

Gondolcreators' thoughts
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