
Awakening [ XVI ]

Yellow River City, Wishiros

Yellow River City is one of the most popular cities in the country of Wishiros. This is due to the presence of the largest artifact market, which has boosted its popularity and economy by a large margin, giving it a significant edge over other cities.

Aside from the market, Yellow River City is also known for its beautiful landscape and stunning architectural structures, most of which were constructed by ancient mages centuries ago.

Yellow River City also houses Wishiros' 7th School of Magic, one of the top ten magic schools in the country. The school has been trending lately for its reputation of breeding genius mages and its peaceful educational environment. But this changed three weeks ago after a disastrous accident occurred!

In a lonely, bushy alleyway in the vast city, two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air: none other than Dragun and Vishirk.

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