
Alright. You'll be brought to ecstasy, Hyung

My mind wasn't exactly clear enough to understand what Seojin meant by Seojin being the best at blowjobs. And I could only think of the feeling I was getting from having my cock enveloped by the wet and hotness of Seojun's mouth. His tongue swirled around the cap of my cock and I winched.

I held on to Seojin tightly, digging my fingers into his skin. It was weird.

The feeling and sensation... It was weird.

I wasn't scared but I was shivering. I was frightened but I was scared shitless as to what this sensation was.

It was too much for me to handle and my eyes grew teary.

"What's wrong, Hyung?" Seojin asked, seeing the tears in my eyes. "Are you scared?"

I looked up at him with my teary eyes and nodded.

He brushed the tears aside and kissed my lips.

"What's scaring you? Is it because of the trauma? Are we not doing a good enough job?" He asked but I shook my head.

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