
The Second Event: A Battle of Blood and Fury

The Pelian Ash Spear pierced toward Cu Chulainn's widening eyes. Despite the lethal strike, he smirked mysteriously before his leg shot up.

A warrior? He was one, too—the best that has ever walked Ireland. And he would prove once more that he inherited Scathach's divine spear for good reasons.

Exhilarated by the heat of combat, he poured all his strength into his kick.


It collided with the spear, forcing it off course. However, his eyes widened at its weight. He couldn't deflect it entirely, but just enough to avoid having his brain pierced.

Gritting his teeth, he endured the searing sensation of the blade slicing his forehead as he swung his arm.

Meanwhile, Achilles stepped forward to end this battle. Yet, his eyes trembled, dread wrapping around his heart as a sharp pain assaulted his shoulder from his blind spot.


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