
Chapter 36-[The Masters last meal]

[T/N: Here's your bonus chapter for reaching 2k collections, also remember what I said if you guys want more bonus chapters. Just so you know, we are 40 chapters ahead over on Patreon, where you can get 2 chapters for about a $1]

Ramsay looked at his father's body, lying on the ground.

"What happened?" asked a Maester.

He looked at Roose with a terrified look and at Ramsay with a bloody knife.

"Oh, well Stannis sent an assassin, and left the knife lying around, what do you think happened?" Ramsay said with a smile.

"What?" the Maester murmured.

"Do I hear doubts in your voice, Maester?" He heard and Ramsay saw little Jon Umber, an ally of his father.

"Lord Umber," the maester murmured.

"Your new lord explained the situation, do you doubt him? " asked the lord of the Umber.

"No," the maester whispered.

"Then I suggest you write your letters and reports of Ramsay Bolton's ascension as Lord of Winterfell," he said.

The maester fled.

Ramsay laughed.

"Not bad," he said.

Little Jon looked into his eyes.

He looked down at Roose.

"I hope it was worth it, now, what about Stannis?" he asked.

Ramsay smiled.

"I was just going to write you a letter, but first... How about I go look for my new mother and younger brother, I must give them my condolences," he said with a macabre smile.


"Robb? "The boy heard and saw his wife coming to him, she brought a letter with her.

"And that?" he asked.

"From my father," she said.

"Why are you giving it to me? Isn't it for you?" he asked.

"Read," she ordered.

'Dear Talisa,

I am very happy to be able to communicate with you, it has happened been a long time, I admit I was angry when you left, but it passed after two days. I wanted to bring you back. But you went a long way from home. I am an influential merchant but not that influential, North Westeros, seriously, you couldn't heal people in a place, that at least is not at war. '

Robb looked at his wife.

"Your father has a point," he said.

"Keep reading," she whispered.

'Anyway, I don't want to bother you, I understand that you have duties as a queen. Or I suppose you could have sent a letter sent, I found out from merchant friends, you know how humiliating it was I didn't even know that my daughter was married, or that she was queen. It was humiliating, your mother makes jokes, not to mention your brother.'

"Didn't you even send him a letter?" he asked.

Talisa rolled her eyes at him.


'I'll get to the point, darling since I knew of your new family, I kept my ears attentive and eyes open to any news since Jon Snow disappeared from Volantis with Sansa Stark, he hasn't been heard from.

The boy is very good at hiding his tracks or they are unfortunately dead.

But a few days ago, I met Arya Stark here.'

Robb gasped.

'She is a northerner to the core, mercenaries close to the Lannisters wanted to kidnap her, I helped her with mine sure, but the girl moved so fast.

She eliminated many before my men could even arrive.

I informed you of the situation of our family and the Stark, but I didn't tell her about the red wedding from what I saw, if I did it the girl would run away to Westeros to finish off the Freys alone.'

"It's something she would do," Robb admitted.

'Unfortunately, I couldn't convince her not to go to Yunkai. Rumors about a new king in Valyria, and the daughter of the mad king of Westeros.

She has arrived at Volantis. I could only give her the means to reach Yunkai safely.

Arya Stark is searching for information about Daenerys Targaryen, I think she wants to know whether she will be an enemy or not.

Please inform your husband and give him my condolences.

I love you


Robb stayed for a few moments just looking at the letter.

"Good news, she is alive," he said.

"And the rest?" she asked.

"We'll see about it later, now, I'm going with Stannis," he said leaving the place.

Robb entered the king's room, to see Stannis looking at the table furiously.

'Now what?' The boy thought when he saw his partner.

Stannis's gaze fell on him and he handed him a letter.

'For the supposed king of nothing.

You are useless like your brother, king of the seven kingdoms, don't make me laugh, you are nothing more than a Bloodslayer and a Kingslayer.

Well, I respect that, killing kings It's a good reputation, and soon I will get it too, I will have fun skinning you and your wife, your daughter on the other hand will warm my bed, I say mine, maybe I'll pass her on for all my army.

My father is dead, blood killer, there is nothing that contains me, I'm coming for you kingslayer.

For your family,

for each of your men.

You will parade skinned in front of the northerners, just like your bed heater, Robb Stark.

We'll see you soon Bloodslayer.

Very, very soon.

with love

Ramsay Bolton

Guardian of the North

Lord of Winterfell

[T/N: If only Jon was here, Winterfell would fall to its knees.]

Robb looked at the letter emotionlessly.

"Does it bother you? He is desperate, he must know that he lost his last home, and his allies are surely abandoning him," he said.

Ser Davos nodded.

"Of course," Melisandre said.

"These insults," he muttered, annoyed.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Winterfell is a big castle with many defenses, we need more men," he said.

"Any idea where to get them? Haven't the savages reached a point?" he said.

Robb nodded.

"I'll go look for support in Puerto Blanco, I have about four thousand men waiting there," he said.

"I will accompany you, your majesty," said Ser Davos.


Arya looked at the man from her invisible position, he was on top of a slave, younger than herself.

The girl felt disgusted, she had investigated these masters and they were pigs, she already had five targets, two of them, and she knew where they lived.

The war hasn't started yet.

The master had tried to rally their troops first.

And Jon wouldn't make the first attack.

The five masters were Marhal Zhak, who was in charge of the warships. Simisios Hazkar who was a food merchant who supplied the army, Robert Ghazeen who was the captain of one of the gates of Meeren, Ygne Merreq who was in charge of the development of siege weapons and Len Pahl a supplier of normal weapons.

Arya looked at the captain, Robert Ghazeen, he was the captain of the main gate, which would weaken the command and make the masters make a mistake.

The girl approached stealthily and while the man harshly attacked the girl under him, the girl with a quick movement lifted his head and cut his throat.

Arya looked at the girl who was looking everywhere trying to find whoever did that to the master.

"Run," she whispered.

The girl screamed and ran away.

She didn't say anything she planned to eliminate two today, both in their palaces.

The girl infiltrated quickly, she did not plan to leave traces, which would have them believe that she was a ghost, generating fear was an effect that would help Jon.

It became night before reaching the palace, few guards she noticed, making it easier, the only problem she found was at the entrance, to the bedroom. An iron gate guarded by guards, this time she needed to question the man.

She quickly attacked one of the two guards and cut his throat.

The other pulled the sword from his waist but Arya raised her hand.

"Paralysis," she whispered.

The guard fell to the ground.

Arya opened the gate, and the master seemed asleep, as she heard him snoring.

Arya slammed the door shut.

"WHAT!?" the master shouted and stood up.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"A murderer," she said.

"Guards!" the teacher exclaimed.

But there was no response.

He got up and ran out, heading to the window.

Arya pointed her hand at him.

"Slowdown," she whispered.

The teacher ran as fast as he could, but he didn't seem to differentiate that from walking.

Arya with agile movements kicked him and threw him to the ground.

"Paralysis," she whispered.

The master stayed still even though he complained.

"Ygne Merreq, Len Pahl, Marhal Zhak, where can I find them? " she asked.

"What? How do you want me to know? "he asked.

He felt a sting.

"HAAA," he screamed in pain as he felt how she pierced his shoulder.

"Ygne Merreq, Len Pahl, Marhal Zhak, where can I find them? " she asked.

"I don't know where they live, I swear, you think I care about them," he replied.

"HAAA" he screamed in pain as he felt her pierce him thigh.


"Ygne Merreq, Len Pahl, Marhal Zhak, where can I find them? " she asked.

"Please wait...Tomorrow we will meet to organize the battle, the four of us need to be together" he said.

"All four?" she whispered.

"Yes, the ship master, development of siege engines, normal weapons, and I who provides food" he whispered.

"Where? "she asked.

"Will you leave me alive?" he begged.

"HAAA," he screamed in pain as he felt how it pierced his stomach.

"You will die if I don't cure you," she said.

He cried.

"In the tavern of the central market, the red whale, in front of the ports, at noon," he whispered.

And with that, he felt how this time she pierced his neck.

Arya retreated.

She arrived at her hotel and went to sleep.

The next morning the girl left for the port, and she found her targets having lunch.

"Let's finish this," she murmured.

"Chameleon " she whispered.

The girl walked, she saw that there were mercenaries at the entrances of the place. The men ate, one was a grotesque-looking fat man, with pointed mustaches, bald. The others had brown hair and dark eyes.

"Simisios and Robert, dead...Idiots" said the fat one.

Arya listened.

"Without a doubt, the supposed king of Valyria," said one of them.

"Let my ships finish it, because we waited so long," the other said.

"Idiot Robert wanted to wait," the fat man clarified.

"Summon noise bomb," she whispered.

A red ball appeared in her left hand.

"And what we hope, the sooner we liquidate them, the sooner we can begin to colonize Valyria, imagine the riches," said one of the brown-haired ones.

"Summon smoke bomb," Arya murmured.

"Tomorrow we will begin the attack, let us feast!" said the fat man.

Arya threw the noise bomb into a corner, an explosion was heard.

The three men turned at the noise, the mercenaries put themselves on guard, defining them on that side.

Arya threw the smoke bomb at her feet.

"What is this?" said one of the mercenaries.

"I don't see anything," said another.

Arya approached, she remembered well where they were.

She used the needle to attack one.

He fell after it went through the neck.

The others fell to the ground when they heard him fall.

"They are attacking us!" the fat man exclaimed.

Arya stepped forward and pierced his heart.

The last one ran away, Arya saw him.

The man noticed that he was moving slower.

"What's wrong?" he murmured.

And he then felt a prick in his chest, a sword had pierced him.

Arya on the other hand felt a bright light blind her and arrived at the white room. She approached the computer.

{Congratulations, you have leveled up!

You have six skill points to spend.

Name: Arya Stark

Level: 10


Faceless Assassin (+1 skill point)

Skill Points 6

Exp: 0/700


Concealment Magic Level: 5

Black Magic Level: 2}

The girl smiled and pressed on Concealment Magic.

{The player has selected the Concealment Magic skill.

Do you wish to raise the level of the Concealment Magic skill to Level: 6?}

Arya pressed yes.

{Concealment Magic Level: 6 acquired}

The room lit up and Arya felt cold, more than in the north or anywhere else, images appeared in her head.

{Concealment Magic Level: 6

Cost: 100 mana per spell

Detection: You detect enemies 100 meters away. Lasts 10 minutes.}


"Leaf, get ready," the girl heard the crow.

"Are they coming?" she asked.

The old bird nodded.

"They have found him, I must finish his training"

[T/N: Now that was a CHAPTER! It's got action, mystery, the whole shebang! If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi. It's well over 20+ chapters ahead!]

[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic', 'Searching in the Abyss', or 'Omnitrix of Justice'.]


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