
[24] The Art of Love

(A/N: So Marin and Gojo finally progressed huh… well I hope that doesn't stop you from enjoying this fanfic.)

March 17, 2025

I was sprawled on the futon, going through the latest comments on my instagram post when Marin's voice rang out from the bathroom.

"Okay, close your eyes! I'm coming out!"

I grinned, setting my phone aside. "They're closed! Let's see this masterpiece."

I heard the door creak open, followed by the soft rustle of fabric and the click of heels on hardwood. My curiosity was killing me, but I kept my eyes dutifully shut.

"Alright," Marin said, her voice closer now. "Open sesame!"

I blinked my eyes open and immediately felt my jaw drop. There, standing in the middle of our living room, was Shizuku Kuroe in the flesh. Or rather, Marin cosplaying as her. But damn if she didn't look the part.

Her normally blonde hair was now a sleek black with a violet sheen, styled into a perfectly coiffed bob with wispy bangs. The mob cap perched on her head was adorned with delicate red roses, matching the embroidered pattern on her dress.

And what a dress it was. Layers of black fabric cascaded from a cinched waist, the skirt flaring out in a froth of ruffles and lace. The bodice was all structured curves, with breast pockets that looked ready to burst at the seams. I had a sneaking suspicion there were some NuBras at work there.

But it was the details that really sold the illusion. The conical cuffs extending past her wrists, the intricate rose-patterned stockings, the towering platform heels. Even the choker around her neck, complete with a dangling chain, was spot-on.

And then there was her face. Marin had completely transformed her features with makeup and accessories. False lashes flared out at the corners of her eyes, giving them a sultry, downturned look. Vivid purple contacts popped against smoky red eye shadow. And her eyebrows - or rather, the artfully drawn arches where her real brows used to be - arched in a perfect imitation of Shizuku's signature expression.

She looked... incredible. Otherworldly. Like a gothic Lolita dream come to life.

I realized I was staring when Marin cleared her throat. "So? What do you think? Does it pass muster?"

I shook my head, trying to regain the power of speech. "Pass muster? Marin, this is... I mean, you look..."

She cocked a hip, the motion setting her skirts swishing. "I look...?"

"Stunning. Absolutely stunning."

Her smirk bloomed into a full-fledged grin. "Yeah? You think I captured Shizuku's essence?"

"Captured it? You are Shizuku. Seriously, it's uncanny."

She did a little twirl, the dress flaring out around her. "I've been working on this for weeks. Sewing until my fingers were numb, hunting down the perfect accessories... I wanted to get every detail right."

"Well, mission accomplished," I said, my eyes roving over her again. "This has got to be your best cosplay yet."

Marin glowed under the praise, her false lashes fluttering. "You really think so?"

"Without a doubt. You're going to blow everyone away at the con this weekend."

She squealed, clapping her hands together. "Oh, I can't wait! I've been dying to show this off."

I laughed, standing up and walking over to her. "Just promise me one thing?"

She tilted her head, curiosity sparkling in those violet contacts. "What's that?"

I reached out, tracing a finger along the intricate rose pattern of her bodice. "Save a dance for me? I want to be able to say I twirled around the floor with the most beautiful maid in the room."

Marin's breath hitched, her cheeks flushing beneath the makeup. "I think I can arrange that."

My finger dipped lower, following the curve of her waist, the flare of her hip. I paused when I reached the number 17 embroidered on her thigh, just peeking out from beneath the frothy hem of her skirt.

"Although," I said, tapping the digits, "we might need to update this little detail."

Marin glanced down, her brow furrowing. "What do you mean? That's Shizuku's number."

I grinned, leaning in close. "I know. But see, maybe we should change it to 18, to reflect another… incident."

Marin's eyes widened, then narrowed playfully. She pushed at my chest, her cuffed hands resting against my heartbeat. "Oh, is that so? And what makes you think your girlfriend is feeling particularly incidental right now?"

I slid my hands around her corseted waist, pulling her flush against me. The layers of her skirt crinkled between us. "Call it a hunch. Must be something about the way she looks in this getup. All grown-up and sophisticated."

Marin looped her arms around my neck, her fingers toying with the hair at my nape. "Mm, sophisticated, huh? I like the sound of that."

I brushed my nose against hers, my voice dropping to a murmur. "Very sophisticated. Downright irresistible, in fact."

Her lips quirked. "Is that your professional opinion, Mr. Big Shot Actor?"

"It is," I said, my hands sliding lower, skimming over the ruffled bustle of her dress. "And you know, as a man of taste, I can't help but appreciate fine craftsmanship when I see it."

Marin shivered, her lashes dipping. "Well, I did put a lot of work into this. It'd be a shame not to give it a thorough inspection."

"My thoughts exactly."

And then I was kissing her, my lips careful not to smudge her impeccable lipstick. Marin sighed into the contact, molding herself against me. The boning of her bodice dug into my chest, the crinoline of her skirt rustling with every shift of her hips.

It was strange, kissing her like this. Familiar and new all at once. Like I was making out with my girlfriend and Shizuku Kuroe simultaneously. But instead of feeling awkward, it was strangely thrilling.

Marin seemed to be enjoying it too, if her little breathy moans were any indication. Her gloved fingers tangled in my hair, tugging me closer. I let my hands roam over the complicated landscape of her costume, tracing seams and ruffles and ribbons.

When we finally surfaced for air, Marin's eyes were hazy, her lipstick ever so slightly blurred at the corners. She looked like a debauched doll.

"Wow," she breathed, her fingers still curled in my hair. "That was..."

"Yeah," I agreed, my own breath coming a little short. "Wow."

She giggled, the sound slightly manic. "If I'd known putting on a costume would get this kind of reaction, I'd have done it a lot sooner."

I grinned, nuzzling into her neck. The lace of her choker tickled my nose. "Hey, I'm just appreciating art when I see it."

She swatted at my shoulder, laughing. "Art, huh? I'll have to remember that one."

I pulled back, drinking in the sight of her again. Even with her makeup slightly smeared and her hair mussed, she was still a work of art, just like I'd said.

"Seriously though," I said, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "You look amazing. I'm in awe of your skills."

Marin ducked her head, suddenly shy. "It's a labor of love. Bringing characters to life like this... it's my passion."

I tipped her chin up, making her meet my gaze. "And you're incredible at it. Never doubt that."

Her eyes softened, a small, genuine smile curving her lips. "Thank you, Akira. That means a lot, coming from you."

I kissed her again, softly this time. A kiss of appreciation, of affection. She melted into it, her hands sliding down to rest on my chest.

When we parted, I rested my forehead against hers. "So, about that dance?"

Marin grinned, her nose crinkling adorably. "I think I could be persuaded. For the right price, of course."

I arched a brow. "Oh? And what might that be?"

She tapped a finger against her lips, pretending to think. "Hmm... how about a promise of more kisses? And maybe some help getting out of this getup later."

I laughed, hugging her close. The roses on her hat tickled my cheek. "You drive a hard bargain. But I think I can manage that."

She beamed, pecking me on the nose. "Excellent. Then I believe we have a deal, good sir."

"I believe we do, my lady."

Eventually, Marin stepped back, smoothing her hands over her skirts. "Alright, I should probably change out of this before I wrinkle it too badly. Gotta look my best for the con, after all."

I pouted playfully. "Aw, but I was just getting used to having a maid around the house."

She wagged a finger at me. "Down, boy. Save those fantasies for later."

I clutched my chest, feigning a wounded look. "You're a cruel mistress, you know that?"

She blew me a kiss, already sashaying towards the bathroom. "You love it."

I watched her go, admiring the way the dress swished around her legs, the jaunty bounce of the roses on her hat. She was right, of course. I did love it. Loved her.

Costume or no costume, Marin was the most captivating woman I'd ever known. She had a way of making everything brighter, bolder, more vibrant. Like the world was just a little more colorful when she was around.

And sure, maybe I was biased. Maybe I was just a lovesick fool, like I'd said. But standing there, staring at the bathroom door she'd just disappeared through, I couldn't bring myself to care.

I was hers, utterly and completely. And I knew that I always would be.

We collapsed onto the futon, a tangle of sweaty limbs and rumpled sheets. She'd traded Shizuku's sultry makeup for the glow of a satisfied woman, her skin flushed and dewy.

Marin traced lazy patterns on my chest. "So, big day tomorrow, huh? The final walkthrough for episode six?"

I hummed in acknowledgment, my fingers combing through her tangled hair. "Yeah, it's kind of surreal. I can't believe we're already almost done."

She propped her chin on my sternum, her eyes meeting mine. "How are you feeling about it all? The show, the success, the whole 'rising star' thing?"

I blew out a breath, considering the question. "Honestly? It's a trip. I mean, when I first signed on, I had no idea what to expect. It all happened so fast."

Marin nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I remember you telling me about the audition. How Kaburagi basically handed you the role on the spot."

"Exactly," I said, my brow furrowing. "At the time, I was just grateful for the opportunity. But looking back, it's clear he only picked me for my looks. He had no idea if I could actually act."

Marin made a sympathetic noise. "That must have been a lot of pressure. To be thrown into the lead role like that, with no real gauge of your own abilities."

I shrugged, my fingers still playing with her hair. "I mean, I knew I had some talent. But yeah, it was daunting. Especially when I saw the caliber of the rest of the cast."

"The other guys, you mean? The models turned actors?"

I nodded, my lips twisting wryly. "Let's just say their acting chops weren't exactly top-notch. It became pretty clear early on that this whole project was set up to be a cash grab."

Marin frowned, her fingers stilling on my chest. "But it didn't turn out that way, did it? The show's a hit. Critics are raving, fans are obsessed... and a lot of that is because of you and Kana."

"You're not wrong," I said slowly. "Kana and I... we knew from the start that we'd have to carry the show. That if we didn't deliver knockout performances, the whole thing would tank."

Marin smiled. "And you did. You two absolutely killed it in that first episode. The chemistry, the intensity... it was electric."

"We did make a pretty good team, didn't we?"

"The best," Marin agreed, leaning in to peck me on the lips. "And now look at you. Akira Hoshino, the breakout star. The actor everyone's talking about."

"It's wild, right? A few months ago, I was a nobody. And now..."

"Now you're on your way to taking over the entertainment world," Marin finished.

I ran a hand through my hair, my smile turning contemplative. "That's the plan, anyway. But it's not just about acting for me. You know that, right?"

Marin cocked her head. "What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath, organizing my thoughts. "Acting is amazing. It's challenging and rewarding and I love every second of it. But it's only one piece of the puzzle."

"The puzzle of... Akira Hoshino's grand master plan?" Marin teased, her fingers walking up my sternum.

I caught her hand, bringing it to my lips for a quick kiss. "Something like that. See, I don't just want to be an actor. I want... everything."

Marin's eyebrows shot up. "Everything?"

I nodded, my gaze turning distant as I pictured it. "The whole entertainment industry. Acting, music, modeling... I want to do it all."

Marin whistled lowly. "That's... ambitious."

"Damn right it is," I said, a grin tugging on my lips. "But why stop at just one thing? Why limit myself when I know I have the potential to conquer it all?"

Marin studied me for a long moment, her eyes searching mine. "You really believe that, don't you?"

I met her gaze steadily, conviction thrumming through my veins. "I do. Call it arrogance, call it delusion... but I know in my gut that I'm meant for more than just one role. One medium."

Marin's expression softened, a smile blooming on her face. "It's not arrogance. It's confidence. And I love that about you."


She nodded, her hand coming up to cup my cheek. "Yeah. You dream big, Akira. You set your sights on the stars and you don't let anyone or anything hold you back. It's inspiring."

I leaned into her touch. "I couldn't do it without you, you know."

Marin's smile turned watery, her thumb stroking my cheekbone. "I'll always believe in you. No matter what. Whether you're conquering the acting world or topping the music charts or just being my amazing, talented, ridiculously handsome boyfriend."

I laughed, the sound a little choked. "Ridiculously handsome, huh?"

She grinned, tapping me on the nose. "Among other things."

I pulled her closer, our foreheads touching. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

She pretended to think about it. "Hmm... not in the last hour, at least."

I chuckled, nuzzling my nose against hers. "Well then, allow me to rectify that. Marin Kitagawa, I love you. More than acting, more than music, more than all the stars in the sky."

Her breath hitched, her eyes shining. "Akira..."

I silenced her with a kiss, pouring all my love, all my gratitude, all my hopes and dreams into the press of my lips against hers. She responded in kind, her arms winding around my neck.

When we finally surfaced for air, Marin rested her head on my chest, her ear pressed to my heartbeat. I ran my fingers through her hair, marveling at the silky strands, the way they slipped through my fingers like water.

"Tomorrow's a big day," she murmured, her voice soft and drowsy. "The start of a new chapter."

I hummed in agreement, my own eyes growing heavy. "The first of many."

She tilted her head to look at me, a sleepy smile on her face. "And I'll be right there with you. Every step of the way."

"I know you will. My partner in crime."

She giggled, snuggling closer. "Your very own cosplay queen."

"Damn straight," I said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "The only one for me."

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