
The Wraith of the Strait

Sera's body trembled from the cold that attacked everything around her and David. The strait before them, the whole Dardanelles had frozen solid within seconds after the creature's appearance.

At first she couldn't understand what the monster was supposed to be. It looked like a glowing white blob of some strange ethereal substance.

Whatever it was, she knew it was absurdly strong. Going on a hunch she opened her watch's scanning feature. She hadn't used it for months since most of her battles didn't need it, or she just simply didn't have time... But now she needed to know more!

'Scanning in progress...' Said the feminine voice of the watch's A.I. inside her head.

It's been a long time since she heard the voice. Two years ago she had turned off most of the talking features. It had become annoying very quickly when she would slaughter hundreds of monsters and the voice would name each and everyone of them.

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