
If I Had You

Yoongi's dare was well received by the community, almost like he had given them a chance to redeem their sinful thoughts of Jiminie. And so, in the weeks that followed, all that was streaming was the videos of Jiminie getting fucked. Some made it look like hentai porn while others just straight up created the worst deep fakes that seemed so real. It was like everyone suddenly was motivated and had a lot of talent, not to mention the fact that they had finally found a place to channel it all. Their deepest and darkest desires of their effeminate idol. 

It was cruel of Min Yoongi to do that, but then he hadn't forced the hands of anyone to do what they had been doing.

The responses were perfect, and the views were honestly breathtaking because then they learned how pretty Jiminie had been. He was the real definition of beauty, poor Jiminie. The deep fakes were perfect and could easily pass for Jiminie. They were all curious to see how Yoongi fucked Jiminie on a live stream. They had bought the necessary items for their masturbation while some had promised they would fuck each other in the way that Yoongi fucked Jiminie. They were feral with a desire to make things happen. They wanted to be chosen by Yoongi, and so they kept sending their submissions.

However, none of them got Yoongi's approval. It was like Min Yoongi had suddenly forgotten about the dare he had made in front of the world. He never acted when people called him a coward anonymously, and he wasn't even the least bit bothered because none of them had any guts to face him directly. After all, he was Min Yoongi, the man without a soul and the man who found himself in the middle of a boy group that preached healing. Funny how that worked out for him and his friends despite their successful careers. 

He had tried to be a good person and focus on his career but then he had been broken by the friends in the company. Jiminie had endured what many people would never have endured. He had a stone mind and he had faced the kinds of shit that the world in itself couldn't have survived no matter how simple Jiminie made it all seem. Jiminie was strong.

However, when Jiminie suddenly disappeared, things began raising questions.

For six whole months, no one saw Jiminie outside or even anywhere for that matter. Not even his bandmates. 

Hell, not even Yoongi had seen Jiminie. 

No one knew where he was ever since they had come home from the press conference. There had been no letters talking of what had happened to him or even where he had gone. No one could track him, not even Yoongi and his powerful connections. The group was forced to announce that Jiminie had gone into a hiatus, even though the people still wanted to see Jiminie. There were questions about what had possibly happened to the prettiest effeminate boy, but no one ever really had the answer to that. No one knew where he was and some lives had never been the same. 

Especially Yoongi's.

That evening six months ago, when the boys had taken turns fucking Jiminie, even letting the bodyguards fuck the boy, they had left him on his bed bruised and bleeding because of how roughly he had been fucked. His pussy had been fucked up so badly that anyone who could have seen Jiminie that night, could have assumed that he had been dead for days. His lips were busted, his hands were carved, his entire body was marked by so many people that Jiminie was hard to identify. It was a cruel thing that had happened to him. But then that never bothered anyone. 

At least that night the entire apartment block had had their fun. 

Each time Jiminie let out a groan, they would pump him with drugs that forced him to sleep. They had placed him on chairs and taken turns fucking him. They had torn his ass, his cunt and his mouth. Hell, they had even cum in his ears as if they were determined to fill up every hole that Jiminie had. No one had been left behind that evening and the fact that Yoongi had been fucking him along with them too wasn't supposed to be surprising, but it was. Because this was the same Min Yoongi who had sworn no one would ever fuck his Jiminie. But maybe his Jiminie hadn't really been his Jiminie, right?

Jiminie had woken up hours later and found himself a shell of what he had once been, he was beaten and bruised. He was fucked and filled. He was hurt and none of them had bothered to take care of him. There were endless used condoms on the bed he slept in, while his body was dripping with different weights of cum and slick. He had just been a body for them to fuck, a toy for them to play with as they saw fit. That night, Jiminie couldn't sleep. He didn't have the ability to sleep even if he wanted to, his body was numb, his heart was shattered and everything believed in was gone. 

He had been sure he could do this, and endure everything, but they had broken him finally. They had turned their backs on him, and reduced him to nothingness. They had called him a lot of names that he wanted to die. He wanted to take his own life right there and then, but he couldn't even lift a finger and clean himself up. 

It was like he was in a sea of things that he would always drown in, something that he would never be able to rise out of. So Jiminie did the one thing he had promised himself he would never do no matter how bad things got for him. He made the tough call and pressed the button on his watch. He wasn't sure it would work given he had never kept in contact with the person who had given that to him, but he had to try. 

If he couldn't kill himself, then maybe someone else could do it for him. 

Maybe someone would come for him, right?

"Set me free… Please, Hyung," Jiminie whispered sadly after pressing the button as he waited for his fate. 

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