
Chapter 52

☆ ☆ Beta Darius ☆ ☆

I devoured my sausage pizza quickly. I was sure the other half of the split pizza she had gotten was intended for me, but I couldn't eat another bite. Morgana, herself, could only manage to eat a slice and a half of her Caroline pizza. To say the pizzas were massive would have been an understatement. 

While we waited for the sun to set and James to show up, we sipped on our drinks and played 20 questions. We were already mated, but this allowed us to get to know each other better, and it was a great way to pass the time. Morgana went first, "What's it like living with Ulfric Draven?" I responded, "You'll like the pack, and the house is pretty nice, not as nice as the Biltmore, but you get the idea." 

I figured she asked because she was nervous about having to move once this situation was resolved. I continued, "The Alpha isn't bad to work with or to live under; he's more serious than me, though." I let out a soft chuckle, reminiscing on my and my brother's childhood. 

She nodded and nervously wiped her hands on her pants. " It's your turn.", she said. "What's your favorite color?", I asked. She smiled, "To wear or in general?" I chuckled, "Both." She responded, "I love the color purple, but I like to wear cool gray colors; they bring out my eyes." 

I nodded, "So, amethyst?" She laughed, "It's my turn now." I threw up my hands in defense, "Alright, alright." She continued, "What's your favorite color?" I replied, "It changed recently; now my favorite color is the color of your eyes." Morg blushed at my remark, "Arent you sweet." I retorted, "Nah, just honest."

"I bet you wooed the pants off all the pack members back home." I paused, "What about me gives you that impression?" Morg looked shocked by my question, and I noticed I unintentionally made her feel bad about her remark.

She responded as she looked away, "I don't know, you are just so handsome and a silver-tongued fox. I would totally understand if there were others that you had fun with before claiming me." She paused, "Almost all the single members in my pack do that."

I laughed at her comment, "I hope you weren't one of them, and you'll understand why I could never sleep around once you've met my brother." Her eyes seemed to sparkle at my statement; she said, "I've waited for the moon goddess to bless me with my mate. Honestly, for a long time, I didn't think it would happen, so I just filled my loneliness with Beta duties." 

I let out a relieved chuckle, "Alpha Draven is very old school. None of our pack members would even attempt to fool around. He's been with his Luna for six years, and I get a new niece or nephew every year and a half or so."

I checked my watch and asked, "Whose turn is it?" Morg laughed, saying, "I'm not sure either, but you go ahead." I asked, "What's it like being a twin?" Morg's eyes saddened. "I've always had my sister in my life; I'm not sure what it will be like without her in it." I held her hand, "She's not going to be completely omitted."

She sighed, "I know that, but we've been together since utero. It will be weird not having her within walking distance." I hugged her tightly as we peered out the back window, "It'll be okay, mate. I can talk to Alpha Darius about me transferring to your pack instead of vice versa."

Morg snuggled into me. "He would never allow that. Ulfric Draven is the most powerful werewolf in the Northeast; he won't lose his Beta to a lesser pack." I sighed, knowing in my core that she was right. I whispered, "I'm sorry, mate."

Morgana sat quietly, and I was unsure if she was contemplating her future or her next question. I asked, "Would you have rejected me if it meant you could stay with your sister?" Morg looked hurt by my question. "Never in a million years.", she responded. 

We sat in silence for a while. I rechecked my watch; it was barely 9:00 p.m., and I could tell this would be a long night. "Do you know any card games?", I asked. She responded, "Euchre, but you need four people to play; aside from that, I know solitaire, but that wouldn't be fun for the two of us."

After a brief pause, she added, "Well, and kids' games, like Slapjack, Go Fish, and Old Maid." "Hmm.", I pondered, "I haven't played Go Fish in a long time." Morg grabbed the cards we bought earlier and asked, "One deck or two?" "Just one for now. Do you want to match color and number or face?" 

She began shuffling the deck after she pulled the jokers out and responded, "That's fine." She dealt us each seven cards, placed the rest of the deck face down between us, lifted her hand, and sorted her cards. I also looked at my cards before asking, "Black five?"

She smiled devilishly, "Go fish." I drew one card and added it to my hand. Morgana asked, "Red two?" I shook my head, "Go fish." We continued back and forth, taking turns watching the door for James to arrive. 

"Red queen?", I asked on my next turn, and Morgana begrudgingly handed one over. I matched them, set them to the side, and took another turn. Morgana nudged me, and I looked up at the entrance. I cracked the side window but couldn't smell the rotting stench most vampires gave off. 

"I don't think that's him.", I said, and I checked my watch; a mere fifteen minutes had passed, and the nurse had mentioned earlier that he tends to show up pretty late. We waited a minute longer and saw a nurse meet him. They embraced, and it looked like her significant other was picking her up at the end of her shift.

We returned to our card game, leaving the window cracked. Werewolves tended to run warm, and we were unbothered by the cool air. I won the first round of Go Fish, and then Morg completely destroyed me in the next two. 

I checked my watch again; it was 9:30, and the clock seemed to tick more slowly; on the other hand, my bladder had doubled in size, and I needed to use the bathroom. I told Morg I would be right back and left the SUV quickly to relieve the building pressure. 

I found the guest bathrooms on the first floor, used those, and returned to the car. No scents were abnormal during the walk back, so I knew he still hadn't arrived. I climbed back into the car, and Morgana was eating some of the snacks we had purchased at the grocery store.

"Hungry already?", I asked. She responded, "No, just bored. I didn't imagine this was how we would spend our evening." I chuckled, "Well, you can blame your keen sense of smell for that." She rolled her beautiful icy blue eyes and took another bite of peppered beef jerky. 

A long sigh fell from her lips, and she said, "Well, if we can bring her back and stop the war altogether, that would be pretty beneficial." I nodded in agreement, "True, and then I wouldn't have to worry about you, and we could spend more time in bed." 

She chuckled at my comment. I acted shocked, "Are you saying you don't want to be naked in bed with me right now?" Before she had time to answer, I ran my tongue over her mark and gently grazed my teeth across the bite. She quivered, and I whispered, "I want nothing more than to plunge deep inside you right now."

She looked at me with sultry eyes and breathlessly said, "We have to focus." I knew she was right, so I stopped teasing her and focused on the stakeout, stealing a bite of jerky for myself. I wished this vampire would hurry up. 

Morgana needed to use the facilities now, and I told her where they were. She left the car after giving me a peck on the cheek. I admired her tight ass as she walked away and then scanned the lot for James. My wish came true, but it was at an inopportune time. 

I smelled him first as he walked from the tree-lined area, and I hoped he wouldn't notice as Morgana walked back to the car. Just in case, I readied myself by the door. I would protect her at all costs. He was more slender with his build but still muscular and had at least another inch on me height-wise. 

He had sandy blonde hair and unmistakable glowing red eyes. He smelled like the office where we estimated Sylas spent his time, but that couldn't be right; from our intel, the vampire Kara was to complete the blood bond with was newly made, and the one that had been in the office was at least a century old.

I held my breath as he entered the trauma wing; he would be foolish to act out in front of civilians, a cardinal sin for all mythical creatures. Young vampires tended to be rash and unpredictable, though; that's why so few make it.

The wait was unbearable; not knowing what was happening in the lobby worsened it. I knew Morgana was strong, and as a Beta, she should be able to handle a fledgling vampire easily. I just had to trust in her capabilities. Finally, a figure emerged from the building. 



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