
Chapter 4

The air whooshed around me, causing my hair to move as a blur sped by. The man standing next to the vampire I was sitting with said, "She's perfect father, just like you described." My future husband was standing a few feet in front of me as I gazed in his direction, my mouth agape. He combed his hair back with his fingers and adjusted his suit jacket. I smug grin escaped his mouth. 

He was tall but slender, with sandy blonde hair and piercing red eyes. His face was chiseled, and his jawline seemed as though it could cut through stone with ease. He didn't immediately smell like death to me either, which I found unsettling. All vampires that we had encountered throughout the years had always smelt of decay.

"Forgive my son's manners.", the older vampire hissed. Looking back at him while closing my mouth, I noticed that the two bore no familial resemblance.

"I'm sorry, Kara. Was it? I'm James.", he said coolly as he held his hand out. My eyes traced his arm back up to his face, his fangs barely protruding from his lips, his eyes still glowing red. Making the best of my new situation, I acted agreeably, though deep down, I was terrified.

"It's nice to meet you, James.", I stumbled over my words. "Don't worry; he's still very attached to his human tendencies", said his father. "I was only made a vampire a short time ago.", James stated. Did that mean that the man he called father was actually his maker? Is that why he didn't smell of rotting yet?

"The entire wedding thing was his idea.", his sire stated. "Do you like your dress?", James asked eagerly. "Yes, it's something that I, myself, would have chosen.", I said shyly. "Thank you for the beautiful gift.", I couldn't contain the slight blushing on my cheeks.

James glanced over toward his father and raised his brows as if to say I told you so. His sire rolled his eyes and placed his head on his hand indignantly. "Are you ready, Kara?", James asked, looking back in my direction. Knowing that I really had no say in the matter, I just nodded my head in agreement.

"A magistrate will be here soon to perform the ceremony.", he said smoothly, "Do you have any questions?" I paused for a moment and replied, "Why me?" His father cleared his throat. James bowed his head respectfully, "I can't tell you exactly, just know that you, specifically, have been sought out for a long time."

I had just turned eighteen. I was the daughter of an alpha, but I was treated poorly, it's not like I had any value. How long had they really been searching for me? "What kind of deal did my dad make you?", I asked next. After a long pause, his father chimed in, "He didn't have much to say about the matter. We promised not to attack your dwindling pack and gave him $100,000 for his troubles."

Perhaps my dad didn't hate me as much as I thought, maybe protecting the pack from vampires was a sacrifice that he had to make, I just happened to be the pawn. Of course, I wouldn't want anything to happen to Layla, I hated the thought of seeing her or any of them suffer despite their treatment of me.

I went to ask another question but was interrupted by the opening of the front door. I assumed the new gentleman walking in was the magistrate. "I'm sorry I'm late.", his voice was gruff and out of breath, "Where's the happy couple?"

James stepped forward, pulling my hand and forcing me to follow in his footsteps. "I understand that you have a set of different vows you wanted me to read from.", the magistrate stated inquisitively. "Yes.", James said as he produced a folded piece of paper from his jacket pocket. The magistrate cleared his throat, "And the rings?" James handed me a simple gold ring as he nodded his head in the magistrate's direction. 

The magistrate began, "We are gathered here today to witness the lifelong commitment between these two individuals. Now, if you two will repeat after me, I'll recite the vows provided."

"You are blood of my blood, and bone of my bone

I give you my body, that we two might be one

I give you my soul, till my life shall be done

We shall possess each other for all eternity

Compelled by the moon's glow to do what must be done

I shall shield you from all grievousness in the world

With these rings, I promise all of this to you"

We recited these vows line by line in unison. Staring deeply into each other's eyes, our souls reflected comfort toward the other. The lines were beautiful and thoughtful. I believed them as we slipped the rings onto each other's fingers.

Instead of kissing me, James lifted my left hand toward his mouth. He pricked my thumb with his fang, and my eyes widened as he did the same thing to himself. Then he pressed our thumbs together, mixing our blood. A tingling sensation filled my body, stemming from my thumb coursing through my veins with each beat of my heart.

The magistrate took a step back, he was met by the sire who abruptly walked him out of the building. He was thanked for his discretion and handed a stack of banded bills. 

The tingling sensation didn't take long to turn into a burning one, and panic spread across my face. I collapsed into myself, curling up into a ball, a feeble attempt to comfort and shield myself from what was about to happen. James placed his hand on my shoulder empathetically, "It will be over soon."

That was a fucking lie. The agitation was increasingly more painful as time passed. I wished my heart would stop beating so that this suffering would cease. My entire body was ablaze; my head felt like it was going to erupt each time my heart pulsed, and my eyes wept uncontrollably. I couldn't speak or think; I could only focus on the agony I was feeling.

James said, "Let's get her into the car." Before I knew it, he was scooping me up into his arms; he was much stronger than I had imagined. He opened the door with a kick, the frigid night air shocked my overloaded system and I blacked out.

I awoke in the back of a vehicle with my head lying on James' lap as he gently stroked my head, I could hear him muttering, "You're going to be okay." My fever had drenched my wedding dress and his lap in sweat.

The pain had subsided significantly; that, or maybe, my body was adjusting to it now. "Welcome back.", he said warmly. I sat upright, blinking my eyes, needing them to adjust. It was as if I was staring into a bright light despite it being nighttime. My vision returned to normal a few moments later, and I peered out the window, surrounded by a thick forest.

The car was driven slowly on the winding road. "We'll be home soon.", James answered my question before I could even ask. He and his father had an uncanny ability to read my mind. I stared out the window for a while longer before pulling up in front of a castle.

I blinked my eyes rapidly in disbelief. "Is this real?", I asked. James let out a chuckle, "Didn't expect this to be your new home, did you?" I pinched myself, "Is this really where you live?" James corrected me, "This is where we live." 

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