

The news spread like wildfire.

And sooner than later, someone would have to inform Lucius about the demise of his wife.

Meanwhile, in Pascal Estate, Lucius was relaxing on the couch and reading through the paper, when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Open the door, Nicholas!"

And he did. Standing outside was the Police Captain, with a stern look on his face and his hands behind his back.

"Good morning." He said. "May I speak to Mr. Pascal?"

"Uhh...Luke? The cops are here."

"The police? What happened, captain?" Lucius asked while he made his way to the door.

"There was an... altercation outside the market earlier today. There was one fatality."

"That's awful! But what does that have to do with me?"

"Your wife was identified as the victim. She tried to defend someone from an officer who shot and killed her in response."

Lucius was in shock. Just two hours earlier everything was just fine, and now his wife was announced dead.

"What?" He asked again.

The Captain awkwardly stood there, unsure of what to say.

"Do you have this man in custody?"

"Not yet, sir. But we have identified him and will pursue him."

Everyone remained silent. When suddenly, a new voice spoke.

"Oh yeah! Cause you are so trustworthy!" Renée had heard everything. "Aren't you the captain? Can't you tell when someone is unstable? What, does the police force consist of psychopaths with guns? Are you gonna send the rest of the psychos to start murdering people on the street?"

"I am trying the best I can to control-"

"Well you aren't trying hard enough, buddy!" She lifted a newspaper from a week ago. "This isn't even the first time this month someone has died to one of your boys, captain. Heck, for all we know, it could be the same guy! Get out of our house, you rowdy excuse of an authority figure!"

Renée slammed the door on the captain's face, probably breaking his nose in the process. She then saw him walking away with his head hanging low.

"This was the last straw, pops! I don't care what you say, I'm finding the Six and I'm going to join the rebellion. I'm sick of all these murders running wild with a gun because "the king has given me the right". To hell with the king!!" Renée announced to her father.

"No, you're right. The rebellion needs our resources. I will avenge Esther or I'll die trying."

"I don't think that's a correct course of action, sir." Nick spoke after being silent this whole time.

Lucius pulled him aside.

"I don't CARE what you think, my wife just died!"

"I've been assigned to protect and I'm doing just that!"

"Listen here, boy. My life's ran it's course. I'm almost sixty years old, and I don't have much time. So I am altering your task. From now on and until you die, you will protect my daughters. Renée especially. She'll need someone when she learns. If you fail, I'll haunt you in your sleep, do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Stay here and guard the house while I'm away. Try to break it down to Jesse. Renée come with me."

Lucius and her daughter went upstairs to the attic. There, Lucius dusted off an old chest and opened it.

"This is my sword, Renée. I used it in the old rebellion. It's made of pure iron. And if you're going to fight, I want you to have it."

Renée picked up and examined the sword. It was roughly the length of an arm, and had a bronze handle with a purple gem stuck to it's sides. It was light, yet heavy at the same time.

"But what will you fight with?"

"A shotgun has never failed me before! Now, we are going to meet the rebels."


The Six and Robert Johnson had been trying to come up with a plan using their limited resources, but to no avail. No matter what they thought, they were tight on money.

But then, a knock on the door sounded through the room. It was loud and angry.

"Oh what? Sandstorm, did someone follow you?" Leo asked Robert.

"Nobody did." He replied.

"Vigilante! Get the door!"

Tom got up, and looked through the slider on the door

"Open the door now, Mr. Parp."

Seeing as it was someone who knew his identity, Tom obliged, and Lucia Pascal and his daughter walked into the hideout.

"Lucius? What are you doing here?" Robert asked.

"My wife was murdered by a police officer today. I know what you're planning. I want in. All my resources are now in your disposal."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Lucius."

"But, your resources practically guarantee the operation happens. Thank you for coming to our aid." Leo told his old friend.

"Why'd you bring 'er then, Lucy?" AJ asked, refering to Renée.

"I'm here to fight, you imbecile! And I will wether you like it or not!"

"Aren't ya a little too young fer war, lassie?"

Renée raised her sword, pointing towards AJ.

"I wasn't asking for permission."

"Oi oi calm down! The more the merrier..."

"Calm down everyone. We need to come up with a plan. Right now we have a shortage of guns, and a shortage for guys. Any ideas on how to get them?" Leo asked.

"There are various circles of anti-monarchs." Said Anthony. "We should be able to recruit at least a couple through word of mouth. We shouldn't put up posters or anything."

"Great idea. Anyone else?"

"I know there are some of the old revolutionaries still alive. I can try to recruit them, since we'll need some experience."

"Great! So the two of you are in recruitment. Tom, I want you to set up a camp somewhere in the outskirts of town, where all these people with gather. I want you to approve who can be trusted and who can't. Can you do that?"

"Yes, Chief!"

"What about the guns?" Leo asked again.

"Banner can write down the logistics, and I know all about our stockpile , but what we have won't be enough." AJ told him.

"I have connections from outside the country. Some of these people are leaders from around Europe, mostly enemies of the king." Lucius said. "We can buy guns from them with a discount."

"And I can lead a small taskforce to go steal some guns from the Austrians!" O'Lop announced.

"That should be everything. Renée, you should stay behind with me and train. I'm guessing you haven't used a blade before." Leo told her.

"Good idea." She replied.

"Alright that settles it! Everyone, the sooner we get done with this, the sooner we can free ourselves from this turrany. So let's do this!" Leo told everyone and raised his fist up in the air.

Everyone let out a battle cry and also raised their fists up.

The revolution had now truly began.

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