

He never liked the King, but he had accepted he was too old to do anything about it. Kane's campaign changed that.

Robert Johnson, over 50 years old at this point, was more determined than ever to fight. But he knew he wasn't going to manage on his own. But he knew exactly where to look for allies.

He took his jacket, his walking stick and his hat, waved goodbye to his son who was reading a book in the living room and began walking to his old friend Lucius's house.

Unlike Robert, Lucius was very wealthy, a member of the high class in Sowei City. His house reflected that, standing atop a hill with an elegant rock path paving the way to the front entrance.

Knock, knock.

Lucius Pascal opens the door. Relatively old himself, wearing silk robes and a smile on his face.

"Ah Rob! How nice of you to drop by. Will you come inside? The wife made coffee." He asked his friend.

"I'm only here for a chat. And I think you know what it's about."

"I don't. Please, go ahead."

"Look with your funding we can put together a small taskforce and maybe try to 'talk' to the King. You read the papers right? He's coming to his backup castle soon!"

"Robert we've gone through this. The risk is too big! We aren't young anymore, we can't do this stuff."

"Here he goes again..."

"No dude, I'm serious. Forget it. We're grown men with families. We can't do reckless things like this anymore."

"I'm trying to help my family! This is an issue that needs to be solved now! To protect our kids, and their kids and whoever else!"

"The old rebellion is over Rob. We're not Sandstorm and Firecracker anymore."

It stung. But it was the truth. Neither of them were in any shape to fight.

"But, while I can't help ya, I do know someone who just might be what you need-"

"Really? Where is he?"

"But only if you stay for dinner."

"Okay, you win. I'll stay. What's for dinner?"


"Alright everyone, in and out. We get the prisoners and we skedaddle."

Standing outside an Austrian holding center were 6 men, armed and ready to head inside and free the prisoners, unlawfully captured. Leading them was Leo Vrettos, AKA Chief, welding two broadswords.

"Uhm...You sure about this Buckethead?" Chief spoke again, referring to Achilleas O'Lop, welding a hammer of some kind he found lying around his house last week.

"Of course dude! It's a magic hammer contraption thingy! Nothing can possibly go wrong."

"Whatever you say. Outback! Get the explosives ready. Foresight, you think you can take out that guard the moment the wall breaks?"

"Got it, mate!" Said, Outback, while Foresight just gave a thumbs up and loaded his rifle.

Outback is AJ Melan, an Australian gentleman and demolitions expert, and Foresight, is Emmanuel Banner, the team's weapons expert.

"Vigilante, load your distraction arrows."

"Yes, sir." Said Tom Parp, AKA Vigilante, while loading his trusty bow.

"And you..." Chief turned to face the final member of the team, Pipsqueak. "Just stay out here and ready the escape vehicle." He finally said.

"Alright...but are you sure I can't just talk to them?" Pipsqueak was Anthony Roufail, the team's diplomat. He didn't exactly have much combat prowess.

"Pipsqueak, they're Austrian jailers. You can't talk them out of it."

"Yeah Pipsqueak, you need to beat them out of it!" Outback piped up from behind.

"Can't we find a new nickname for me? This is degrading..."

"Quit complaining, Chief ain't a great nickname either. Besides, you're still a valuable member of this task force. You're very useful!" Chief tried comforting his teammate.

"Well, most of the time. Anyway let's roll!"

When Chief's signal went off, so did the explosives. Vigilante shot a distraction arrow, making the guards turn away, and they then were promptly shot by Foresight. Then they went in. This was a small facility, so they're weren't many guards. The ones that were there were other hit by a hammer, shot or stabbed by a broadsword.

"Alright we're here." Chief said as they reached the holding cells. "Outback, pick the lock, everyone else watch his back. Vigilante and Foresight should probably get some highground."

The two grappled to the ceiling, and helped the others fend off the incoming waves of guards. Outback had broken all the locks by the time the last of the guards were down for the count.

Once all the prisoners were freed, they blew another hole in the wall and climbed onto the semi truck Pipsqueak had brought. The hostages were taken to a safe location, and it was time for the heroes to return to their secret base of operations.

"I have to say everyone, that was a resounding success!" Chief praised his team.

"You know it! But I'm hungry now..." Said Buckethead.

"There's food inside, just wait for me to open the damn door."

Once inside, they saw a man lounging on Leo's desk, drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey there kids. You're "The Six" right?" He asked.

They had all raised their weapons.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of this visit?" Leo started interrogating the man.

"And how'd ya even get in?" Asked AJ. "I've  lived here for 2 years and I don't even know how to open the door."

"I'll answer everything in due time. For now all you need to know is that I'm Robert Johnson, and I have an offer you can't refuse."

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