
6.) Freedom

An: gonna write till I can't today. Hope you enjoy.


Canadian border, Lance Pov

"Woohooo," I yell out into the Forrest moving in a blur. After seeing myself in the puddle I decided to start now on getting things figured out.

I come to a stop on a cliff overlooking the ocean and breathe in the sea air. Everything is so much more vivid now. Colors are brighter, sounds are louder. It's all fascinating.

One thing that isn't so fun is this constant hunger though. It's like being thirsty. A dry throat that feels like swallowing razors.

I've also noticed I'm still fleshy unlike the vampires of this world which have a consistency similar to diamonds. 'Must be the werewolf in me,' I think before sitting down.

I pull out a joint I snagged from one of the people I passed in the Forrest. A couple out here camping with far too much to indulge themselves with. What's a few doobies?

As I light up and begin the inhale exhale motion I find myself becoming less and less tense. I hadn't even known it. But apparently this little green plant helped me become level headed.

I began thinking about the world around me. Now I'm immortal, which feels weird. Very weird. I also think back to my transformation but it's all blank. I'll need to work on that soon too. A form like that is a veritable tank in a world such as this so gaining completely autonomy over the shift will help immensely in future situations.

As I get to the last half of the joint the unknown cullen pops into my head. Sophia. I knew her presence most likely coincides with me being here, something I don't like at all.

The idea that you're tethered to someone and such a thing is out of your control troubles me greatly. I saw what it did to everyone in this world. The crazy redhead who made an army to get revenge. Bella and when she got to like 60-75 lbs when the cullens left in the second movie.

However, even if I didn't like it, the idea that I wouldn't see her again felt wrong. I knew this was the bond working against me but I had no control over it. I decided to call the school and inform them I had the flu and I'd be back by the end of the week.

Right now I don't want to focus on the cullens or the Quileute or the volturi, I want to enjoy this freedom.


Sophia Pov

He didn't come to school today. A part of me was happy that I was able to go through a day without Lance steel making me more edgy and Edward reading my mind. My brother had gone to Alaska to run away from the girl, Bella. I would do no such thing. I'd face the boy head on.

But when he wasn't here all that shattered. I began thinking back on Alice's words about the bond breaking and it filled me with a fear I'd long forgotten.

All of that lead me to his house. A beautiful modern home much like my own. I slowly approach the door and knock a few times awaiting an answer while trying to come up with ideas on why and how I was here.

I didn't know to be honest. I just didn't want what Alice said to come true. And if there's anyone I'll listen to about such things it's Alice. She does, Afterall, see the future.

After a few minutes of nothing I think he may be alseep. Thinking on my feet I go check the garage window and see his motorcycle isn't inside. 'So he isn't here?' I think to myself.

Just as I begin to try and come up with a plan on how to find him I hear the motorcycle coming up the street. I quickly blur into the tree line and wait.

It only takes a minute or so before I see the black bike and it's rider come up the driveway towards the garage. Lance gets off, opens the garage door, and slowly rolls the bike in before kicking the stand down and parking it.

He takes off the helmet and throws it atop the handlebars while he spins the keys and walks in the door, closing the garage as he does.

I wait a few minutes trying to get my nerve up again before deciding to do this the normal way, not just showing up miles outside of town dressed like a doll and with no means of transportation.


After running home and taking one of the suvs we have i make my way back toward lance's house until I spot him in town heading toward a diner.

He goes in and I decided this was the perfect excuse right? Just running into eachother in the extremely small town we live in?

A smile breaks out on my face before I ruthlessly remove it. Time to see what all this mate voodoo is about.


Lance Pov

As I return home from the woods and take a shower I decide to eat. I don't feel like cooking nor do I feel like eating an animal. I'll just see if I can still injest human food.

I drive through town and only now looking for food do I understand how small it is. The only thing I recognize as food is the diner. I park and head inside. The cute young waitress asks me what I'll have.

"Just a cup of water and a steak rare please." I say with a smile. She blushes and goes to respond when the bell on the door rings and I feel that dangerous look directed at me again.

I don't turn though. Better to keep this thing I have with Sophia at a distance.

This comes crashing down when she pulls the seat in front of me and sits down. The waitress looks confused at her entrance and Sophia gives her what I can only describe as a death glare.

"Just get her a cup of water please," I say and smile at the scared young girl who giggles and leaves. I turn my attention back to the murderous looking doll in front of me and speak.

"Hello? I'm Lance. That's usually what someone says when they interrupt others dinner."

She looks at me and sighs. She speaks softly, "Hello, I'm Sophia. I saw you come in here and didn't see you at school. I was wonderig how you were doing after yesterday."

I nod while speaking myself, in truth I'd just gotten out of a relationship in my mind. One where I'd been cheated on. Such a thing doesn't just blow over no matter how beautiful the girl in front of me may be.

"So you thought you'd check up on me after I was sick yesterday. I appreciate it. It was just a stomach bug though. Nothing to be concerned about." I say trying to stay polite.

I decide to ask her a question, "would you like something to eat? I can ask the waitress when she returns." On cue said waitress comes back carrying the water.

As she sets it down I exclaimed, "Ah thank you. My throat is killing me. Now, did you want something Sophia?"

She just shakes her head no, oh well. I knew she didn't want anything you you gotta ask right? I turn back to the waitress, "I appreciate the water. But my friend here won't be needing anything else."

She smiles at me and returns to check on my steak. Sophia doesn't look happy with me. But hell what am I supposed to do to communicate with her, Sign language?

I question her, "is there a reason I feel like you're looking at me as if you want to kill me?"

She clenched her teeth and shook her head. Her black eyes tell a different story though. "Please Sophia Cullen, while you may be a beautiful view to have while I eat dinner, conversation is a necessity. Why don't you tell me about what you like to do?"

She seems to relax a little. Good. Don't need her trying to hurt me or some innocent waitress. "I like to read." I sigh at her. This girl has no social skills.

"Read what exactly? Fantasy? Horror? Romance? What's your jam?"

"I enjoy reading political intrigue fantasies. There's this one about a princess who's throne was taken from her family beacuse her father was an evil man. Her brother had a son that nobody knew about though because his uncle lied to everyone and….." she pretty much explained the game of thrones to me from my previous life.

While she was speaking animatedly I revived my meal and began to eat while watching her light up speaking about one of my own personal favorite books. I hadn't seen that in this life so this was cool if I found a timeline where GRRM actually finished the books.

"Are you talking about game of thrones?" I ask her only to see her freeze. Gotcha. This may not be so bad after all.


Sophia Pov

I realize I've been rambling when Lance asks a question, "are you talking about game of thrones?"

I freeze. He knows it? "Yes I am."

I see him smile that stunning smile he's shown to every other female sans myself before he replies, "it's one of my personal favorites. Really wish a tv show was made about it."

That idea is Genius. I hadn't even thought about that. I quickly began questioning him, "who's your favorite character. Favorite house. Favorite region?"

He replies instantly, an almost canine smirk on his face, "Winter is coming."

I laugh, a true laugh that I use only around my sisters. Something inside me begins to break. I feel free. Truly free.

We began walking out as he paid for the meal he just had and when we get outside he sticks his hand out for me to shake.

"Truly a pleasure to meet you Sophia Cullen. Though fire and blood will always lose to winter. For winter cares not about what land you claim dominion over. It's always cold. Always unforgiving." He says with a dark, over exaggerated voice.

I giggled and take his hand. As soon as they meet sparks explode up my arm. I almost throw my hand back in shock but manage to hold on while Lance leaned down and kissed her ice cold skin.

"I'll see you soon." I say to him as I watch him mount the bike and speed off towards his house.

I return to mine and am immediately dragged upstairs by esme, Rosalie, and Alice.

Alice squeals, "I saw you two on your date. How was it?"

Even if I wanted to I couldn't hide my smile, something they all notice, "It was incredible. We basically talked about books. It seems he's an avid reader himself."

Rosalie, the most similar to me takes my hand. For she knows what it's like to be harmed even worse than me. "I'm happy for you Soph. He better pass my test."

We all laugh and I feel lighter than I ever have. The rose colored glasses of the world fell perfectly onto my face. The probably wouldn't stay on, but for now I'm content to ride the wave.

That, I think Is true freedom.


An: hey guys. A little more insight to Sophia's way of thinking. Much like Edward, a broody pants. She'll get better soon but it'll take some time. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Appreciate the support.

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