
Section 63 - Ultra-Low Altitude Breakthrough

"Squadron Leader Chekhov, I expect an explanation when you return!"

Manager Hanna's tone was still as icy as ever, like a sharp blade pressed against one's throat, raising hairs in fright.

Deputy Squadron Leader "Devil Pepper" Irinei Rusios's words had no effect whatsoever.

Hanna Gagel was from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and when they take someone, it's usually conclusive; to not provoke others is already a blessing. Now, someone had bumped right into the muzzle of the gun. If she didn't react, who would?

All the efforts of the "Genuine Fragrance" Squadron's pilots to brainstorm meticulously tailored responses from A to Z had been in vain, not giving the new executive manager any chance to find fault.

But despite all precautions, they hadn't anticipated their own squadron leader stepping forward to be a sacrificial lamb.

Now that was it, blabbering nonsense. The carefully constructed defense lines were instantly breached, gravely offending the new manager.

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