
Chapter 21 Moving Forward

About the accident during the game against the Clippers in October 1985, rumors abounded that it was Gan Guoyang's way of taking revenge for Walton, because after Walton's return to the Trail Blazers, he still faced Sterling's relentless lawsuits, which were Sterling's greedy means of squeezing profits.

Moreover, Sterling had moved the Clippers from San Diego to Los Angeles, making San Diego native Walton feel very guilty. In short, this notorious owner had alienated many players, with Walton being just one of them.

However, Ah Gan denied these kinds of rumors, stating in the post-game press conference that he had simply slipped. He said, "I never hit people, I just play an aggressive game," and in the end, it wasn't Ah Gan who knocked down Sterling, but Melvin Turpin.

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