
Chapter 241 Something big is going to happen [Edited]

Hermione stopped trying to break the cage. Once she stopped trying, she heard Salem no more.

Tsunade looked at Hermione and wondered why she didn't try to break the cage.

"Salem contacted me earlier through the grimm."


Tsunade was surprised. She had never been contacted by Salem before when experimenting on the grimm. She wondered why that was.

"She said to me that If I break the cage that contains the souls the grimm consumed, the brother gods will descend to this world once again and wipe out humanity."

"That's not good. No, that's the worst."

The two went silent and tried to think of what would happen if the brother gods descended into this world. They were strong, but not to the point where they could stand against the gods.

"I need to tell Sol about this."

Tsunade nodded to Hermione.

"You do that, I will go do something with the white fangs first. And I will do some research about Salem and the brother gods."

"If you want to do some research about them, I think you should ask the old wizard about it. He is the only one who knows more about them."

The two then separated and went to do what they needed to do.

In the land of darkness.

Salem was now trying to breathe. The cage was connected to her being. It was like something was trying to break her soul.

All the souls that Grimm had consumed were inside her, breaking the cage like that would only make her suffer, but she couldn't die even if the cage was destroyed. She will still exist to suffer the soul rending pain.

The cage was also connected to the god of darkness. He would know immediately when the cage was broken, and he might return to check on it. During the process, he might have thought that there was no point in leaving humanity to live on.

To them, humanity was their greatest failure.

She didn't care much about whether the god of darkness would wipe out humanity or not. What concerned her was that he might not kill her and let her be tormented by the darkness for eternity. 

She can't let that happen. She will fight back until the very end.

'I can't let them come before I am strong enough to fight them.'

She gritted her teeth. In order to do that, she needed to break the mortal shackle, but no matter what she did, she couldn't.

'Do I have to meet with them? But I want to destroy them too. So frustrating.'

Salem wanted to go and meet with the gods and goddesses. She wanted to know how they could break the mortal shackle even though their divinity had not awakened yet.

Sullivan was now enjoying the tournaments. There's nothing wrong with anything. He had prevented Cinder from making a mess, so the fall of the beacon event didn't occur.

Talking about Cinder. She seemed to be obedient, unlike before. She didn't do anything or say anything bad to him before, but he knew that her desire was to kill him and everyone else, but now her desire was something that he didn't know.

'What's inside her head? I don't know and I don't want to know either.'

He sighed, This world might become more dangerous if he didn't pay attention to it enough.

And when he was thinking about things that might have happened because of the butterfly effect, He got a message from Hermione.

Hermione: Sol, I have something very important to tell you. Can you come to the office?

Sullivan: Okay, I will be there in a sec.

Sullivan knew something big was going to happen due to the butterfly effect. And he bet that something big was related to what Hermione was going to tell him.

'I really hate my luck sometimes. Please don't let what I think will be right.'

Sullivan knew not to doubt his luck. And when he thought like that it would always be true.

Sullivan told Ruby and Yang to take care of Ai for him a bit. He needed to go somewhere. Ai was a good girl, so she didn't make things difficult for him.

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