
Chalter 21: Unconscious Supe!

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"Well, well, well, if it ain't the invisible cunt." Butcher spoke as grabbed some spray paint he had Ben get and sprayed it.

"Fuck!" Translucent cried, covering his eyes in pain while parts of his body was now in a visible bright yellow.

"There you are sunshine." The Brit comments before swinging his crowbar to the face. He kept swing until Translucent got wise enough to catch it.

Unfortunately he forgot about his second furry opponent.

Which he was reminded of when Wildmutt came back and bit into his torso. He then was shaken around like a chew toy.

"Over here!" Hughie called out, earlier he tried to leave but after second thoughts turned back.

Seeing the cable sparking and remembering what he saw on Jimmy Fallon he knew how to stop him.

Wildmutt threw the Supe towards Hughie, landing face down in front of him. However when he tried to pull the cable to shock him it didn't reach.

Panicking he kept pulling it, even as Translucent was getting up. "Shit." He cursed.

"You fucking... prick." Translucent spoke slowly, yellow paint indicating he was facing Hughie.


Wildmutt charged and nudged Translucent forward. What followed was the cable making contact with his crotch shocking him with a large amount of voltage.

"OH OH OH FUCK!" Hughie shouts in terror as the sparks fly.

Eventually the supe falls down and with heavy breaths Hughie asks. "Is he... is he dead?"

Butcher then gives the semi-invisible hero a good hard kick. "Well, he ain't moving." Butcher replies seeing the lack of response. Wildmutt then sniffs him after.

"Oh, fuck. Oh, shit." Hughie say's, feeling terrified and in shock.

Wildmutt then taps the Omnitrix on his shoulder and the device begins blinking red.

Eventually in a red flash he becomes Ben again. "Actually he's just unconscious." He informs, then asks. "Why is he naked?"

"Fuck is why." Butcher answers, before asking Hughie. "How'd you know the electric could do the job?"

"Skin's carbon. Highly conductive." Hughie answers with deep breaths. "Saw it on, uh, Jimmy Fallon." He finishes.

"Would've taken me forever to work that one out. Good job." Butcher compliments, then goes to one end of Translucent's body. "Let's get him in the boot." He orders.

"Wait, wait, what?" Both Ben and Hughie asked.

"The Trunk." Butcher answers, thinking they just didn't understand the British slang.

"No, no, I mean, what are we... what are we..." Hughie stutters.

"What are we gonna do with him?" Ben finishes.

"Well, you basically just tried off one of The Seven, mate." Butcher answers, holding up the head.

"Me? I..." Hughie replies flabbergasted. "You-you hit him with a fucking car!" He points out, then turns to Ben. "You used him like chew toy!"

Butcher then drops the head with a thud and say's. "Look, potato, fucking po-tah-to. We're all in a shitload of trouble."

"No, no, no, we're not! It's... It..." Hughie once again stutters. "He-he attacked us, okay? And you're-you're a federal officer, you know. Just-just call the fucking FBI!" He points out.

"Yeah, o-okay, so, look." Butcher begins before sheepishly adding. "Technically, I'm not a Fed."

"What?!" Hughie shouts, stunned by this.

Ben's eyes widen momentarily before saying. "So you lied to us?"

"Then who the fuck are you?!" Hughie shouted.


La Paz, Bolivia, South America

In a large mansion outside of the city a family was eating dinner outside. A husband, wife, 2 sons and a daughter were enjoying a feast while chatting about the day's events. Gunfire was soon heard followed by screams.

"Qué fue eso?" The husband asks then proceeds to direct his family inside into an emergency bunker.

Before they can get to the door a huge thud was. "Well what do we have here?" A voice asks. "Thanks for setting the table." The family then runs inside as sort of chimera begins to gorge their food.


Hughie's Workplace

"So, you're-you're not a Fed?" Hughie asks, still in shock.

Sirens are then beginning to be heard some distance away. "Do you hear that? That's the old bill." Butcher points out.

"So unless you want to explain why you've got America's favorite invisible wanker on the floor, give us a fucking hand, will ya?"

"I'm not touching a naked guy." Ben steps back, then goes to the office. "Gonna go destroy some evidence." He adds casually while tinkering with Omnitrix.


After putting Translucent in the trunk and replacing the footage of what happened the three were now in Butcher's car. "All right, listen, I have worked for the Feds." The Brit began to explain.

"I've worked for loads of people. I'm what you might call an independent contractor. You got a problem, you call me, I solve the problem." He finishes.

They then heard banging from the back. "Well someone woke up." Ben commented.

"Okay, pull over." Hughie say's, immediately wanting to get of the situation he somehow managed to get into.

"No, no, no, Hughie, you don't fucking get it." Butcher replies. "He's seen all our faces." Gestures to everyone.

"We need to figure out a to ki-keep his mouth shut."

He adds, trying to hide his intentions about Translucent from Ben. He may be an asshole but even he knows not to talk about that in front of a child.

"Can't you call one of those government people for help?" Ben asked.

"They'd arrest us faster then they can take a piss unless we have a solution." Butcher explains.

"Member all of those cunts are terrified of Vought, only thing stopping Supes from taking DC is themselves. For now." He adds.

"Look you two can fucking do whatever." Hughie tells them. "Just stop and I'll-I'll uh."

"Hughie, you walk away now, and you will never get payback for Robin. You'll spend the rest of your life sitting on your ass with fucking regret." Billy tells him then asks. "Now, is that what you want?"

"Not to mention you might be able to stop what happened to Robin to other people." Ben points out.

"You can be a hero for all those people who think dweebs like Homelander and Transtupid are." He reasons.

"Ok." Hughie reluctantly agree's then gestures to the banging. "How do we stop that, I mean he's not tied up or?"


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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