
Chapter 115 – Hunting Wolf guild – Part 3.


"This is quiet interesting items mate." – said Phantasia while inspecting materials that the Hunting Wolve guild had obtained from mad turtle.

"You got especially a lot of the hide."

[Mad Turtle Warrior Hide] – [Rare]

[Mad turtle before becoming "Mad" was originally a simple monster, however due to unknown mutation its whole body mutated, resulting in growth as well as creation of the multilayer hides over its flesh.]

"Yea, I mean, that guy was quite big, but I wasn't expecting to get that much hide."

"Not only that, but I had also obtained that bastard weapon."

"AND! I also obtained those two things." – said Zeus before brining out items from his inventory.

[Mad Turtle Warrior Shell] – [Unique]

[The Cold Mad Mana Crystal] – [Epic]

"Damn! Both of them are big! Especially the mana crystal!" – said Phantasia while inspecting materials.

"So…. What do you want?"

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