
Chapter 28: Reckoning

A few days later, the time Evelyn had waited for had come. The gate guards had been put on orders to sound the horn at their arrival, so their plan could be executed. Henley and Sorin had been gone for four weeks chasing down the duplicate phylacteries, having never ceased their punishing pace to destroy them as quickly as possible. When the hour of their salvation was finally upon after all the long days of putting up with Ryker's charade, every one of those who had been in the War Room that day sprang into action.


She was at the training grounds, leaning against the rail watching Krem and Bull train with a shield, sipping her coffee, having finished her session. The morning chill was lifting as the sun bathed the Upper Courtyard in its warm light. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, though her mood was still darkened by the close presence of Ryker beside her. They stood shoulder to shoulder and his arm had wandered around her waist. Owayne alternated between throwing daggers at a training dummy and sharpening his arsenal of blades. Each time she glanced over, it seemed he had a new one to hone.


When they heard the signal, Owayne straightened giving his sister a look. Bull smoothly told Krem to take a break as he began to speak with her fiancée in an attempt to distract him. Pushing her cup into Ryker's hands, she excused herself, walking quickly down to the gate. Once out of his sight, she broke out into a sprint, nearly tackling Ilara as she came out of the Infirmary's door. Dirty and tired, the two men welcomed their embraces.


"We got them all. It's over. We made it back as quick as we could." Sorin said into her shoulder.


A hardened glare tensed on her face, "Not yet." She stepped back looking up to see both Cullen and Cassandra walking briskly from his office across the bridge into the Great Hall with several soldiers on their heels. There was also a commotion stirring above them from where she came. "Lar, you take care of these two and fill them in. I have a trial to attend."


With renewed vigor, she strode up to the Ambassador's office, where they were all to meet when their tasks were complete. Cassandra, Leliana, and Josephine were already there waiting for her, "Inquisitor, the phylacteries have been found. I personally destroyed them. But you should know," the Spymaster paused frowning, "within his recent correspondence was evidence that he has smuggled red lyrium into Skyhold."


The door banged open as the two men joined them. "Aeron has been arrested and taken to the cells to await trial. Bull and Krem volunteered to stay with him to make sure he doesn't try anything," Cullen reported.


"Yeah, I didn't like how calm he was as if he knew it was coming. At least that was my read on him."


"Well, Bull is with him. If something is amiss he'll warn us," before she went on, Leliana asked again what she wished to do about the red lyrium. "I already knew what he was planning to do it. The threat he made against the Commander was to feed it to him."


"When was this?" He looked at her incredulously. They hadn't spoken much since he called for the intervention, and if she was being honest, she was avoiding him. The more that came to light about the whole affair, the more she'd be forced to admit things that would cause him guilt.


"It doesn't matter, I took care of it," she held a hand up dismissively, yet the heavy rise and fall of his chestplate indicated he was not satisfied with her answer. "Let's get through the trial, then pursue the red lyrium." She began unstrapping her light training armor, allowing it to clank to the floor. She had her usual leather pants and boots on, with a plum linen shirt. It was worn, but at least it didn't have holes or stains, just a few caught threads here and there. Over it, she wore a matching leather underbust that hugged the hourglass curve of her waistline. Free of the extra weight, she took a deep breath, "Is everyone ready? Do we need to review anyone's role?"


"We are ready, Inquisitor," the Ambassador's affirmation was accompanied by firm nods. "One last reminder," she addressed the room, "Aeron will most likely try to expose the nature of the relationship between the Inquisitor and Commander. Our stance is that it is a rumor like all the others. Whatever he says, do not let him rile you." She looked to the two of them more notably.


"Right then, are we all set?" There were deep breaths, throat clearing, and the shaking out of limbs. They could already hear there was a crowd assembling in the Great Hall, no doubt after hearing news that the Inquisitor's betrothed had been arrested.


Owayne held the door as the five senior members of the Inquisition filed into the room, moving to the dais. A hush fell over the room as everyone crammed in to hear what had happened. The last to enter was the Inquisitor herself, wearing a look that could kill. "Bring forth the prisoner for judgment!" Her voice was strong and commanding, echoing off the walls ominously taking her seat. Cassandra strode down the aisle with determination, and reaching the end, signaled for the soldiers to bring him in. The Seeker had the ability to bring the former Templar to heel, so she was to stand by him for the duration of the trial.


As Ryker walked towards the dais, his countenance was not one of a man about to die, which made Evelyn weary that this was exactly what he expected to happen. His stare unnerved her, but she would face whatever he threw at her one last time.


"Ser Ryker Aeron, formally known as Lord Einar Armand, I charge you with impersonation, murder, blackmail, assault, and conspiring with the enemy." There were gasps and whispers throughout the crowd. "As your primary victim, it would be unfair of me to preside over your trial and sentencing. Therefore, I relinquish the authority to my council," she held a hand out to each one as she introduced them, "Ambassador Montilyet, Sister Nightingale, and Commander Cullen. You have the floor." Having stepped forward, Evelyn relaxed slightly knowing that with the combined strength and wit of the three advisors, Ryker was as good as dead. Yet, in the back of her mind having known the man, something didn't sit well, why was he so bloody calm?


"One moment, Inquisitor, can you even prove I am this Ser Aeron you speak of?"


"Easily done," Evelyn looked about the crowd, "Sers Germain, Vale, Fenwick, and Riggs, please step forth and identify the prisoner." All four stepped forth correctly identifying him as Ser Aeron. The Ostwick Templars had arrived back with the survivors of Hasmal's Circle a week ago. It was a slow journey as they transported tomes and artifacts along in their caravan. Having earned some much-needed rest, she was able to keep Ryker from them, even going so far as making him wear a ridiculous hat to hide his mop of unruly hair. "If four witnesses fail to impress you, we pulled Ser Armand's offical record, Commander, if you'd please…"


Cullen pulled the parchment from his coat, "As his written profile matches the accused – brown hair, brown, eyes, and so on - I would like to skip to the section on identifying marks, used in the case of a Knight's death. The first is a birth mark on the back of the neck at the base of the hairline."


The Seeker pushed his head forward, "Nothing, Commander."


Looking up from under his brows, he continued, "A long scar on the right forearm?" Pushing up his sleeve, she shook her head again. "What about a missing toe on the left foot? From when he crushed it in a wagon accident." As the Seeker went to stand in front of him, he rolled his eyes, tilting his head to the side. She gestured for him to take his boots and socks off, as the restraints allowed him to do so, revealing to all that he had all ten of his toes. Switching records, he now read from Ser Ryker Aeron's list, "A large dark brown fleck in his right eye, promient mole on his left shoulder blade, and a scar under the chin." Cassandra was able to confirm all three marks. Tucking the paper back in, he turned to the Inquisitor, with a slight bow, "I believe that settles the question of his identity, Inquisitor."


"As if there was any doubt. Ambassador, you may begin," her tone had a hint of annoyance in it.


"Ser Aeron, let us discuss the beginning of your acquaintance with the Inquisitor, known then simply as Knight-Enchanter Trevelyan in the Circle of Ostwick."


Ryker scoffed, "What authority do you have to judge me on matters that the Knight-Commander dismissed me of?"


"If I may continue, Ser?" Unamused, he rolled his eyes to rest on a nondescript point in the room. "I wish to establish the nature of your relationship with her before you came to Skyhold. None of the charges outlined by the Inquisitor pertain to past transgressions." Josie shifted her weight and took a step forward but stopped short when his dark eyes targeted her with the intensity of a Great Bear watching its prey. Evelyn felt her protective fire rise, watching as the Ambassador used all the grace she could muster to not look flustered. "I have in my possession the original record of Knight-Enchanter Evelyn Althea Trevelyan. To summarize," she spoke back and forth between the prisoner and the other advisors, "she had a spotless record until," she flipped to another document, "she reported that you assaulted her while on a mission."


"It was a mutual altercation, she assaulted me as well."


"Instigated by you. Regardless, in the years that follow," Josephine motioned to her assistant, who carried a thick stack of parchment secured with a ribbon, "she went on to report you, and yet nothing was done."


"The Knight-Commander had no evidence, nor could she produce anything more than her own account. Clearly, the woman had it out for me, making it all up."


"And yet, the Knight-Commander gave her dozens of accommodations, even describing her to another Knight-Commander as, A woman whom I would trust inexplicably for any job. Her relationship with our Templars is exemplary, exhibiting the harmony that Circles have been trying to achieve for decades."


"Yes, and how many of them was she sleeping with? Perhaps the Commander would know?" There it was, the first jab, but both she and Cullen bore it well making no change in their stoic demeanor. "Oh sorry, first it was Ser Henley," he looked about the room, "surely, he's around here somewhere to testify to that. If not, I'd be glad to repeat all the details to which he told myself and the other Ostwick Templars…"


"The Inquisitor is not the one on trial, nor is her personal history, aside from that with you, of relevance to this trial," Josephine jumped in saving her the humiliation of having such private affairs aired for all to hear.


"We are discussing her relationship with Templars, how is the fact that one time she--" A choked guttural noise escaped him, as the Seeker touched a glowing finger at the base of his neck. She looked up to Evelyn under her dark eyebrows before releasing him. Falling forward to his bound hands, he laughed wickedly. When he was finished, he pushed himself back up to his knees to stare at his keeper. "Evelyn, dear, do put your Seeker here back on her leash."


Both Trevelyans glared down at him, "I do not have authority over a Seeker when they think a Templar is out of line." Leliana shot back a look at her to not engage him, seemingly having already forgotten.


"Which leads into the next charge of murder and impersonation, to which I yield the floor to Sister Nightingale." The Ambassador walked a few steps backward, while the purple-cloaked silhouette of the Left Hand sauntered forward.


Unlike Josie, Leliana did not falter under his wild gaze, stepping all but a few feet away from him. She paused, looking coldly upon him before beginning, "I have it on the good word of the Inquisitor that upon your arrival, you confessed to both she and Enchanter Ilara Mason that you killed the true Ser Einar Armand, his mother, a fellow Templar, and a Chantry sister all to assume his identity. Is this true?"


He laughed, "You're taking my little firebird's word on it when she has lied to all of you for the past few months about my identity?" Ryker spoke over his shoulder, "How do we know this trial isn't some farce to save the reputation of the Inquisitor? I mean really, how is this a fair trial? You lot judging me is no better than Trevelyan!"


"Sister Nightingale," a soft feminine voice made its way through the din of the room, "I believe I can confirm the truth of the Inquisitor's words." Ilara pushed through the crowd with assistance from Henley and Sorin. "He did confess to killing those people."


"So? If I did, it was done in the Free Marches, well out of your influence."


"Actually," the Ambassador interjected, "I have letters from the prospective heads of states giving us the authority to preside over your sentencing and to exact judgment accordingly." Evelyn's shoulder tension relaxed a bit, knowing Josie thought of everything. Ryker may be a conniving bastard, but he was up against the best the Inquisition had to offer. She was their leader, and if her studies of history taught her anything, it was that the greatest leaders surround themselves with people who are better in many ways than themselves.


At the conclusion of Josie's words, he shrugged, though he earned a stern reminder from Cassandra to not speak until spoken to. "Considering Ser Ryker disappeared from the Chantry the same day the Templar and Sister were found murdered and robbed of their belongings, that is suspicious of itself. He was the only living witness to Ser Armand's death and I assume she was just, what? Opportunity, witness, fun?" He just blinked slowly at her. "Then you go on to murder the mother once your inheritance was secure."


"You've no proof of the Lady's murder."


"But I do. I contacted the physician who signed her death warrant and he had quite a tale to tell, along with a stunning new gold handled cane made of ironwood. Quite the piece, for a humble healer to afford. When my agents questioned him, he revealed that you paid him off to hide the murder. He even revised the death certificate to the correct cause." She waved to Josie's assistant, standing off to the side with a mountain of evidence, who read it aloud; Stab wound between the ribs, puncturing the lung. Offical cause: murder. Accompanying the document was a written confession from the man.


"Well done, Spymaster," Ryker gave her a slow clap.


"I am not yet done," Leliana dove right back into her line of questioning, "what say you to the accusation of assault of the Inquisitor while here at Skyhold?"


"What is your evidence, Spymaster?"


"Answer the question," she snapped back so violently, that Evelyn couldn't help but smile when Ryker's smugness was replaced by surprise. The Nightingale met his eyes so fiercely, she could tell he had met his match. The prominent vein in his neck pulsed and his wrists flexed against the restraints. Here was a woman who was unafraid to stare into the abyss that lay behind his eyes, who wanted to see the darkness and exploit it. Able to watch the entirety of the scene from her throne, she swore the crowd even took a step back. Leliana asked him one more time, softly.


The prisoner swallowed hard, "Innocent."


At his response, she kept the same velvet tone adding a small smile, "Thank you, but we both know that is a lie." Turning from him and walking back to her place, she gave Evelyn a bloodthirsty smirk. "Enchanter Ilara, please come forward," she held out her elegant pale hand to her. Stepping up quickly over to her, "You keep a detailed medical log for the Inquisitor, do you not?" The blonde nodded, "As the other victim of this man's blackmailing, which we will address soon, you continued to keep this log for the duration of Ser Aeron's time here?"


"Yes," she produced a leather-bound journal, "due to the Inquisitor's mark, it was decided to keep a record of all changes in her health, including injury."


"If you would read a few entries, please."


"This is pure fabrication!" He roared, but the Spymaster paid him no mind, "She is the best friend of the Inquisitor, her word is heavily biased!"


"I see your point, I suppose she would have reason to embellish upon accounts of the beatings the Inquisitor was forced to suffer to protect her." Calling to the guards at the far end of the hall, she ordered the witness to be brought in. Against the bright daylight, the imposing silhouette of The Iron Bull towered above the gathering, and they parted for his readily. Walking in front of him was an elven woman whom she recognized as one of her current attendants. Her hands were clasped in front of her and her head was downcast. "Thank you, Bull."


"Anytime, Red," the Qunari headed back out towards the doors, his delivery having been made.


Ryker looked to the elf, his anger rising. Leliana wasn't even looking at the witness, only at Aeron, pleased to see she was beginning to get to him. "I believe you two know each other," meeting his eye before addressing the witness, "Kahlan, was it? You were an attendant of the Inquisitor before being dismissed on suspicion of spying recently, correct?" The delicate and pale woman nodded. "And were you spying?"


"Yes," there was a tremble in her voice, "I was approached by Lord Armand, who gave me a large sum of silver if I reported to him who she talked with, what it was about, and any other activity. I reported a few harmless things, I think, but when my conscience got the better of me, I went to find him to give the coin back, but walked into a… situation."


"Go on."


Evelyn took a deep breath, unsure of what instance she was about to relay. "It was early one morning, last week. I was about to deliver her Worship clean towels for washing when I saw him walk past. As I tried to catch up to him, I followed him into the Inquisitor's quarters. Thinking he was going to spy on her, I didn't think before I opened the door to hear him yelling at her."


"What did you hear?" Knowing that that was the morning he had broken her nose after seeing Cullen, she felt panic rising, hoping Leliana knew exactly what this witness was going to say.


"It was fragmented but he said something about her not listening and making good on his threat. It was the bang that I heard that was more worrisome. It sounded as if she was struck and thrown against the windows. When I heard him command the Enchanter here to heal her, I ran out, not wanting to be caught by him." Evelyn leaned back again, relieved the particular details were not revealed more for Cullen's sake than her own.


"There is your unbiased witness, Ser Aeron. Now, if you would read the entry from that morning, Enchanter Ilara," Leliana seemed to be in her glory thwarting the man who thought he had all the answers.


The mage thumbed to the page, "The Inquisitor suffered a broken nose and minor cuts to the head. I, Enchanter Ilara, was able to heal the break quickly, having been witness to it, and attempted to mend the skin to prevent bruising." After dismissing the witnesses, Ryker looked as if he was ready to murder the Nightingale, so much so, that she thought she'd see smoke billowing from his ears. Pleased at her through examination, Leliana gave a slight bow to her, then nodded to Cullen.


To say she wasn't nervous about him questioning Ryker was an understatement. Though she had complete faith in the Commander's control of his emotions, their prisoner was now out for blood, having been wound up by Leliana. When he stepped forward and she watched her tormentor's eye glisten with delight, she braced for the worst yet.


"Ser Aeron, I'm here to address the final two crimes of blackmail and conspiring with the enemy. You stand accused of blackmailing the Inquisitor into marrying you to keep the phylactery of her and Enchanter Ilara's out of the hands of Corypheus, our sworn enemy. How do you plead?"


"Oh, why not, guilty," he said flippantly as if it were a joke. "It was a rather brilliant plan, and it had worked for quite a time. Enough time for she and I to become intimately acquainted again." Her nails dug into the arms of her seat, which didn't go unnoticed by her brother who placed a hand on her shoulder to temper her. "I'm sorry to have spoiled her for you, she told me you hadn't laid--" The Seeker again jabbed her glowing finger into his shoulder. She watched Cullen, whose only movement was clenching his sword tighter. Ryker coughed and wheezed, before beginning to chuckle, "I'm sorry, it's worth the pain, I said," he raised his voice sputtering, "You didn't get to fuck the Inquisitor before I ruined your little affair-- Ahh!" He screamed as Cassandra dug the point of her fingertip into his spine, having had to ready her power again.


Whispers were flying around the room, especially from the Orlesians who loved their scandals and gossip. Thankfully, the Ambassador was prepared to combat him, "I ask that you keep your vulgarity to yourself. There are many rumors circulating, including one involving the Commander as well as a number of her companions, they remain pure speculation. May I remind everyone here that the Inquisitor is a person like anyone in this room. I suggest you show her the common decency of letting her private affairs remain so." Elegantly put, her speech seemed to take the bite from Ryker's statement.


In an attempt to get back on track, Cullen took a deep breath, though his voice dropped not unlike when scolding a recruit, "Who was your contact within the Elder One's forces?"


"Sampson, as you well know, Commander." He sighed, "And let me answer your next question, was I truly planning to give them over to him? Absolutely." The wolfish grin was back, as the two men glared at each other. "In fact, are you certain I haven't done so already?" It was as if everyone in the room was holding their breath as doubt crept into their minds of having missed a set of phylacteries.


Suddenly, Owayne and Henley charged him. Her brother was fast, too fast for Cullen to catch, but he could just barely hold Henley back. Cassandra grabbed a hold of the rogue's torso, trying to talk him down, all the while Ryker laughed manically. Additional guards stepped in to break it up, but the tension in the air thickened as the Commander called for quiet.


Though he was breathing heavily, shooting her an intense look, he kept his voice even, "We've already confiscated all three copies, you're bluffing." For a long minute, they held each other's scowls again, before the prisoner descended into another bout of raucous laughter.


"You got me, Commander. Truly, you've figured it all out. I would really appreciate it if you all just hurried this along now."


"Very well," Josephine stepped forth again, "Do you have any final words in your defense?"


"I do. Your Inquisitor is a fraud. She's no chosen one, she's a magical abomination who will lead the Maker's children astray. This woman is a mage, whose inherent wickedness cannot be absolved. She and her kind have killed my brothers and sisters of the Order for their freedom. If you think your Inquisitor's hands are clean from rebellion, you are sorely mistaken, for she killed Knight-Commander Tobias when the Ostwick Circle fell." Having heard the words from him before, the words no longer held the pain that once came with hearing them. Not only that, but they were ready for his admission of her crime.


Evelyn stood with poise, "I admit to the murder of Knight-Commander Tobias, but it was an accident. Everyone who called that Circle home would tell you that there was no ill will between us. I have told the new Knight-Commander of Ferelden of my crime. In fact, perhaps he'd like to address the matter personally," she held a hand out inviting him to join her up on the dais.


In shining silverite armor, the younger man ascended to take her hand. The rich tone of his skin paired with emerald green eyes was striking. "Your Worship," his velvety voice cheerfully greeted, before clearing his throat nervously, "It's true, the Inquisitor and I have discussed the situation in length, and I will make one thing clear to all of Thedas, that without the work of the Herald, the Order would've been destroyed. I don't believe a woman who has sacrificed much to work towards strengthening our ranks after losing our way. Furthermore, the accident occurred at a time of war, and I don't need to stress the loss we have all suffered." He paused, and it was followed by quiet contemplation, "With my authority of senior Knight-Commander, I hereby absolve the Inquisitor of her guilt, but insist that the appropriate reparations are given to the family of the deceased."


"Gladly, and then some," she smiled solemnly at him, "I will personally see to it."


His verdict was met with a round of applause, though one person in particular had become incensed, "This is nepotism at its finest! We all know you were the one to appoint the Knight-Commander, of course, he's going to forgive you!" He spat, pointing to each of his judges, "Tell me that not one of your advisors has taken payment for their loyalty! The Trevelyan coin must be paying for the Ambassador's luxuries, bribes for the Spymaster, and well we all know how you pay your Commander. This organization is corrupt!" He laughed sarcastically, "By all means, pass your judgment, as if don't all know what it will be."


The four looked back and forth, and the Inquisitor motioned for them to convene. Josephine scratched on her board, then ascended the dais to deliver their sentence. Evelyn steeled herself before her voice rang out strongly through the hall, "Ser Ryker Aeron, for the crimes of impersonation, murder, assault, blackmail, and conspiring with the enemy, the council finds you guilty on all accounts. Therefore, the Armand estate will be given to their next of kin, and you are hereby sentenced to death. Your execution is to be carried out immediately." There was a flurry of noise of everything from cheers to harsh denouncements of the man. Yet, the condemned simply knelt there as if he were deaf to it.


"Well, that's that then," he sighed annoyed, and yet unfazed by his sentencing. "You won. How pleased you must be my love, at this victory," she narrowed her eyes at him watching his face contort sinisterly, making goosebumps creep up her arms.


She stood slowly from her seat, her eyes locked on him, "What have you done?"


"You should know by now, I always have a plan for when you do something stupid." The younger mage from the other evening who she had caught in his bed appeared from a puff of mist behind him. Her eyes were glowing red and she twitched oddly as she wrapped her arms around him. Crystalized ice jutted out of her body, protecting her back like a Quillback. At least now she knew where the red lyrium had gone. Surprised, Cassandra tried to ready her power, but the augmented mage blew everyone back with a mind blast spell before freezing the ground. The ice traveled up the legs of all those below the dais first, rooting all in place. "I invited some friends to Skyhold," her eyes grew wide, as he and the mage fade stepped away, "farewell for now, my love, provided you survive."

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