
Chapter 434: Politics and Capital

Chicago, South Side Hyde Park, West of Washington Park, East of Lake Michigan, Obama held a political fundraiser near his home.

There weren't many people at the event, but they were very influential - Obama and his wife, the Bidens, and various supporters of Obama.

"Good evening, Mr. Obama, Mrs. Obama!" After seeing Obama, Charles greeted the future president and first lady with a handshake.

"Charles, your date is very beautiful," Obama remarked humorously after glancing at Ivanka Trump.

"Thank you, Charles and I want to congratulate you in advance on becoming president," Ivanka responded graciously.

"Votes haven't been counted yet," Michelle Obama reminded with a smile.

Charles quickly started talking with Obama about the ongoing presidential election, and soon, the running mate Biden joined the conversation.

A running mate is basically the vice president-elect, who, although without direct power, becomes the acting president if something happens to the president.

The dinner went very smoothly, and Obama's speech was excellent. Later, Charles found a moment to talk privately with Obama.

"Are you worried about how to handle Hillary's position?" Charles and Obama were sitting across from each other in a small secret room.

Obama nodded. "Female voters need to be appeased!"

With an African American president, the Obama administration would soon have to deal with how to divide power and responsibilities.

The Federal Reserve Chairman and the Treasury Secretary were certainly not going to be replaced, but changes were necessary for positions such as the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Commerce.

Charles looked at Obama, "Barbara Boxer replacing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House shouldn't be an issue, right?"

"No problem, Barbara Boxer is already a Senator from California. California has always had a significant influence in Congress," Obama had already discussed this with Ms. Huffington.

At that time, California would elect a new Senator to replace Barbara Boxer.

"Will Hollywood remain stable?" Obama asked a very serious question.

As a supporter of the Democratic Party, Hollywood's stability was crucial to them.

Charles smiled, "Hollywood has always been quite stable. If something rots, you just need to cut it away.

Hillary uses Clinton's political resources, making her a tough opponent, and as a woman, she naturally garners Hollywood's favor. This time, it's only her being affected, but she will still be your direct competitor four years from now!"

Obama frowned, realizing he had fewer resources compared to Hillary.

"Charles, you know that we are in a financial crisis. America needs reform, and economic recovery is the top priority. Even if I become the 56th President of the United States, the challenges will be daunting," Obama was indeed feeling overwhelmed.

Charles smiled slightly and said, "Are you familiar with Madoff Investment Securities?"

Obama nodded, "Of course, Wall Street's investment legend!"

Charles spoke with deep implication, "You should investigate it. I suspect there's a significant issue with that company."

Obama's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Charles incredulously, "What could be wrong?"

"It might just be the biggest Jewish capital fraud in history, yet the simplest Ponzi scheme," Charles said, looking at Obama. "The dish is already on the table; how you eat it is up to you!"

Such a great opportunity, an excellent chance to strike at Jewish capital, how could Obama not be tempted?

After the party, Charles took Ivanka back to the hotel.

Lying on the bed, Charles enjoyed the ceiling of the hotel room as Ivanka attended to him. Meanwhile, he was pondering the Madoff fraud case.

A while back, a French bank that worked with Charles complained that their billion-euro fund was being managed by Madoff Investment Securities and that they faced obstacles when trying to redeem it.

Charles immediately understood the situation and was terrified by what he discovered. More and more people started demanding redemptions from Madoff Investment Securities but were placated by the company's high returns.

People had begun to question Madoff Investment Securities, and Charles knew the ship was sinking. Soon, significant capital would demand redemption, and the company could no longer hide it.

Paris Bank was now working closer with Charles on Capet Entertainment's acquisition of NBC Universal.

Not only financially, but they were also helping with NBC Universal's 20% shares held by Vivendi.

Charles understood that his French immigrant heritage played a role, just like the close cooperation between the Trump Group and Deutsche Bank due to their German immigrant roots.

After a while, Ivanka got up and straddled Charles, speaking seductively, "Where are you going tomorrow?"

"I'm visiting Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago," Charles said, holding the woman's waist.

Richard Daley was part of the old political dynasty, the Daley family of Illinois.

His father, Richard J. Daley, served six terms as Chicago's mayor for over 20 years starting in the 1950s.

After Richard J. Daley's death, his eldest son Richard Daley started his own mayoral term in Chicago, serving his sixth term since 1989, potentially serving a seventh in 2010.

The father and son combined held the mayoral position for almost half a century.

The second son, William Daley, was the Secretary of Commerce during Clinton's administration, and in 2004, he became the Midwest Chairman for JP Morgan Chase.

The third son, John Daley, served as the Cook County's Commissioner of Illinois.

The Daley family had strong political influence in Illinois, surviving numerous corruption accusations but remaining powerful.

Obama, as a Senator from Illinois, owed a lot to the political support of the state for his presidential campaign.

Charles's base was in Los Angeles, California, but it didn't stop him from developing relationships in international cities like New York, Chicago, and Miami.

Everywhere, capital and politics complement each other, with politics providing protection for capital and capital expanding territories for politics.

"Okay, I'll go with you tomorrow. I find I quite enjoy participating in political events," Ivanka seemed very excited.

Charles grabbed the woman's curves and responded with a smile, "Are you planning to become a politician?"



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