
The eagles VS The giants (1)

If the story receives 30 power stones in the next 24 hours, I will share one additional chapter tomorrow.

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After the goal, the giants' players began celebrating near the benches which allowed Kay to take a look at their stats. 

- - - 

Player: Carlos Mendes

Pace: 25 

Shooting: 28 

Passing: 35 

Dribbling: 25 

Defending: 20 

Physical: 19 

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Player: Javier Luiz

Pace: 28 

Shooting: 20 

Passing: 24 

Dribbling: 29 

Defending: 16 

Physical: 18 

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Player: Marco Silva

Pace: 18 

Shooting: 20 

Passing: 20 

Dribbling: 17 

Defending: 31 

Physical: 21 

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Kay tried his best to motivate the players, shouting encouragements and urging them to focus, but it seemed like his words were falling on deaf ears. 

The kids were too overwhelmed by the pressure and the hostile atmosphere created by the Giants' fans. 

Their heads remained down, and their movements lacked the confidence and energy that Kay had seen during their training sessions. 

The match continued, and in the 13th minute, Michael received the ball. 

He attempted to deliver a pass behind the defenders to Taylor, aiming to exploit the space. 

However, the Giants' players pressed him with two defenders as soon as he controlled the ball. Under such intense pressure, Michael lost possession almost immediately. 

Kay noticed something crucial. The Giants' relentless pressing was effective, but he knew that under-10 kids couldn't sustain such high-intensity play for long without getting exhausted. 

He just needed his team to hold on and weather the storm until the Giants' energy levels dropped. 

The Giants' attacks continued unabated. 

In the 16th minute, Aiden managed to clear the ball, and it landed at Taylor's feet. 

Taylor dribbled past the first player, and as he attempted to throw the ball into space and run after it, Marco Silva executed a quick and effective sliding tackle, preventing Taylor from advancing further.

By the 20th minute, the Giants launched another attack. Carlos Mendes made a precise pass to Luiz, exploiting the space between Taylor and Mark. 

Mark hesitated, fearing another trick like the one Luiz had pulled earlier. Unsure of whether to leave his position, he chose to stay put, waiting for Luiz to come to him. 

Luiz, a highly skilled player, took advantage of the hesitation. He advanced straight towards the penalty area. 

Aiden, recognizing the danger, shouted at Mark to engage Luiz. But it was too late. Luiz deftly maneuvered into the box, opening up an angle for a shot. 

Mark stretched his foot in a desperate attempt to block the shot, but Luiz changed direction at the last moment, causing Mark to stumble and make contact with Luiz's leg inside the penalty area. 

The referee's whistle blew sharply, signaling a penalty for the Giants. 

Mark was shocked, that he fell on Luiz's trap for the second time. He woke up at the sight of Carlos Mendes confidently picking up the ball and walking towards the penalty spot, his eyes fixed on the goal. 

He placed the ball carefully, took a few steps back, and then shot it powerfully into the top corner. 

Ethan, the goalkeeper, dived to save it but the shot was too precise and far beyond his reach. 

The Giants had scored their second goal. 

Kay's frustration grew, not because his team was now two goals down, but because he could see the spaces left behind the Giants' defenders that his players could exploit, but they didn't.

If his team had played with their usual confidence and coordination, they had a lot of chances to score goals and turn the game around. 

He noticed Aiden slapping his own face, trying to regain his focus and shake off the disappointment. 

It was a small sign of resilience that Kay found encouraging. Despite the setback, Aiden was determined to keep fighting. 

The match continued with the Giants maintaining their fierce attacks. 

However, the Eagles' defense, led by Aiden, started to hold their ground more effectively. 

Aiden and Ethan made several crucial saves, blocking shots and intercepting passes, which prevented the Giants from extending their lead further. 

In the 22nd minute, Luiz attempted to dribble past Mark, showcasing his impressive footwork with a series of quick feints and body movements. 

Mark was initially caught off guard by Luiz's deceptive skill, allowing Luiz to slip past him. 

However, before Luiz could plan his next move, he found himself face-to-face with Aiden, who anticipated the play perfectly. 

Aiden slid in with a precise, well-timed tackle, cleanly taking the ball away from Luiz. 

Without wasting a moment, Aiden got to his feet and sent a powerful, low pass towards Taylor, who was positioned strategically on the wing. 

Taylor, anticipating the Giants' aggressive pressing, allowed the ball to roll past him, using a deft touch with his heel to redirect it into the open space behind the Giants' defenders. 

This subtle yet skillful maneuver caught the defenders off guard and disrupted their formation. 

Silva, realizing the danger, quickly abandoned his position and sprinted after the ball. 

But Taylor's remarkable speed and anticipation were unmatched. With Silva trailing behind, Taylor accelerated, covering half the field with impressive agility and determination. 

The Giants' defense scrambled to catch up, but Taylor's quick pace left them in his dust. 

As Taylor neared the goal, the Giants' goalkeeper rushed out to confront him, attempting to cut off his path. 

Taylor, showing his calm under pressure, performed a smooth step-over, feinting to the left before quickly shifting the ball to his right foot. 

This move completely wrong-footed the goalkeeper, who was left diving in the wrong direction. 

With the goal now wide open, Taylor composed himself and calmly slotted the ball into the net with his right foot. 

The ball nestled into the back of the net, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Taylor, filled with exhilaration, ran towards his teammates, who met him with open arms. 

The goal had not only reduced the score but also reignited hope and confidence within the Eagles' team, showing that they could indeed penetrate the Giants' defense and turn the tide of the match. 

As the celebration died down and the players returned to their positions, Taylor, still riding the high of his goal, jogged back to his spot on the field. 

Suddenly, a sharp whistle pierced the air. Startled, Taylor turned around to see the sideline referee holding up the substitution board. 

The number 11, Taylor's number, was illuminated in red, indicating he was being taken off, while the number 21 in green signaled the entry of Noah in his place. 

Shocked and confused, Taylor jogged off the field and headed straight for Kay, who was standing near the sidelines. 

"Manager, why are you taking me out? I was doing great out there!" Taylor's voice was a mix of frustration and disbelief. 

Kay looked at Taylor calmly, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Taylor, you're playing brilliantly, no doubt about it. But as a player, you need to trust your manager's decisions and follow them without question. Obeying commands and not being rebellious are crucial if you want to become a big player. We need everyone to stick to the plan."

Taylor's face showed a mix of anger, disappointment, and confusion, but he nodded, understanding the importance of the lesson Kay was imparting. "Alright, Manager," he said, though his voice was still tinged with frustration. 

He walked over to the bench and sat down, his eyes still fixed on the field, watching as the match continued without him. 

As Taylor sat on the bench, he noticed his breaths were coming fast and heavy, He felt an exhaustion he hadn't realized was there while he was on the pitch. 

Reflecting on Kay's decision, he began to understand why the substitution was necessary. 

On the field, Leo observed the situation. Having conceded a goal and recognizing Taylor's impact, he worried about the possibility of another strike if his players' mental states crumbled. 

To evade this, Leo instructed his team to pull back their defensive line and reduce the pace, aiming to stabilize the game and regain control. 

The match continued for another five minutes, with both teams playing cautiously. 

Neither side created any significant opportunities, focusing instead on maintaining their formations and preventing any further damage. 

As the five minutes elapsed, the referee blew the whistle, signaling the end of an intense and spectacular first half. 

Both teams began heading towards their respective benches, eager for a break and a chance to regroup before the second half. 

Kay quit the pitch to the direction of the locker room, already preparing his speech. 

See you in the next chapter ...

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