
The operation

After finishing the evaluation, Kay looked at Dr. Thompson with a sense of urgency. "Doctor, is there any possibility that we can finish the process in one week? I need to get back to the coaching school, classes will begin in one week." 

Dr. Thompson considered Kay's request carefully before responding.

"Kay, the speed of your recovery will depend largely on your determination and physical condition. However, one week is simply not enough time to complete the entire process. What I can do is start the process and fit you with the artificial leg. You'll need to return to the hospital every week for physical therapy and adjustments, but with this plan, there are some challenges." 

Kay's expression showed both hope and apprehension. "What kind of challenges am I looking at?" 

The doctor's gaze was steady. "With this accelerated plan, you will experience significant pain and discomfort. The therapy will be intensive, and you'll need to be diligent about your exercises. It won't be easy, but if you're committed, we can make substantial progress." 

Kay nodded resolutely. "I understand, doctor. I'm ready to face whatever comes. Let's get started." 

Dr. Thompson gave a reassuring smile. "I admire your determination, Kay. We'll begin the process right away and monitor your progress closely. With your attitude, I believe we can achieve great things." 

The doctor took measurements for the artificial leg, carefully noting every detail. "Kay, I'll place an order with these measurements to the company that specializes in manufacturing artificial limbs today. The leg should arrive in two days." 

Kay nodded, absorbing the information. "So, I need to come back in two days?" 

"Yes," Dr. Thompson confirmed.

"We'll fit the artificial leg and start the initial adjustments then. In the meantime, take it easy and prepare yourself mentally for the challenges ahead. This process will require patience and resilience, but I have confidence in you." 

Kay shook the doctor's hand. "Thank you, Dr. Thompson. I'll be back in two days." 

Kay returned home with his father, feeling exhausted. When they arrived, Kay headed straight to his room, fatigue washing over him. "I'm going to rest for a bit, " he said, his voice heavy with weariness. 

"Of course, Kay. Get some sleep," Max replied, watching his son with a tender smile. 

Once Kay was asleep, Max found Reina in the kitchen. "Reina, I've been thinking," he began a spark of excitement in his eyes. "We should throw a party for Kay once he gets his artificial leg. It'll be a surprise, something to lift his spirits and celebrate his progress." 

Reina's face lit up with a smile. "That's a wonderful idea, Max. He deserves something special after everything he's been through. We'll make it a day to remember." 

"But we should keep it secret, be careful"Max reminds Reina. 


Two days later, Kay and Max returned to the hospital, a palpable sense of excitement filling the air. Kay was eager, the thought of leaving his sticks behind giving him a newfound hope. 

They entered the hospital and quickly made their way to the doctor's office. 

The doctor greeted them with a warm smile. "Good news, Kay. The artificial leg has arrived, and we're ready to proceed. The operation will begin in half an hour." 

Kay's eyes lit up with anticipation. "Thank you, doctor. I'm ready." 

After half an hour, the operation began. The minutes turned into hours as Max waited anxiously outside the room, pacing back and forth. 

The clock on the wall seemed to move slower with each passing moment. Finally, after about three hours, the door of the operating room opened, and some nurses emerged. 

Max's heart raced as he looked toward the doorway. Then, to his amazement, he saw Kay stepping out with the assistance of the doctor. 

For the first time since the accident, Kay was walking without his sticks. The sight brought tears to Max's eyes. 

Kay's face showed a mixture of exhaustion and triumph. "Dad, look! I'm walking," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. 

Max rushed to his son's side, supporting him as the doctor continued to guide Kay. "You're doing great, Kay," Max said, his voice choked with pride. "I knew you could do it." 

The doctor smiled, pleased with the progress. "This is just the beginning, Kay. With continued physical therapy, you'll get stronger every day. Remember, it's important to take it slow and steady." 

Max received Kay from Dr. Thompson and helped him sit down. "You rest here, Kay. I'm going to talk to the doctor about the instructions for your artificial leg," he said gently. 

Kay nodded, feeling a bit tired but hopeful. Max walked over to Dr. Thompson and called him aside. "Thank you so much for everything, doctor," he said, gratitude evident in his voice. 

Dr. Thompson smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Mr. Marik. Kay is a determined young man. Now, let's discuss the care and maintenance of the artificial leg, as well as the payment for the surgery." 

Max followed Dr. Thompson to the billing office. Once there, the doctor handed Max a detailed bill. 

Max's eyes widened slightly at the amount, it was much higher than he had anticipated. "Artificial legs are very advanced these days, and unfortunately, that makes them quite expensive," Dr. Thompson explained. 

Max nodded, hiding his concern. "I understand, doctor. Take my credit card." He handed over his credit card, determined not to let Kay know about him paying for his operation. 

After finishing the payments, Dr. Thompson handed Max a sheet of instructions and began explaining.

"Mr.Max, it's crucial for Kay to gradually get used to his new leg. He should practice walking every hour with the help of someone. At the beginning, it's preferable that he uses his sticks for additional support." 

Max nodded, absorbing the information. "I understand, doctor. We'll make sure he follows these instructions carefully." 

Dr. Thompson continued, "Kay might experience some discomfort and pain initially, but this should ease over time with consistent practice and therapy. It's important to monitor his progress and make sure he doesn't overexert himself." 

"Thank you, doctor," Max said, shaking Dr. Thompson's hand. "We appreciate all your help and guidance." 

Dr. Thompson smiled warmly. "If you have any concerns or notice anything unusual, don't hesitate to contact us immediately. Don't forget he should visit me every week, it's important." 

Max nodded again. "We won't miss any appointments, doctor. Thank you." 

Max returned to Kay, who was sitting patiently. "Alright, Kay, the doctor gave us some important instructions," he began, handing over the sheet.

"You need to practice walking every hour with someone's help, and it's better to use your sticks at first." 

Kay looked determined. "Got it, Dad. I'll do whatever it takes." 

Kay turned to his father, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Dad, shouldn't we complete the payment for the surgery?" 

Max quickly thought of a pretext to avoid revealing the high cost of the procedure.

He smiled reassuringly at Kay. "Actually, the doctor told me we can take care of the payment next time we visit. They're giving us some time to settle everything." 

Kay nodded, accepting his father's explanation. "Alright, thanks, Dad." 

As they were leaving, Dr. Thompson hurried over to say goodbye. "Max, Kay, one more thing. After you've paid the full cost of the operation, I'll make sure you get a discount on every therapy session." 

Kay's eyes widened as he realized his father had already settled the bill. He remained silent, absorbing this information, while Max thanked the doctor once more. 

"Thank you, Dr. Thompson. We appreciate it," Max said, shaking his hand. 

Kay didn't say a word as they walked to the car. Once inside, he sat quietly, reflecting on his father's actions. 

As they drove, the silence was finally broken by Kay's hesitant voice. "Dad, where did you get all the money to pay for the operation?" Kay knows that his father's income isn't enough to pay for such an expensive operation.

Max took a deep breath before answering. "Kay, your mother and I had been saving for years. We wanted to buy a country house, a place where we could all relax and enjoy life." 

Kay felt a lump in his throat, tears welling up in his eyes. "You used that money for my surgery?" 

Max nodded. "Yes, son. We thought it was more important to invest in your future. You need this operation and the coaching school to achieve your dreams." 

Kay wiped a tear from his cheek. "But I had the money to cover the surgery, Dad. You didn't have to do this." 

Max shook his head firmly. "If you paid for both the surgery and the coaching school, you'd be left with nothing for your own life. This was the right thing to do." 

Kay felt a surge of gratitude. "I promise you, Dad, I'll make this worth it. After I achieve success, I'll buy you and Mom the best country house. You deserve that and so much more." 

Max smiled; his eyes filled with pride. "I know you will, Kay. I know you will." 

See you in the next chapter ...

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