
Visiting the administration

After Kay finished the four books given by the system, he received a notification: 

- - - 

Congratulations, Kay! You have successfully completed the 'Art of Football' series. 

Your understanding of football basics has significantly improved. 

You are now better equipped to pursue your dream of becoming a football coach. 

With that, you have finished the first task. 

Now, you just need to complete the second one to fully activate your system. 

 - - - 

After Kay read the notification, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination as he prepared to tackle the next challenge. 

But before that, he had to visit his team's administration the next day as he had promised his father. It was late at night, so Kay hurriedly went to bed. 

The next morning, Max was waking Kay up. "Kay, get up. It's 10 o'clock; we need to go. Hurry up!" 

Kay woke up and had breakfast with his parents. Then, he took his sticks and went out with his father, heading towards his team's administration. 

 During the three-hour journey from his home to the city where the team was located, Kay used the time to research coaching schools. He discovered that many schools could provide him with a coaching diploma. 

The prices varied from school to school, depending on the duration of the training and the school's reputation. 

Kay noticed that many schools showcased famous coaches who had graduated from their programs on their websites. 

Most of the programs ranged from 6 months to 1 year, with the duration significantly impacting the cost. 

By the time the journey ended, Kay had already shortlisted several coaching programs to choose from later. He wasn't concerned about the high costs, thanks to his substantial salary from the team. 

When they entered the city, Kay was flooded with memories, both happy and sad. 


"Dad, let's go to the administration first, and then we can walk around the city," Kay suggested. 

After half an hour, Kay and his father were standing in front of the team's training stadium, which housed the administration offices. 

Kay then called the chief of security to let him know he was in front of the door, asking for assistance to make his way inside as there were a lot of supporters standing in front of the door. 


Kay initially hesitated to enter. He hated seeing those looks from his teammates again—pity or resentment —but he knew he had no choice. 

As they neared the door, Max flashed the car's lights to signal the security agent. 

The agent of security recognized them and cleared a path for Kay and his father, allowing them to navigate through the throngs of media agents and supporters to enter the facility. 

Kay, wearing a cap and sunglasses as camouflage, sat in the rear seat of the car, avoiding any interaction with the media. 

"Dad, go straight and then turn right. You'll see a big facility—that's the administration." 

Max followed Kay's directions, steering the car toward the administration building. 

When they arrived and Max parked the car, Kay stepped out and felt a shiver run down his spine as he looked at the building in front of him. 

Max turned to his son and said, "Let's go. Kay, do you think we'll find the president there?" 

"Yes, I think so. He's always at his desk and rarely leaves," Kay replied. 

Kay removed his camouflage and walked with his father inside the building. Once inside, he saw a blonde girl in her twenties heading into the elevator. 

"Carolina! Carolina! Is the president in his office?" Kay called out. 

"Yes, he is. Do you want to meet him?" the young girl asked. 

Kay nodded affirmatively. 

"Do you have an appointment?" Carolina asked with a cold tone. 

"No, I don't, but I need to meet him as soon as possible. It's urgent," Kay answered with an urgent tone. 

"I see. Go to the reception room, and I will call you later," Carolina answered while heading to the elevator. 

When she disappeared from their sight, Max asked his son, "Who is she?" 

"She is the president's secretary, but I didn't like the way she talked to me," Kay replied. 

Carolina went directly to the president's office and knocked on the door. A deep voice from inside the room granted her permission to enter. 

The young girl stepped into the room and said, "Sir, the player Kay is here and wants to see you. He says it's urgent." 

When Riki heard that, he picked up his phone, dialed a number, and waited. After a moment of silence, he put his phone back on the desk and muttered, "Sh***, why doesn't he answer?" 

Then Riki raised his head and said to his secretary, "Allow him to come in." 

As Carolina left the office, Riki thought to himself that this was a problem he needed to resolve as soon as possible. 

Carolina returned to the reception room and approached Kay and his father with a calm demeanor. 

"Mr. Kay, the president is ready to see you now. Please follow me to his office." Kay took a deep breath, bracing himself for the upcoming conversation. 

Max gave his son a reassuring nod, and they both stood up, following Carolina through the pristine corridors of the building. 

The walls were adorned with framed photos of the team's history, a silent reminder of the legacy Kay once hoped to contribute to. 

As they reached the president's door, Carolina gently knocked before opening it, and brought them into the spacious office where Riki sat behind a large mahogany desk, his expression serious yet welcoming. 

Kay and his father stepped into the office, and Riki greeted them warmly, rising from his chair to shake their hands. 

"It's good to see you, Kay. Please, have a seat," Riki said with a friendly smile. He then turned to his secretary. "Carolina, could you bring us some drinks?" Carolina nodded and left the room. 

As they settled into the comfortable chairs, Riki began discussing common topics, easing into the conversation. "How have you been holding up, Kay? And how's the family?" he asked, his tone genuine and concerned. "I've been thinking about you since the accident. How are you feeling?" 

Max and Kay exchanged glances, feeling slightly more at ease. Riki's approach was comforting, a welcome distraction from the important matters at hand. 

They chatted about recent events, and the team's latest matches, creating a warm and amiable atmosphere. 

It was clear Riki was trying to make them feel as comfortable as possible before diving into the urgent issue that had brought them here. 

Kay had heard whispers within the team that the president was a cunning and unscrupulous person. 

However, after experiencing Riki's warm welcome and genuine concern, he started to doubt the truth of those rumors. 

Riki's hospitality and interest in his well-being seemed sincere, making Kay feel a flicker of hope that perhaps the stories were unfounded. 

Yet, after all he had been through recently, a part of him remained skeptical, wary of letting his guard down completely. 

Trust was not something he could afford to give easily, and the conflicting emotions left him in a state of cautious optimism. 

Kay then explained to Riki the reason for his visit. "I need to discuss my compensations following the accident," he began, his voice steady but firm. "And I also need to know what's happening with my contract." 

Riki leaned back in his chair, his expression shifting from warm concern to one of professional attentiveness. "I see," he said, nodding thoughtfully. "These are important matters. Let's start with the compensation. How are you holding up after the accident?" 

Kay took a deep breath. "I'm managing. It hasn't been easy, but I'm determined to move forward. That's why it's crucial for me to understand where I stand with the team and what support I can expect." 

Riki tapped his fingers on the desk, pondering. "I appreciate your resilience, Kay. Let's address this properly. The insurance should cover a significant part of your compensation. We've been in touch with them, and we'll make sure you get everything you're entitled to. You've been a valuable player, and we want to ensure you're taken care of." 

Kay remarked that Riki hadn't mentioned anything about the contract yet. After a moment of calm, he asked, "What about my contract with the team?" 

Riki remained silent for a few moments, his expression unreadable. He then began searching through a stack of papers on his desk, his brows furrowed in concentration. 

After finding the document he was looking for, he set it aside and shifted his position in the chair, leaning forward slightly, ready to address Kay's question about the contract. 

See you in the next chapter ...

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