
[62] Lunar Lightning


Alright! The JJK story has now been made and I have completed the first arc already. It should be on my profile but the name is Jujutsu Kaisen: Gambit

400 PS = Extra Chapter or Ill see you on Monday!

Also, I haven't been Isekaied just yet but know if I ever stop posting for at least a week.... you know why. 


I woke up earlier than usual, glancing at the clock to see it was just past six in the morning. The penthouse was quiet, with Miruko and the girls still asleep in their rooms. I figured I'd grab a quick bite before getting ready for that spar with Miruko.

I crawled out of bed, wearing just a pair of sweatpants, and headed to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I saw it was practically empty except for some condiments and a few bottles of Miruko's protein shakes. Right, we had planned to go grocery shopping later today. Looks like I'd be starting the day on an empty stomach.

I sighed and grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filling it with cool water from the fridge door. As I gulped it down, I heard soft footsteps behind me. Turning, I saw Nejire padding into the kitchen, wearing an oversized t-shirt and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Good morning," I said. "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I'm just an early riser," Nejire replied with a yawn. She came over and slipped her arms around my waist. "But now that you're up, I'd like my good morning kiss."

I smiled and leaned down to meet her lips, giving her a tender kiss. Nejire responded eagerly, her body pressing against mine as our kiss deepened.

"Mmm, if this is the kind of wake up call I'll get every morning, I look forward to us officially living together someday," Nejire said.

"Well, don't get too used to it," I teased. "Once our internships are over, it's back to the dorms."

Nejire pouted. "Meanie. You just want to keep me craving your kisses."

"Maybe I do," I said, pulling her in for another deep kiss. Nejire melted against me, her fingers tangling in my messy bedhead. We probably could have stayed like that for ages, but a gruff voice interrupted us.

"Oi, save that mushy stuff for your own time, bunnies," Miruko said as she shuffled into the kitchen, bleary-eyed and tousle-haired. "Some of us need coffee before witnessing your saliva exchange."

Nejire and I sprang apart, blushing and stammering apologies. Miruko just rolled her eyes and went about brewing an extra strong pot of coffee.

"I'm gonna grab a quick shower before our workout," I told Nejire. "See you at breakfast?"

"It's a date," Nejire said brightly, sneaking one more peck on my cheek before I left.

After my shower, I changed into workout clothes - soft track pants and a fitted athletic shirt. In the kitchen, I found Miruko shoveling down a huge plate of eggs and sausage while Nejire nibbled on yogurt and fruit. Momo was there now too, smiling when she saw me enter.

"Morning Izuku," Momo said. "There's still some eggs left if you want breakfast."

My stomach rumbled again, so I quickly scarfed down a few bites along with a protein shake. Not the most balanced meal, but it would have to do. Soon enough, Miruko was ushering me out the door so we could begin our training for the day.

"Come on, bunny boy, time to put those legs of yours to work!" Miruko said cheerily despite having chugged three mugs of coffee already. Where she found that boundless energy, I had no clue.

I gave a quick hug to the girls and then we were off, racing across the rooftops of the city as the sun rose over the horizon. Our first training stop was at an old construction site.

I landed on the dusty ground of the construction site, Miruko touching down beside me.

"Ready to get your fluffy tail kicked, bunny boy?" she taunted, cracking her knuckles.

"Careful with those nicknames, Miruko. People might get the wrong idea about us."

Her grin widened. "Oh? And what idea would that be?"

Before I could respond, she launched herself at me, leg extended in a devastating kick. I barely managed to dodge, feeling the wind rush past my face.

"Less flirting, more fighting!" Miruko shouted, pivoting on her heel for another strike.

I ducked under her leg, aiming a quick jab at her midsection. She blocked it effortlessly, grabbing my arm and using my momentum to fling me across the site. I twisted in the air, landing on my feet against a half-finished wall.

"Not bad, kid," Miruko called out. "But you'll need to do better than that!"

She leapt high, coming down with an axe kick that would have crushed concrete. I pushed off the wall, debris raining down as her foot connected where I'd been a second ago.

We danced across the construction site, trading blows and quips. Miruko's fighting style was all power and speed, her kicks creating shockwaves that shook the scaffolding around us. I weaved through her attacks, using One For All to enhance my movements and looking for openings.

"Come on, Midoriya!" Miruko shouted, her eyes shining with excitement. "Show me what you've got!"

I grinned, feeling the thrill of the fight coursing through me. I channeled more power into my legs, zipping around her in a blur of movement. Miruko's eyes widened as she tried to track me, her ears twitching to catch any sound of my approach.

I saw my chance and took it, aiming a kick at her blind spot. To my surprise, she caught my leg, using my own momentum to slam me into the ground.

"Gotcha," she said, pinning me down.

I didn't waste a second, channeling One For All through my body and into the ground. The earth cracked beneath us, throwing Miruko off balance. I slipped out of her grip, putting some distance between us.

"Oho, getting creative are we?" Miruko's grin was feral now. "That's what I like to see!"

She charged at me again, but this time I was ready. I grabbed a nearby steel beam, swinging it like a bat. Miruko leapt over it, but I'd anticipated that. I dropped the beam and shot upward, meeting her in mid-air.

Our fists collided, the impact sending shockwaves through the air. We both landed hard, skidding across the ground.

"Not... bad..." Miruko panted, wiping a trickle of blood from her lip. "But I'm just getting started!"

She blurred into motion, her kicks coming faster than ever. I blocked and dodged as best I could, but a few slipped through my guard, each one feeling like a sledgehammer to my ribs.

I needed to end this quickly. Spotting a pile of sand nearby, I had an idea. I retreated, leading Miruko towards it. Just as she was about to land another devastating kick, I used One For All to send a wave of sand into the air between us.

Miruko coughed and sputtered, momentarily blinded. I took my chance, sweeping her legs out from under her and pinning her to the ground.

"I win," I said, breathing heavily.

Miruko lay there for a moment, then burst out laughing. "Now that's what I call a fight!" She easily broke my hold, sitting up with a wide grin. "You've got potential, kid. Lots of it."

I stood up, offering her a hand. "Thanks. You're not so bad yourself."

She took my hand, pulling herself up. "Not so bad? I'm the best, and don't you forget it!" Her eyes sparkled with mirth and... something else I couldn't quite place. "But you... you might just give me a run for my money someday."

We stood there for a moment, both covered in dust and bruises, grinning like idiots. Then Miruko clapped me on the back, nearly knocking me over.

"Come on, bunny boy. Let's get cleaned up and do some patrolling."

As Miruko started to lead me out of the construction site, I remembered our agreement from yesterday.

"Hold on," I said, catching her attention. "You promised to teach me one of your special moves if I won that game of tag, remember?"

Miruko's ears twitched, and a grin spread across her face. "Oh yeah, I did say that, didn't I? Alright, bunny boy, you've earned it. Let's see... how about I teach you my Luna Fall?"

I nodded eagerly.

"Okay, watch closely," Miruko said, taking a few steps back. She crouched low, muscles tensing, then launched herself into the air. At the apex of her jump, she twisted her body, bringing her leg down in a devastating axe kick. The ground cracked under the impact, sending debris flying.

"The key is to build up momentum during the jump, then channel all that force into your leg for the downward strike," Miruko explained. "Give it a shot."

I took a deep breath, focusing on One For All. I leapt high, trying to mimic Miruko's fluid motion. As I reached the peak of my jump, I twisted, bringing my leg down hard. The impact was solid, but nowhere near as impressive as Miruko's.

"Not bad for a first try," Miruko said. "But you're thinking too much. Let your body flow with the motion."

I tried again, and again, each attempt getting a little closer to the real thing. As I practiced, an idea began to form in my mind. What if I combined Miruko's Luna Arc with my own abilities?

"Hey Miruko," I said, wiping sweat from my brow. "Mind if I try something a little different?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Go for it, kid. Show me what you've got."

I closed my eyes, focusing on One For All and my quirk's adaptations. I felt the familiar tingle of electricity coursing through my body. When I opened my eyes, small arcs of green lightning danced across my skin.

I crouched low, just as Miruko had done, then launched myself skyward. As I reached the peak of my jump, I twisted, but instead of immediately bringing my leg down, I let the electricity build. The air around me crackled with energy.

"Raijin Impact!" I shouted, bringing my electrified leg down in a sweeping arc. The impact sent a shockwave of green lightning radiating outward, leaving a scorched pattern on the ground that looked eerily like tree branches.

Miruko whistled, clearly impressed. "Now that's what I call making a move your own. Not bad, bunny boy. But don't get cocky. That move's gonna need a lot of practice before you can use it in a real fight."

"Yes, ma'am," I said, already itching to try it again.

Miruko clapped me on the back. "Alright, enough showing off. We've got a city to patrol. Let's move out, Viridian."

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