
[12] Game Night Gambits

"Aizawa-sensei? Do you have a moment?"

He looked up, eyebrow raised. "What is it, Midoriya?"

"I was hoping to ask you some questions about being a pro hero. The practical side of things, I mean. If you're not too busy, of course."

Aizawa studied me for a long moment. I kept my expression earnest, open. Finally, he sighed. "Fine. Meet me in the teacher's lounge in ten minutes."

I nodded, thanking him before heading out. As I walked the halls of U.A., I reviewed my mental checklist. Aizawa was a tough nut to crack, but the information he could provide was invaluable, especially for intelligence gathering. I just needed the right approach. Maybe start with something general to build the appearance of a curious student.

The teacher's lounge was empty when I arrived. I took a seat, my eyes roaming over the room. Personal effects, schedules, half-finished reports - all potential sources of useful information. But no, too risky. For now.

Aizawa shuffled in, looking like he'd rather be napping. He dropped into a chair across from me. "Alright, Midoriya. What do you want to know?"

I leaned forward, eager. "Well, I've been researching hero agencies, and I'm curious about the business side of things. How do you balance hero work with the administrative aspects?"

He blinked, clearly not expecting that line of questioning. "Most heroes have support staff to handle the day-to-day operations. PR teams, accountants, that sort of thing."

I nodded, filing that away. "And for new heroes just starting out?"

"It's tough," Aizawa admitted. "You're often doing everything yourself at first. Paperwork, patrol schedules, dealing with the media. It's why many new pros join existing agencies instead of striking out on their own."

Interesting. A potential roadblock, but not insurmountable. "What about-"

The door swung open, cutting me off. Midnight sauntered in, her costume leaving little to the imagination. Her eyes lit up when she saw me.

"Well, hello there," she purred. "What's this? Aizawa, are you giving private lessons?"

I stood, bowing slightly. "Good afternoon, Midnight-sensei. I was just asking Aizawa-sensei about the practical aspects of being a pro hero."

"Oh?" She leaned against a nearby desk, her pose accentuating her curves. "And what has our resident grump told you so far?"

I smiled, recognizing an opportunity. "We were discussing hero agencies, actually. I'm particularly interested in how heroes build their personal brands. Your expertise in that area is well-known, Midnight-sensei. Would you mind sharing some insights?"

Midnight's smile widened. "My, aren't you the ambitious one? Well, I'd be happy to share my wisdom with such an... attentive student."

Aizawa rolled his eyes, but didn't interrupt.

"The key," Midnight continued, "is to find your niche. What makes you unique? For me, it was embracing my sex appeal. Controversial, yes, but undeniably effective."

I nodded, maintaining eye contact. "It certainly seems to have worked. Your popularity rankings are consistently high."

She preened at the compliment. "Exactly. The public loves a hero with personality. It's not just about power or skill - it's about connection. Making people feel something when they see you."

"How do you manage the media attention?" I asked. "It must be overwhelming at times."

Midnight laughed. "Oh, it can be. But that's part of the game. You have to learn to use the media, not let them use you. Give them just enough to keep them interested, but always leave them wanting more."

I leaned in, genuinely intrigued. "And how do you strike that balance?"

As Midnight launched into a detailed explanation of media management techniques, I glanced at Aizawa. He was watching our interaction closely, his expression unreadable.

"Thank you, Midnight-sensei," I said when she finished. "Your insights are invaluable. I hope I can put them to good use someday."

"Oh, I'm sure you will," she replied, her tone suggestive. "You've certainly got the looks for it. With the right image, you could go far."

I ducked my head, feigning embarrassment. "You're too kind, sensei."

Aizawa cleared his throat. "If we're done here, Midoriya, you should head back to the dorms. It's getting late."

I nodded, gathering my things. "Of course. Thank you both for your time. It's been incredibly helpful."

As I reached the door, Aizawa spoke up. "Midoriya."

I turned. "Yes, sensei?"

His eyes bored into mine. "Remember, being a hero isn't about fame or money. It's about saving people. Don't lose sight of that."

I met his gaze steadily. "I won't, sensei. That's why I'm here, after all."

The walk back to the dorms gave me time to process the conversation. Midnight's advice on branding and media management was useful, if a bit on the nose. But it was Aizawa's warning that stuck with me. He was sharper than I'd given him credit for.

Back in my room, I pulled out my laptop and began to type. New strategies for cultivating a public image. Ideas for leveraging media attention. Potential pitfalls to avoid.

As I worked, a plan began to take shape. A carefully crafted persona, designed to appeal to both the public and potential allies. Charming but not arrogant. Powerful but approachable. A hero the people could believe in and want to be.

It was a delicate balance, but I was up for the challenge. After all, every great performance needs a compelling lead actor.

A knock at my door interrupted my plotting. I switched the tab to a youtube video. "Come in."

Kirishima opened the door, grinning. "Hey, Midoriya! A bunch of us are heading to the common room for a game night. Wanna join?"

I hesitated. My plans for the evening had involved more research, not socializing. But connections were important, and this was a chance to observe my classmates in a more relaxed setting.

"Sure," I said, returning his smile. "Sounds fun."

The common room was vibrant. Ashido and Kaminari argued over which game to play first. Yaoyorozu set out cups she'd apparently created with her quirk. Todoroki lurked in a corner, looking uncomfortable.

"Midoriya!" Uraraka waved me over. "Come sit with us!"

I joined her and Iida on one of the couches. "Thanks for including me," I said. "I'm not much of a gamer, though."

"That's okay!" Uraraka beamed. "We're starting with something easy. Just a fun way to get to know each other better."

Iida nodded seriously. "Indeed. Building camaraderie among classmates is crucial for our future as heroes."

As the games began, I made sure to participate enthusiastically while keeping a part of my mind focused on observation. Who worked well together? Who got competitive? Who stayed on the sidelines?

Every detail could be useful later.

Halfway through a particularly rowdy round of charades, Bakugo stormed in. "What the hell is all this noise about?"

"Kacchan!" I called out, ignoring the way he bristled at the nickname. "We're just playing some games. Want to join?"

He scowled. "Like I'd waste my time with your stupid-"

"Scared you'll lose, Blasty?" Kirishima interrupted, grinning.

Bakugo's eye twitched. "What was that, Shitty Hair?"

"You heard me. Unless you're chicken?"

I hid a smile as Bakugo stomped over, grumbling threats.

As the night wore on, I decided taking a breather near the edge of the room. Jiro stood nearby, looking equally ready for a moment of quiet.

"Too loud for you?" I asked, nodding towards her earphone jacks.

She shrugged. "A bit. My quirk makes me sensitive to noise sometimes."

I leaned against the wall, giving her a curious look. "Must be tough in hero work. Especially with all the chaos and explosions."

"You get used to it," Jiro said. "Besides, the enhanced hearing comes in handy more often than not."

I nodded, filing that information away. "I bet. You must pick up on all sorts of things others miss."

She smirked. "You have no idea. Like how Kaminari's been trying to work up the courage to talk to Yaoyorozu all night."

I glanced over at the flustered electric user, chuckling. "Poor guy. Think he has a chance?"

"Not likely," Jiro said, a hint of... something in her voice. Interesting.

"What about you?" I asked casually. "Any hidden talents besides the super hearing?"

Jiro's eyes narrowed slightly. "Why so curious, Midoriya?"

I shrugged, keeping my expression open. "Just trying to get to know my classmates better. We're going to be working together a lot, after all."

She studied me for a moment, then seemed to relax. "Fair enough. I play a few instruments. Guitar, mainly."

"That's cool. Music and heroics. Quite the combination."

Jiro smiled. "Yeah, well. It's good to have interests outside of just punching villains, you know?"

I laughed, then leaned in slightly, lowering my voice. "Maybe you could play for me sometime. I'd love to hear it."

Jiro's eyes widened, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "I... uh... maybe? I mean, I don't usually... but..."

I smiled, enjoying her flustered reaction. "No pressure. Just think about it, okay?"

She nodded, looking a bit dazed. "Yeah... sure. Thanks, Midoriya."

As Jiro wandered off, still looking slightly red-faced, I made a mental note. Her quirk could be incredibly useful for gathering information.

The night wore on, filled with laughter and the occasional explosion (thanks, Bakugo). I made sure to interact with everyone, filing away tidbits of information for later use.

Yaoyorozu's insecurity beneath her poise. Todoroki's underlying sadness. Tsuyu's blunt honesty. All potential leverage points, if needed.

As things wound down, I found myself by the snack table with Todoroki. He'd barely spoken all night, but I'd caught him watching the others with a mix of longing and confusion.

"Not much for party games?" I asked casually.

He shrugged. "I... didn't have much experience with this sort of thing growing up."

I nodded sympathetically. "Must have been lonely."

Todoroki's eyes widened slightly, surprised by my insight. "It was... necessary. For my training."

"Training can be important," I said carefully. "But so are connections. Teamwork. Understanding people."

He frowned, considering my words. "Perhaps."

I smiled, patting his shoulder as I moved past him to refill my drink. "Just something to think about. Goodnight, Todoroki."

As I headed back to my room, I reviewed the night's events. New information gathered. Connections strengthened. Seeds of future alliances planted.

All in all, a productive evening.

I opened my laptop once more, adding a few final notes before bed. Tomorrow, I'd take a trip to the Support Course wing. See if there are any gems there.

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