
Chapter 18 Merc with the mouth

The security room was left in utter silence after their first attempt at stopping Michael failed. The captain had called informing them of the situation but they really didn't need him to make them aware of what had happened. They had seen it all go down from the cameras and to say they were shocked was an understatement.

"Sir I don't believe he's a speedster" One of the guards stated, still trying to grasp the reality of what had just occurred.

"I can see that" Rubbing his chin Francis began analyzing and reviewing what he'd just seen. Super speed was definitely an ability he had but he had plenty more to spare that actually seemed more dangerous. Heat Vision in particular is what concerned him. It wiped the room of his men before they even had the chance to retaliate. Besides that, it seemed like he even had Super Strength based on how he easily snapped the captain's neck and strangled the mutant.

Speaking of Mutants, that was another problem. It seemed like they had just defected. A pity and annoyance but they would get their dues once this was all over. Turning around Francis was about to begin initiating the next step of his plan when he noticed his guests reacting for the first time.

The ones present were supposed to be helped by the government, but Francis himself didn't know much about them besides the fact that they were enhanced. When he first learned this, he expected to struggle with them—enhanced people usually carried a great amount of pride or arrogance. But these agents were different.

They didn't speak unless spoken to. They didn't act unless told to. Most of all, they never changed or expressed themselves in any way. They were almost like machines. But now, for the first time, they were reacting. The faintest flicker of recognition passed between them, their rigid posture shifting slightly. Surely, they knew something.

"What do you know about him?" Francis asked, breaking the tense silence.

The largest of the four turned to Francis, his expression as unreadable as ever. "The man you're dealing with," he began, his tone clinical, "is an escapee. He was part of a classified experiment similar to Weapon X, but the details are heavily redacted."

"An escapee…" Francis didn't need to hear more when it came to experimentation. While the Super Soldier program may have been officially decommissioned it never truly stopped. If anything the government put more funding and resources into it with even Weapon X being just one part of a long list.

What he was really interested in were his weaknesses. If there was a way to incapacitate him with less damage then he'd prefer that. Losing so many guards was already going to be annoying to deal with and that's not including the destruction his Heat vision caused the room. "Then you must have a way to deal with him, correct?"

"Correct but once all things are said and done he will be coming with us"

Francis understood that he wouldn't be able to have his way on this. The people who sent these agents were even above him so no matter what he did they'd have him but that didn't mean he wouldn't get whatever he could. They said they'd take him but never said it had to be in one piece.




Back in the Lab section of Weapon X, the guards present seemed to be disturbed and growing anxious. It hadn't been long since they received news that many of their co-workers had died and this was stressing them out. This new behavior wasn't missed by the scientists in particular Killebrew who knew that this would be their best moment.

"It's time I'll distract them" Dr Collen said before moving through the crowd to reach the guards.

Dr Killebrew watched him leave and silently prayed for his safety "Stay safe old friend" Getting up he began to make his move along with Dr Smith. Getting near the door they waited for Dr Collen and this didn't take long because soon angry shouts could be heard in the room.

It was hard to discern some of what was being said but based on what they did hear they soon understood why the guards were so angry. Apparently, Dr Collen asked them about what was going on outside and this triggered the guards who had just lost some of their friends. They blamed the scientists for this whole situation and even struck him.

This upset Killebrew who wanted to check on his friend but he knew he had to follow through. "I'll be back, watch the door." Saying this to Dr Smith he quickly slipped through the next-door lab. Taking a pause he waited patiently to see if his escape was noticed but it seemed like it wasn't as no one rushed to get in.

Sighing to himself he felt some relief but this was just the first step. He still needed to free the test subject.

Moving fast he began to travel through the room with a destination clear in his mind. Having worked in this facility almost all his life he knew exactly where he needed to go and in no time he soon reached a back part of the lab that had the man he was looking for.

"Finally! You know how boring it is being strapped all alone in a room with nothing to do? Especially when someone is stealing their movie? It's almost as bad as being forced to watch the Acolyte"

Dr Killebrew froze in place, unsure if this was actually a good idea. Clearly, the procedures they had done, left the subject damaged but what choice did he have?

"I am Dr Killebrew and am in great need of your help. I and my fellow scientists want to put an end to this facility but we were caught too soon-"

The man cut him off with a sharp laugh. "Doc, let me stop you right there. You want me to help you? Fine. But I get Francis"

Killebrew nodded, not really expecting this response. He had heard that Francis had a particular dislike for this subject and it seems like those feelings were mutual. "Understood. Now, let me get you out of those restraints."

He quickly moved to the control panel near the wall, entering the necessary codes to release the locks. The restraints clicked open, and the man stood up, stretching his limbs as if waking from a long nap.

"Feels good to move again," the man said, cracking his neck. He glanced at Killebrew, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Just one thing before we go, Doc. I need guns lots of guns and Katanas. I want those too!"

"Umm I can maybe get you the guns from one of the security cabinets but I don't think there are Katanas anywhere in this facility"

"Ahh the horror, please tell me you at least have little knives."

"There may be some combat knives there as well"

"Perfect! Let's go make them sleep with the fishies. Follow my lead things are about to get… rated R"

Leaving the room, Killebrew felt a strange mix of hope and dread. He felt as if he unleashed something this world would come to hate him for.

For the next few minutes, he and Wade made a couple of stops gathering what they'd need for the upcoming confrontation. Dr Killebrew stuck to carrying a pistol for self-protection and wasn't confident in using anything else but Wade on the other hand was a different case.

If it could kill someone then it was tied to his body and the man had somehow even found an iPod. Killebrew suggested leaving it behind but Wade insisted stating that unliving people was hard on his heart and he needed the Backstreet Boys to soothe it.

Reaching the door to the main lab the two remained still for a moment before Wade stepped forward. "Let me take the lead Doc"

Giving him a nod Wade gave a light smirk and rushed in. Everyone in the room turned to look in surprise but at this moment Dr Collen and Dr Smith shouted for their fellow scientists to drop down. Not wanting to get hit, the room soon followed suit, and everyone but the guards dropped.

The guards saw who had those guns and weren't worried in the slightest. How in the world was a failure supposed to hurt them. Lifting up their weapons they began lighting Wade up and didn't stop until he was knocked off his feet.


'No way just like that… it's all over I got us Killed!' Killebrew lamented as he watched Wade fall to his death.

The other scientists also watch on in horror thinking similar things. Just why did things go like this?

"Francis is not going to be happy hearing about this little stunt you all played. If I were you I'd start getting ready for the worst" One guard snickered, taking great joy in being able to let off some steam. He even imagined that he might get a raise because of this. Everyone knew how much Francis hated this particular Subject.

However, after he said this everyone noticed a light sound coming from the dead body. Wanting to make sure he was really dead they slowly began to make their way over and found that the sound was coming from an iPod.

"🎶 I want it that way, tell me why ain't nothin but a heartache🎵"

"Haha, the sorry bastard was listening to Backstreet Boys when he died" One guard said, causing the others to laugh with him but these laughs became dead silent went the one who made the joke had his head blasted clean off.


"No one laughs at good quality music"

Hearing the voice everyone looked at Wade who was somehow completely healed! Not a hole in his body but sadly he was still ugly.

"Hey, it's a medical condition!" In anger of hearing what the author said Wade proceeded to enter a killing spree.

"Damnit kill him! Kill him now!" The guards didn't need these orders to unload but it was like their bullets were doing nothing. Wade just ran at them with little knives in his hands and proceeded to stab his way through.

What made it worse was how they died. Instead of stabbing like a normal person Wade aimed for the most vulnerable parts and made everything more gruesome. In one blow he even stabbed an artery that released a fountain of blood all over some of the scientists. Years of human experimentation had made them mostly desensitized but having war, and blood sprayed on your face was still enough to make those present barf.

"Please let me live!" The final guard begged as Wade stood over him ominously.

"Then sing it!"

"🎵 Tell me why ain't nothin but a mistake 🎶" The guard sang with some struggle as tears formed on the corners of his eyes.

Wade made a disappointed face and silently slashed his neck before looking back at the scientists. "He was so out of tune he really should've worked on his vocals. If he did he might've lived"

'Please god help us… I've released a madman!'

"Aye don't make that face come on we still got lots to do so where's our next stop" Wade asked cheerfully wanting to move fast. The sooner they left the sooner he could force Francis to turn him back. If he went back home like this then Vanessa would want nothing to do with him. So he needed a fix.

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