
Dragons Fly

I galloped across the open field towards the fortified village as I came upon the main entrance where three Yellow Turbans were standing above at, all wearing Yellow Robes and straw Kasa hats on their heads


One seemed to be in his early thirties (left one), another in his late twenties (right one), and a younger woman in the middle of both men looked down at me as I approached.

"I am Wu Kong, one of the leading Generals of the Mercenary army under lord Liu Bei, you have sparked a rebellion waving the banner of the Yellow Turbans and are bringing strife to his lands by cutting off his main supply of wheat and grains towards his people and armies! I am here to demand your immediate surrender, doing so no one will be harmed and all and only the ring leaders will be judged by Lord Liu Bei, but as he is a gracious and kind lord you will only be imprisoned at most for your crimes! If you and your armies decide not to surrender then we will be forced to attack your army and your lives will be forfeit!" I shout out towards not only them but the army in the background as my voice boomed across the village for all to hear.

Couldn't say we would try not to kill everyone or else they won't take our threats seriously as we won't chase down those that flee but any who do fight we will have no choice but to kill them in return.

Soon enough the younger man stepped forward as he scoffed while he looked down at me, "Lord Liu Bei? Don't make me laugh! If he was such a good lord then why did he allow those bandits to constantly keep raiding our lands, stealing our money and food and killing those we hold dear! If he was such a good lord then why didn't he come to help us in our time of need!" He shouted out which got the army to cheer in response.

"He has been protecting the borders from CaoCao and Yuan Shu's forces, forces that are much more of a threat than bandits could be-"

"Then he should have sent someone! Anyone to deal with them and save us in our time of need! We rise up do to injustice in our lords! Every man and woman here has pledged to the cause of bringing down the old ways and bringing about the Yellow Sky under the true Mandate of Heaven! So come then! Send your armies to fight us as we stand over two thousand strong to stand in your way!" He said which made his other leaders along with his army to cheer as well.

'Analyse Title.' I internally say as I see the title in front of me and that he is someone of legendary status within the Yellow Turbans and the true ringleader of this army, and as such his presence was negating the power of my own title of being the Yellow Emperors Chosen in making them willingly give in and surrender without a fight.

"…. So be it then…" I say before turning Kali away and galloping a distance away from them.

After getting roughly the distance of around 150 paces away I lifted my spear as I turned back and took aim while I saw the leaders in the distance organizing their men in preparation for the battle.

Soon enough a red aura began to envelope me as the energy of Dragon Piercer turned into a golden glow as all the muscles in my arms began to bulge outwards.

"Rising Dragon Charge!" I shouted out as I put the power of one of my abilities which boosts strength, speed and charge of me and my allies attacks all into a single point with Dragon Piercer before finally I let it fly.

Now what I expected to happen was a little fan fair as my glowing spear flew through the sky like a comet before hitting the ring leader of this rebellion of Yellow Turbans and be cool and exciting show of force, however….

"Rooooooooaaaaaaarrrrrr!!!" My mouth was left agape as not long after throwing Dragon Piercer with all my might it actually turned into an ethereal yellow/golden Dragon as it soared through the sky's for all to see, something later would be called by scholars and written by Tai Yang of his first accounts on me, 'The Warrior Commands Dragons' as it shot across the sky's before obliterating the main entrance to the village, killing the Ring leader before he could even react while his two followers were severely injured from the attack.

"That's one way to shoot a fire arrow! Everyone! Advance!" Lin Biao, after a momentary state of stupor ordered for the attack to which the soldiers began their march as she, Ma Shun and my Calvary force rushed to join up with me as they saw the dragon return to me before going back to the appearance of a golden Bident.

'Old man, what the hell are you up to?!' I couldn't help shouting mentally at the crazy old geezer before I raised my spear and began to charge into the battle.

But by the time we arrived all the peasants were terrified and couldn't stand up as all their makeshift weapons were on the ground while one could barely hold himself up as he waved the white flag.

"We-we surrender! P-please don't kill us!" He shouted out for all of them as they nodded in agreement as we saw what happened as I turned to one of my soldiers.

"Looks like I showed a bit to much force with that attack, tell the men to stop their advance, the rebels have surrendered and the village is ours." I say as he salutes me before heading back towards our on coming warriors while the rest of us began to tie up the peasants as it was for Lord Liu Bei and his advisors to decide what shall be done of them.

"You took my thunder you know that? I was supposed to show Fa- I mean Guildmaster that I could be a Mercenary General! And now you went and ruined that! And what the hell even was that in the first place?! Only lords on the level of Liu Bei and his Brothers can use attacks of such mystical effects on such a large scale!" Lin Biao said pissed she couldn't even fight in this battle.

"What are you on about? Guild master said we passed so long as we completed the job, your worrying for nothing." Ma Shun just brushed it off while Tai Yang and the rest of the army came to deal with the surrendered peasants as it's Liu Bei and his Advisors job to deal with them.

"But I was able to show any of my skills in combat!" She said complaining about it more but I shook my head.

"All that matters is you could lead our army and get us prepared properly for the fight to come, Ma Shun ready to take the brunt of the attacks if they charged out towards our men with Tai Yang and his archers taking them down one by one and I would have worked on out flanking them if it came to that, so for all of that I say you are an excellent leader, and if your father had been watching he would say you did a wonderful job." I said with a smile which made her slightly blush but just click her tongue.

"Tch, so what even if I am an amazing commander in battle it doesn't mean much if I couldn't fight." She said as she turned her head away while seeming pissy as usual with me and Ma Shun looking at each other and just shrug.

And while it might be a bit anticlimactic for my first real army wide battle in the end it was our victory with only a single casualty on the rebels side.

And soon the events that transpired this day would spread across China with all ears interested in what is to come from the Legendary Dragon Mercenary Wu Kong.


Alright I need to be a bit of retconning on my end, while Chu Gong is still a Slimy Bastard of a man, he wasn't the one who betrayed Lu Bu but some of his other officers under his command did leading to his death at Xiapi Castle, and also Lu Bu never was working for CaoCao and actually stole CaoCao's capital and several other territories from him do to several of his ministers betraying him give Lu Bu territory, but when CaoCao returned with his main army to his former castle Lu Bu needed to flee and after almost losing everything Liu Bei saved him from CaoCao, but seeing Liu Bei's Kindness as weakness he betrayed him and stole all of Xiapi province for himself before being attacked by both CaoCao and Liu Bei and with his generals betraying him he was subsequently killed as even if he was China's greatest warrior his tendency to betray his superiors ended up with him being executed as no one could trust him at all as a result.

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