
The Auction (5)

Zhou Zun was in a happy mood due to the compitition between Bai Chen and Shen Yu in bidding. Smiling from ear to ear, he took off the cloth from next item.

"The next item is rather useless for many of you but it's a treasure if you know it's worth. That's right, it's the Purple Magnetic Ore which has many purposes like weapon forging. The bidding starts at 30 Gold."

The bidding soon began as the VIP again tried to outbid each other. But the craze wasn't as much as for the Spirit Core because using Purple Magnetic Ore was very tough and it had limited uses. Although it was very useful and could even be said to be a Rank 3 treasure, it wasn't useful for everyone.

However, Purple Magnetic Ore was the sole reason some had come to the Auction, like Bai Chen. They were a Weapon Forging sect and the Purple Magnetic Ore was too precious to them. Especially now because Bai Chen was told to bring the ore back at any price.

That's why when the bidding started to slow down, Bai Chen spoke from his VIP room.

"500 Gold!"

Instantly everyone shut up their mouths. They didn't want to bid any longer since Bai Chen had already spoken and they weren't that intrested in the ore itself. However, there was an exception.

With eyes full of amusement, all the gazes went to VIP room 3. Even Bai Chen and Zhou Zun was looking at it with different expression on their faces. But nobody spoke so Zhou Zun was going to announce the results when a voice came from VIP room 3.

"600 Golds!"

"There he goes again. A rise of direct 100 Golds. They're all crazy. That's a total waste!"

"And what about the 50 Gold you lost in gambling?"

"Shut up! 99% of gamblers quit before winning!"

"Bro, just accept it. You're a loser!"

Some even forgot about the Purple Magnetic Ore and began to argue among themselves. Fortunately, there were guards so nobody used fists.

Bai Chen's face turned ugly as he said.

"700 Golds!"

"Fuck! Why am I not so rich!"

"Probably becaus—"


"800 Golds!"

Shen Yu chuckled in his room and and increased the bid. He didn't really care about the Ore, he was just messing with Bai Chen.

"Hehe! Master is so evil!"

Ying Yue giggled like a little girl in Shen Yu's arms. No one would be able to guess her as the best Assassin if they saw her current behaviour. 

Lan Ming on the other sofa was also laughing. The Wind Flower Sect and Seven Stars Sect had been at odds for a long time because of the Tier 2 place so they had many fights among them. So, now that she was seeing such a spectacle, she was too happy.

Bai Chen had always irritated and annoyed her by pestering her to be his wife so she always wanted to beat him up, unfortunately she couldn't do that as that would give Seven Stars Sect a reason to rebel against Wind Flower Sect.

Bai Chen gritted his teeth in anger and stood up from his sofa. He narrowed his eyes and murmured.

"I will definitely have my revenge, you silkpant!"

"1 Spirit Stone!"

As soon as Bai Chen announced his bid, gasps could be heard as the several eyes snapped towards his VIP room. Even Zhou Zun was looking at the room in surprise.

Technically, the value of Spirit Stone was equal to that of a 1000 Golds and anyone could exchange 1000 Golds for a Spirit Stone. However, the Spirit Stones were too rare and even the Lower-Grade Spirit Stones Mine were in hands of only Tier 2 sect, not to mention Mid-Grade which were only for the Major Sects.

As for High-Grade? Nobody in whole Qing Empire had ever seen it. It was extinct. Just from this one could understand the value of Spirit Stone and considering its rarity, nobody would exchange it for Golds.

It would be pure idiotic.

That's why when Bai Chen said his bid, everyone was surprised. Although, what he was giving was only a Lower-Grade Spirit Stone, it was still very valuable and couldn't be compared to the Golds other were offering.

However, their shock couldn't die down before another voice sounded in the silent Auction Hall.

"2 Spirit Stone!"

Shen Yu casually spoke, not realising the gravity of his words. He didn't even see others faces as he was thinking something else.

'Now that this guy reminded me, I don't have a Spirit Mine in my Sect. I need to add it. Sigh, just how many things I'm missing?'

The reason he didn't think much about his words was because he was relying on previous Shen Yu's memories and from it, he clearly remembered how common Lower-Grade Spirit Stones were in his sect.

They were given to Outer Disciples on a monthly basis for free. So his vision was slightly flawed. He only noticed the strangeness when he sensed a complete silence around him and in the Auction hall.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at Ying Yue in confusion but as always, she had a smile on her face as if it was saying 'As expected of Master.'

In fact, her thoughts weren't far from it.

'Heh! Does he really think he can flex his wealth here? Spirit Stones? Those are mere pebbles for the road my Master walks on. As expected of Master, he was so casual with his bidding.'

Shaking his head at Ying Yue's strangeness as he remembered about how her brain worked a little slow, Shen Yu looked at Lan Ming in confusion. Fortunately, she was giving a proper reaction of being shocked.

But even that faded away as an expression similar to Ying Yue's appeared on her face, making Shen Yu even more confused.

'Are they sick in their heads? Should I be worried? Is it a dangerous disease?'

Shen Yu got a little worried and scanned their body to find anything unusual but everything was completely fine. He could only used his words to clear the confusion.

"What happened to both of you?"

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