

Wrapping his arms around Ying Yue as before, Tian Xing stated, "As for your earlier question, Master's wife Margarita and daughter Ember are alright. They just encountered some difficulties because the only peaceful territory up there in the heavens is Ember's. Even though the Master's daughters never go to war with each other for any reason, at the end of the day, the heavens above are a battlefield that will drag everyone into conflict."

Stunned and gritting her teeth, she exclaimed, "How cruel! Does everyone just think about war and conflict all the time up there? Hmph, it's better to live as a low cultivator than to be one of those sovereigns who only know how to talk with their fists!"

Shaking his head, Tian Xing explained, "Yue, when there is a classification of beings through stages, there is always conflict and war, my sweet, no matter where we are. We just haven't encountered it yet. But what makes it different here and up there is that in the heavens, the conflict is so intense that even having one peaceful nation is a miracle in itself."

Gobsmacked and forgetting the conflict, she silently nodded, just realizing that she had arrived in a wilderness with no civilization around. Because of that, she had no inkling of the struggle to survive in this world they had just stepped into, blinding her to the reality that the law of the jungle would become more prominent as the struggle for power was amplified by cultivation stages.

Taking a twig from a nearby branch and sketching the fate of a certain female-only sect up in the heavens as they walked, Tian Xing continued, "So because of that, Master wouldn't be surprised if Ember is dragged into a conflict. Master might even let the enemy go without killing them and avoid doing anything extreme like destroying them outright. Perhaps by just slightly nerfing them, allowing Ember's nation to emerge victorious in the conflict."

As she waited for her master's next words, she soon found the answer to why he had snorted angrily earlier.

"But what I hate, and what drove me to use the Butterfly Echoes in such an excessive manner, is that the certain type of people who wanted to conquer Ember's territory did so simply because they lusted after the female-only sect present in her nation. These people include transmigrators, reincarnators, regressors, and many others who think they are some sort of protagonist in this Dao world."

Stunned, she became aware of these kinds of people and understood their motivations clearly. In many variants of her own life, she had been like them—moving from a world without any immortal arts into a world like this. As a result, they developed a superiority complex due to their excessive amount of laws of enlightenment, which granted them slight extra perks. One example among millions was Nadine, who believed her body was hers alone and not shared with anyone else. After contemplating for a bit, she then asked, "Wait master, does this mean this world is already strong enough to pull in souls from many cosmos?"

Nodding his head, Tian Xing replied, "Yes. It not only comes from the variant Richard and Nadine's world, which was the first to connect here, but also from Zymir, Ragnar, Olin, Phineas, Zebedee, and many others with similar circumstances who do not have any Qi or Mana in the air."

Realizing that these people would become more apparent, as the Bagua Diagram is currently running on a timely interval of every cycle of the day, merging with many multiverses that lack the true ancient sages, and transporting many different inhabitants of other worlds with either their bodies intact or just their souls, Ying Yue nodded silently.

Tian Xing then began to explain again, after finishing the drawing of a fate, "Because of that, many individuals up there fight over who is the real protagonist in their own story up there. One such act is attempting to conquer one of the many female-only sects present in the heavens above, as they believe it is the only way to prove they are the true protagonist."

Shaking his head, Tian Xing recalled that in his earlier life he had the same mindset, believing he was special, with the most prominent example being Richard's variants. He remembered how Tissaia de Vries had picked him apart and made him realize he was nothing special, along with the subsequent Dao teachings that made him more humble. No matter how high he looked up at the sky, there was always another one up there.

Looking up at the sky, Tian Xing then explained why he did what he did. "But if that's all there is to it, Master doesn't care about their conflict, nor does Master want to intervene in someone else's affairs if they are not targeting the sects in Ember's territory. I will simply enjoy watching how they make fools of themselves in front of the limitless Dao, without worrying too much about other female-only sects outside Master's daughter's country, like the one created by a girl named Carol Danvers."

Having an inkling about why her master is angry, she then silently listened and found the answer that confirmed her guess.

"However, some of these people battling for supremacy target what is mine, Yue. The sect created by Lanfear, who has already become my wife's mistress, is one she created as a way to apologize to me. Although her methods and gestures are wrong, as she doesn't understand that I only engage with those I have close relations with, this female-only sect is, in the end, mine. Lanfear created it for me to enjoy, not for these people. That's why Master is angry and shaking up the heavens to tell future generations to stay away, unless they want to receive the same treatment as their predecessors."

Nodding her head and finally realizing the reasons, Ying Yue then smiled wryly and exclaimed, "But Master, I think this kind of event will likely keep happening if Master wants to build concubine forces. Even though Master doesn't want to battle for supremacy, there will always be someone up there who will lust after my future sisters, despite the many selections available due to the vastness of this Dao world. So, because of that, Ying Yue think Master will be busy from now on."

Sighing, knowing that it is true and he cannot back out from the incoming headache now, since he is the one who wanted it in the beginning, Tian Xing just nodded silently at her words. Aware that his concubine forces would be targeted by many people for various reasons, even by those who did not know or have a history with one another, he sighed again and took a nearby twig to draw the template of fate for his future household.

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