
Chapter175-The Insanely Powerful Owen?

One million fate points—enough to directly purchase the Advanced upgrade of Supreme Order.

The current entry-level version of Supreme Order had already provided Owen with a tremendous boost.

Without this [Order] as an aid, he wouldn't have been able to stand against those Protectors from Middle Earth.

If Owen had the advanced version of Supreme Order, the enhancement to his strength would be unimaginable.

Moreover, one million fate points would allow him to buy many strange and powerful items from the system shop, enough to arm himself to the teeth.

As for the universe-tier spell skill, just the thought of it made Owen drool with anticipation.

After all, even the entry-level Supreme Order was only a planetary-tier skill, while the universe-tier was an entire tier higher!

The power and value of such a skill far surpassed that of divine skills.

Its might and rarity couldn't even be measured in fate points!

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