
Chapter 65 Talent

  After dinner, Carl learned some more knowledge about cars from Dale. It took about an hour, and then it began to get dark.

  Carl said goodbye to Dale. Of course, Carl couldn't forget what he promised Sofia, so he had to go talk to Carol.

  Carl easily found Carol, who was sitting around the fire and chatting with other women in the team.

  Karl didn't know that they had so many topics to talk about all day long, but these days there was really nothing to do if they didn't chat.

  As soon as Karl walked in, he was seen by Lori, "Karl, why are you always elusive every day."

  Karl smiled helplessly, walked to Lori and sat down, "I'm just learning something to save time."

  "Carl, is what Sean said true?" Lori didn't care about what Carl said. After hesitating for a long time, she finally asked the question she had been holding back for a day.

  Although Carl didn't know what Sean was talking about, he could guess that it was the nonsense he made up about the savior's superpowers.

  But even though it was nonsense, it was really useful, and Carl also needed such an identity, so he nodded.

  Lori's face was gloomy and she seemed to want to say something, but she knew it was not the right occasion, so she held it back.

  Carl looked at Carol across the fire and Sophia beside her. Sophia winked at Carl hintingly.

  Karl smiled slightly and spoke directly, "Aunt Carol, can I talk to you about something?"

  "Kid, what do you want to talk to me about?" Although Carol was confused, her attitude was still very good. Perhaps it was because she loved the girl so much.

  Karl said, "It's about Sophia. You should know that I've been learning something recently, and I think Sophia also needs to learn something."

  Carol couldn't help but get nervous when talking about Sophia. "What do you want to say? We are already practicing shooting. Sophia is still a child. This is too dangerous!"

  Carl said quickly, "That's not what I meant. I meant that Sophia can learn some safe skills, such as medicine and nursing. Mr. Hershel here is a doctor.

  He can teach Sophia these skills. Auntie, you also know that this is the end of the world. Although Sophia is still young, she will grow up.

  There are no schools in this world anymore. If you want to learn something useful, you can only rely on yourself. Medical skills will be very useful in the end times and can help everyone."

  "Is it not dangerous? Being a doctor does seem to be a good career." Carol was already tempted. She turned her head and looked at Sophia. "Child, are you willing to learn?"

  Sophia nodded quickly.

  Carol hesitated for a moment and then agreed, "If you want to study medicine, then yes, that old gentleman seems to be a very kind person."

  "Very kind indeed." Carl nodded with a smile.

  At this time, Andrea on the side suddenly said, "Let Amy study nursing as well. She is not suitable for shooting."

  Karl frowned slightly, thought for a moment and said, "Andrea, Amy, Carol, and my mother Lori, you all went to practice shooting today, right?

  What do you think is the purpose of practicing shooting? If it is to kill zombies, or even to kill people, how many dangers will you encounter along the way? Do you need to take action?

  Sean asked you to practice shooting not to arm you or to ask you to do anything, but to give you more ability to protect yourself.

  Maybe we seem safe together, but this world is no longer safe. Accidents can happen at any time, whether it's Sean or someone else.

  It is impossible for them to keep an eye on so many of you all the time. They let you practice shooting just so that you can protect yourself in case you encounter danger.

  If you want to learn medicine, that's fine, anyone can do it. After all, you girls are more careful and may learn faster, and we also need this skill.

  But I suggest that you shouldn't give up the skill of shooting. This is for your own good. You can learn two skills at the same time, which is not too tiring.

  I remember that before the end of the world, we primary school students had seven subjects, and I am now learning four skills at the same time, so you can do the same.

  Of course, if you really don't want to, I can't do anything about it. No one has the right to force you, but the consequences of giving up the ability to protect yourself are

  You can imagine it yourself, okay, that's all I have to say."

  Karl coughed twice to clear his throat. After speaking such a long paragraph in a row, Karl almost couldn't catch his breath.

  Carl didn't expect that he also had a talent for public speaking, which is a good skill.

  Carl remembered that the villains in this world all had the skill of brainwashing through speeches, otherwise they would not be able to control so many subordinates.

  Carl felt that he had spoken quite well. The content of a speech did not have to be important. What mattered was its momentum and persuasiveness.

  Like now, Sophia was looking at Carl with stars in her eyes. Although the others were not so exaggerated, they were also very surprised when they looked at Carl.

  Andrea was also a little surprised, but she still retorted unhappily, "What do you, a little kid, know?"

  Karl said without any politeness, "Don't just look at age. You should listen to whether what I say makes sense. It's not that whoever is older has the right to be saved."

  Andrea thought Karl was mocking her. With her personality, how could she tolerate it? She was about to explode, but her sister Amy held her arm.

  Karl shrugged and said, "Think about it. I have something else to do, so I have to go first. By the way, if anyone wants to learn medical skills tomorrow morning, you can come with me."

  After saying that, Karl stood up and prepared to leave. At this time, Lori reacted and asked hurriedly, "Karl, it's dark, where are you going?"

  Carl pointed to one side, "Sean is here, go talk to him."

  Lori looked in the direction Carl pointed, and sure enough, Sean was there, with his arms folded, looking in that direction with a smile on his face. He waved when he saw Lori looking at him.

  Seeing Sean Lori was relieved, but she still reminded Karl, "Remember to come back early and go to bed."

  "I understand." Carl responded and walked out.

  When passing the other side of the fire, where Amy was sitting, Carl stopped and said to Amy,

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

  "It's okay." Amy forced a smile, "What you said makes sense and is very well said. I admire you very much."

  "Thank you, I have to go first." Carl smiled, waved, and continued walking towards Sean.

  Carl still has a lot of good feelings for Miss Amy. After all, before Miss Beth came out, Miss Amy was the most beautiful one.

  But no audience expected Amy to die so early, and the crappy screenwriter deserves to be scolded.

  Fortunately, Miss Amy is alive now.


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