
Chapter 58 Life is a play

  Just as Carl expected, it was off, extremely off.

  Carl didn't even see where the bullet hit.

  But this time it was normal, at least Carl thought so. How could anyone be like him and hit the zombie's head accurately on the first shot?

  This is the difference in talent, this is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people.

  But is this really the case?

  No, at least it's not all talent. A big part of it also comes from the preparation that Carl does before shooting.

  Carl also knew that he was just thinking about it and showing off.

  Beth looked around for a long time and confirmed that the bullet was really gone. She couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, "It missed the target."

  Carl comforted him, "It's okay, this is normal. After all, this is your first time shooting. You can keep trying and shoot a few more times to get a feel for it."

  Beth nodded and continued to aim, and suddenly asked curiously, "Carl, have you ever fired a gun?"

  "Of course, otherwise how can I teach you."

  "So how did you do the first time you fired a gun?"

  "This..." Carl hesitated.

  Beth became even more curious and patted Carl on the shoulder with one hand, "Just tell me, I won't laugh at you."

  "You wanted to hear this yourself," Carl said in a rather cocky tone.

  "I only fired three shots, and they were all my first shots. As for how well I did, it was just average. I just managed to kill three zombies."

  "What?" Beth was still a little confused. "Zombies? What are those?"

  "Uh..." Carl suddenly realized that he was getting a little carried away, but now that he had said it, there was nothing to hide.

  "Even those patients your father mentioned, they were not patients, they were dead, but their bodies were resurrected.

  It was not a true resurrection. They turned into monsters, monsters without thoughts, without emotions, and only with a crazy desire for flesh and blood.

  We call them zombies, the walking corpses."

  Carl said and carefully looked at Beth's expression.

  In the original series, Beth didn't seem to accept this very easily.

  "What are you talking about? Carl! Did you kill them?" Sure enough, Beth even put down the gun and looked at Carl in surprise.

  "It's them. They are no longer themselves. I have to do this."

  Beth frowned, looking somewhat incredulous, but did not appear too excited.

  Carl understood what was going on. In the original series, Beth found it hard to accept watching her mother, relatives and friends turned into zombies and killed.

  Naturally, it is difficult to accept in a short period of time, and Carl is just talking about it now, so the impact on Beth is not as big as she imagined.

  "Carl, you're wrong." Beth shook her head firmly, "My father said they were just sick, and he would find a cure for them."

  Carl frowned slightly, thought about it and decided not to argue with Beth anymore. The time was not right.

  If I tell Beth this now, she may not accept it. On the contrary, it may backfire and she may even be unwilling to approach me.

  Carl smiled and said, "Okay, Beth, let's not talk about this anymore, okay? Let's continue practicing shooting."

  Beth still frowned tightly and said nothing.

  "Come on Beth, keep practicing your shooting skills. You will improve. When you are a better shooter, I will take you hunting, okay?"

  Beth finally nodded reluctantly and raised her gun again, but she still seemed distracted.

  Carl reminded, "Beth, you have to concentrate, aim well, and be serious."

  "Okay." Beth replied absentmindedly.

  Carl smiled helplessly, holding Beth's hand and trying his best to help her aim.


  "Bang!" Beth pulled the trigger subconsciously.

  "Not bad, you've made great progress this time." Carl praised against his will.

  "Progress? But I still didn't see the bullet." Beth pouted and finally put what happened just now behind her.

  Carl laughed and said, "I saw it. It just brushed against the edge of the tree trunk."

  "Is this true?" Beth stared at Carl suspiciously.

  Karl turned around and smiled, then said affirmatively, "Of course, how could I lie to you?"

  "Well, it seems that I am still quite talented."

  Beth had long forgotten what Carl had just said about the zombies, and was in a good mood and smiled.

  "Let's get on with it."


  "Bang! Bang!..."

  More than ten minutes later, Beth had used up all seventeen bullets in a magazine.

  Of the seventeen bullets, fortunately two remained in the tree, otherwise Carl would not know how to find an excuse to comfort Beth.

  However, only one of them was on the tree where Sean drew the target, and it was some distance away from the target Sean drew.

  As for the other bullet, it hit a tree a few meters away.

  Kevin praised reluctantly, "Not bad, great progress. Next I will teach you how to change bullets."

  "Wait a minute. I need to rest for a while. Don't you want to practice shooting too? I haven't seen you shoot a gun before."

  Beth looked quite tired. She put her chin directly on Carl's head and then supported Carl's body.

  I have to say that with Carl's current height, it is just right for Beth to put her head. Of course, it would be more suitable if he was a little taller.

  Of course, Beth didn't press hard, she just leaned on the top of Carl's head, so Carl didn't feel uncomfortable.

  On the contrary, this close contact made Carl feel a little dizzy. Miss Beth was so fragrant.

  Carl didn't move. He took the Glock from Beth's hand and took out the spare magazine he carried with him.

  "Look, changing bullets is easy."

  Beth instinctively wanted to lift her head up, but Carl quickly said, "Don't move, just like that."

  "Ah?" Beth was a little confused, and suddenly thought of something, so she raised her head and stepped aside.

  "You're not going to take advantage of me, are you, brat?"

  "What?" Karl blinked innocently, "Taking advantage, what advantage?"

  "You really don't know?" Beth looked at Carl suspiciously, "Then why did you tell me not to move?"

  Karl deliberately said in a baby voice, "I just think Sister Beth smells good, and it's very comfortable to lean on Sister Beth."

  "Is that so..." Beth also felt that she was overthinking.

  Karl suppressed his laughter and quickly changed the subject, "Sister Beth, watch carefully, I will teach you how to change bullets."

  Beth couldn't help but smile sweetly, "Why do you call me sister?"

  Karl was stunned, and suddenly remembered that this country did not have the habit of calling people older than oneself "brothers or sisters".

  Instead, we call them by their names. If they are much older than us, we don't just call them uncle or aunt, but Mr. or Ms.

  Carl thought for a moment and said, "Because I've always wanted a sister, if you don't want to."

  Karl deliberately pretended to be dejected, "I won't call you that in the future."

  "No." Beth rubbed Carl's head gently, "I'd love to, brother Carl."


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