
Chapter 56 Guarantee

  When Carl and Beth returned to the table, everyone had finished their meal and most of them had left.

  But Hershel was still sitting there chatting with Sean and the others.

  "Hey, Carl, where have you been?" Lori was a little dissatisfied when she saw Carl.

  Carl smiled and pointed at Beth, "Mom, this is Beth, we're going for a walk."

  Lori suppressed her dissatisfaction and smiled at Beth, "Hello Beth, my name is Lori, and I'm Carl's mother."


  Carl ignored Lori and Beth's pleasantries and walked over to Hershel, "Sir, do you have time to talk?"

  "Of course." Hershel smiled and stood up. "Let's talk while we walk. It's a good time to digest after dinner."

  "Although I just walked with your daughter, I am still happy to do so." Carl smiled politely and followed Hershel.

  After walking some distance, Hershel asked, "Carl, what do you want to talk about?"

  "First of all, thank you for your hospitality and shelter." Carl bowed and continued,

  "Didn't I tell you? I need to practice my skills, including marksmanship, so I hope you can allow us to shoot behind your farm."

  Hershel smiled and said, "As long as you promise not to hit my crops."

  Classic American humor, Carl knew that Hershel agreed.

  "Thank you, and I hope you can allow Beth to practice with me."

  Hershel's smile disappeared immediately and his brows furrowed slightly, "Why? Beth is just a child, and a girl at that. Guns are not something she should touch."

  "Herschel, remember what I told you? Those people are not patients, they are already dead, and the world has completely changed.

  This is a disaster, this is a catastrophe, this is a great cleansing like a flood. In this world, no one can live in a fairy tale forever.

  You have to accept reality, and your family has to too. It's important that Beth learns how to use a gun so she can have more self-protection skills.

  You can protect her, but can you protect her forever? Can you protect her all the time? "

  Carl spoke confidently, but Hershel became more silent as he listened.

  Hershel asked quietly, "How bad is it?"

  Carl said calmly, "If you were in the city when the disaster struck, you would know that outside, there were very few survivors.

  In order to survive, humans can do anything. It's not just the zombies that are dangerous outside, but also humans.

  And this is only now, it's only been a few months since the disaster began, can you imagine what the scene will be like after that?"

  "Okay, stop talking. I agree, but Beth is still young and she's a girl. You have to take care of her and make sure nothing happens to her."

  Carl said seriously, "I guarantee it with my life."

  "Son, this kind of promise can't be made lightly."

  Hershel smiled kindly and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch Carl's head, but suddenly he thought of something and his hand stopped in mid-air.

  Although he hated it when others touched his head, this time Carl grabbed Hershel's hand and placed it on his head.

  "Whether it's Jesus or Noah, since they were born into the world, they both have their elders. Hershel, you don't have to be too restrained.

  And I don't make this promise lightly."

  Carl let Hershel touch him for a moment and then took Hershel's hand away, saying with a smile, "If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

  Hershel was stunned for a moment, but he reacted quickly and called out to Carl, "Kid, I know why the Lord chose you."

  "Because he has vision." Carl smiled.

  Hershel smiled and said, "By the way, the other people on my farm don't know how to use guns either. Can you let them learn from you? Maybe they'll need them in the future."

  "Okay, but let's wait until tomorrow. Today has just begun and we need to prepare. Okay, that's it. I'm leaving now."

  After saying that, Carl ran away without waiting for Herschel's response.

  In fact, it's not just the people on the farm. Many of those with Carl also need to practice shooting. What can they prepare?

  Carl just wanted to be alone with Beth for a day, and he might not have the same chance again in the future.

  Back at the dining table, Beth was chatting with Lori, Sean was sitting alone, and everyone else had left.

  Carl crawled over and said impatiently, "Mom, we have to go practice shooting. See you tonight, Beth, Sean, let's go."

  "Why are you in such a hurry? I have to go and watch it too." Lori frowned. Although she had promised Carl that she could use a gun, she was still somewhat worried.

  "Mom, you can go tomorrow, you'll have to practice then, but today is the beginning and it's hard enough for Sean to teach Beth and me alone.

  Let Sean try to teach people first, nothing will happen with him watching over it!" Carl said, winking at Sean frantically.

  Sean stood up helplessly and tried to persuade Lori to agree reluctantly.

  "Did my father agree?" Beth was a little surprised.

  "Of course!" Carl nodded complacently.

  "You won't lie to me, will you?" Beth looked at Carl suspiciously.

  Karl said helplessly, "How could I lie to you? I can guarantee it, but if you really don't want to believe it, you can go ask him."

  "Okay, I believe you." Beth smiled sweetly.

  "Let's go then, Sean, it's time to go."

  Seeing that Sean was still flirting with Lori, Carl couldn't help but remind him.

  "Okay." Sean said goodbye to Lori before leaving, "Lori, we're leaving."

  Carl Beth, Sean and the other two came to the armored vehicle, where Moore was leaning against it leisurely and dozing off.

  "Oh my God, is this an armored vehicle? This is how you got it." Beth looked at the armored vehicle in surprise.

  Carl laughed and said, "It's called Panda. I stole it from the police station. Isn't it cool?"

  "It's really cool!"

  At this time, Moore heard the noise and opened his eyes. His eyes lit up when he saw Carl and the others. To be more precise, he saw Beth.

  Moore said hello to Beth with a sly smile, "Hey, pretty girl."

  Beth took a step back timidly. Moore looked too much like a street thug, or perhaps he was one.

  A normal girl would naturally avoid such a person when she meets him.

  Carl stood in front of Beth, stopped Moore who wanted to get closer, and said unhappily, "Morr, you'd better be more respectful."

  "Hey, brat, shouldn't you be a little more respectful to Mr. Moore first? I remember I said I would teach you a lesson, right?"

  "It's nothing to bully the weak with your bigness. If you have the guts, wait for me for ten years. Ten years later, we'll have a fair fight. Who will teach whom a lesson is still unknown."

  "You're not acting like a kid, brat."

  "I don't have time to bicker with you today, just continue taking your nap. Sean, Beth, let's go."

  Sean had already taken out the bullets from the armored vehicle.


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