
Chapter 50 Reunion


At this time, the 10th Tank Army and their "mounted" tank riders had already engaged the enemy in battle, tracer rounds and explosions relentlessly tearing through the dawn.

Thanks to their created chaos, the battalion advancing on the highway didn't attract much attention—even though it was now daylight.

Wang Zhong had originally thought that stationing his No. 422 tank here could draw the enemy's attention if they attacked, covering the battalion's retreat.

But he didn't know how long this situation could last; the Prussians were bound to react eventually, and after all, the 10th Tank Army could only attack the enemy forces they had in direct sight.

Additionally, the enemy's Air Force was a great concern. Based on the previous few days' experiences, the first wave of enemy aircraft usually arrived around six in the morning, and there was now less than two hours until then.

Concerned about the Air Force, Wang Zhong subconsciously checked the anti-aircraft machine gun.

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