
Chapter 682: The Porcupine Bristling with Quills

Fang Ye cradled Youyou gently, one hand supporting her bottom and the other arm wrapped around her body, as if holding a baby.

Youyou obediently let him hold her, her paws resting on Fang Ye's arm. When she heard him speak, she let out a "ying" sound, as if in protest.

But Fang Ye laughed, "Well, since Prince is so fat, let him steal some food; he can lose some weight that way."

Seeing Blue Carp filming so close, Youyou seemed a bit shy and buried her head in Fang Ye's arm.

"Hmm? Are you shy?"

Fang Ye couldn't help but chuckle, leaning down to give Youyou's black ear a gentle kiss.

Is he gone?

Youyou lifted her head, her clear, bright eyes looking at the camera, then buried her head again.

Her shy yet slightly alluring gaze made the viewers' hearts flutter, as if struck by Cupid's arrow.

"Alright, alright, go play now."

Fang Ye placed Youyou back on the ground, and she immediately scampered away.

Finally, he approached Xiao Qiao with a smile, "Xiao Qiao?"

Xiao Qiao snorted and turned her head away, proudly ignoring Fang Ye!

You big liar, always saying you'll come play with me often, but you only play for a little while each time you come.

You don't even greet me first, going to the other foxes instead.

I'm not happy, don't look for me! No petting for you!

When Fang Ye reached out his hand, Xiao Qiao snorted, bared her sharp canine teeth, and looked ready to bite.

Fang Ye quickly withdrew his hand and soothed her, "What's wrong, are you angry? I didn't want to disturb you while you were eating!"

Xiao Qiao's ears flattened, showing her displeasure.

She snorted, as if listing his crimes!

Fang Ye gently comforted her for a while, finally gaining her forgiveness, allowing him to pet her a few times reluctantly.

While being petted, Xiao Qiao occasionally let out sharp "ying ying" sounds, squinting her eyes, and her fluffy tail wagged happily.

The viewers couldn't help but sigh at the scene:

"The director treats the animals like his own children, even soothing them when they're angry."

"Every time I see Xiao Qiao, she's perched on a rock or stump, looking proud and aloof, even indifferent to the keepers. But under the director's touch, she shows a gentle side."

"I always thought the director had some magic! The animals seem to understand him."

"The director once said there's no secret, just sincerity and love towards the animals. If you're good to them, they can feel it.

I once adopted a stray cat, probably abandoned due to illness. It looked scruffy, and I patiently treated it daily. Now it's healed, doesn't like being held or petted by others, but it runs to me enthusiastically when I come home."

Porcupine Exhibit!

To recreate the porcupine's wild environment, the area resembled a rural hillside, with grass, sparse stones, fallen leaves, large rocks, tree trunks, and branches for shelter.

Porcupines aren't as active as red foxes, so instead of glass walls, stone walls served as barriers.

In the activity area, several porcupines gathered, some sniffing the ground for food, while others lay quietly on the grass, basking in the sun, looking very docile.

Porcupines are social animals, so they are kept in groups.

Their black bodies, with black and white quills like arrows, were longer than their bodies.

The quills on their heads and necks were finer, looking like a gray-white brush, swaying as they walked.

"What is this, a hedgehog?"

"It's a porcupine! Don't you know porcupines?"

"Never seen one before!"

"My knowledge of porcupines comes from the story of porcupines warming each other, where their quills can prick each other, so they keep a certain distance."

"They do look a bit like hedgehogs, but those quills are so long!"

Many visitors indeed mistook them for hedgehogs! Mixing up animal names is common.

Fang Ye explained, "This is a Malayan porcupine, a common animal in southern China!

Though they are covered in quills and are nocturnal like hedgehogs, they aren't related. Porcupines are true rodents, closely related to squirrels and mice!

As for why they're called 'pigs,' the name comes from the 'Classic of Mountains and Seas,' which describes them as 'resembling a pig but white, with large quills like hairpins and black tips, named Haoshi,' meaning a pig with quills!"

"No problem, hippos aren't horses either!"

Though porcupines are common native animals, they are quite fascinating.

The most eye-catching feature is their long, hard quills!

Watching the porcupines walk and forage, their quills swaying, a viewer asked, "Director, I forgot where I saw it, but can porcupines shoot their quills like darts? Is that true?"

Fang Ye laughed, "You might have been influenced by cartoons! Actually, no, porcupine quills are just hardened hair, growing from follicles, and there are no muscles around the follicles to shoot the quills.

Their quills are a passive defense weapon, both hard and sharp. Due to their structure, once they pierce something, they easily detach and have barbs.

These quills usually lie flat on their backs, but when a porcupine feels threatened or angry, it quickly raises them.

The quills are hollow, and the ones on their tails are like a bundle of cut quills. When they shake, they rattle together, making a 'clacking' sound, similar to a rattlesnake's tail. You can observe this!

If intimidation doesn't work, the porcupine will turn its back and butt towards the enemy, backing into them. Predators trying to attack them will get pricked. Once the quills pierce the attacker, they sink deeper, causing great pain and potential infection.

So most predators know better than to mess with porcupines. Some, either ignorant or desperate from hunger, might attack a porcupine. Even if they manage to kill it, they'll end up with a body full of quills, possibly their last meal."

"Wow, impressive!"

"This thing is like a thorny dragon turtle! Hitting me is like hitting yourself."

"'Because I'm too afraid of pain, I maxed out my defense' /doghead"

"I saw a documentary of a leopard hunting a porcupine. It managed to eat it, but its mouth and paws were full of quills, bleeding constantly. It was so pitiful. I think it eventually died from a quill piercing its heart, but even with severe paw injuries, it couldn't run fast anymore and was doomed."

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