
Wall Guardian

The moon was high in the sky, bathing the world in a soft silver glow.

Hoo... Hoo... Hoo...

In the hushed serenity of the night, the echoing hoots of what appeared to be an owl resonated through the air.

Stirred by the eerie sound, I gracefully stood up from my perch on a tree branch, embracing the peaceful ambiance that surrounded me.

My eyes were instinctively drawn to the shimmering stars scattered across the velvet canvas above.

"It's beautiful..."

I sighed, taking in the whole view as if I could reach out and pluck one of those twinkling stars from the sky.

However, before I could continue with such thoughts my face crumpled into a nervous smile.

"I should stop distracting myself..."

Muttering under my nose, I directed my attention to the massive white marble wall, stretching as far as the eye could see.

I carefully examined the massive structure, seeing the small silhouettes moving about the parapet, their figures illuminated by the flickered light of the torches.

Unsurprisingly, the border was heavily guarded.

However, my eyes were drawn toward the sky above the wall, at the clouds that hung in the air like grey cotton candy.

"Where is it..."

I bit my nails but quickly stopped, reminding myself not to give in to nervous habits.

During my time, resting on the branch, I couldn't get even a moment of sleep.


Well, because of a being that I met today - a creature that could rip me to pieces within seconds if it wanted to.

A massive Wyvern.

Flap... Flap...

Suddenly, I heard the sound of wings flapping, which almost made me fall out of the tree branch in surprise.

My head snapped in the direction of the sound, my heart pounding in my chest.

Was it the Wyvern?


A creature flew right above my head, making me duck instinctively as it whizzed by.

Krank... Krank...

Lifting my eyes, I saw the gleaming eyes of the Raven piercing through the Darkness as it flew toward the wall, giving me a few angry caws as if I got in its way.

The creature belonged to the very same species I had encountered upon my reincarnation in this world.

How could I forget it? I've died twice to these shitty birds.

Krank... Krank...

Watching as it approached the wall, I could feel a sense of foreboding wash over me.

Did it really just cross the border without any trouble?

For a moment, I held my breath following the Raven's figure that was getting closer to the wall.

It was a heart-stopping moment as the Raven soared over the wall effortlessly, gliding through the air with ease and grace.

"It seems the novel over exaggerated the safety measures of th-"

I muttered to myself, nodding my head, however, before I could even finish my thoughts, the sky around the Raven began to change.

The air around the Raven began to shift, almost like a mirage, as the ominous white scales slowly materialized and encased the creature.

My eyes widened in disbelief as the transformation unfolded before me. It was as if the very essence of the sky had taken on the form of the Wyvern itself.

Although I was aware that Wyverns had such ability, it was still a chilling sight to witness.

In an instant, the Wyvern emerged, its massive wingspan casting a shadow over the ground. It was a magnificent sight to behold, albeit a terrifying one. The Wyvern's scales seamlessly blended with the dark clouds, granting it the advantage of stealth and surprise. I couldn't help but admire the creature's ability to adapt and camouflage so effortlessly.

Krank... Krank...

The Raven, unaware of the danger that lurked above, continued its flight, its angry caws still echoing through the night air. But before it could realize its peril, the Wyvern struck with astonishing speed and precision.


In one swift motion, the Wyvern lunged towards the Raven, its jaws snapping shut with a deafening crunch. The once defiant Raven was now reduced to mere feathers that fluttered down from the sky.


My heart raced, and I found myself frozen with a mix of fear and fascination. Wyverns were truly formidable creatures, capable of taking down their prey with ruthless efficiency.

As quickly as it had appeared, the Wyvern began to change its scale color, vanishing back into the dark clouds, leaving me in a state of awe and trepidation.


Looking at the clouds hovering in the sky, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle of disbelief.

"How the hell should I be able to cross that wall?"

Half-laughing and half-shaking my head, I realized that the safety measures of the wall were not exaggerated in the slightest.

In fact, even if there was a single Wyvern protecting the entire length of the wall, it would be an almost insurmountable obstacle for any intruders.

And I was going to try to bypass such a creature in my ultimate form!!!

A flying dog.

"This sounds like a joke..."

Looking at the white marble structure, I sighed, beginning to channel the Kludde essence throughout my body.

Although this was hopeless, I couldn't just give up.

I had infinite lives, so I could afford to take risks and attempt the impossible.

However, I'd rather avoid feeling the pain of getting crushed by a Wyvern's jaws over and over again if I could.

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