
Shadow Guard (4)

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


It took them a week to arrive at Fort Afio on the southern border of the Empire. Fort Afio was one of the last remaining forts from when the previous Emperor ruled. It also sat on the line drawn by cartographers of where the Empire's southern border was. At Fort Afio, even though it was at the border, it was one of the biggest cities in the Empire. Many people from all over the continent flocked to Fort Afio whether it be for leisure or protection.

The Liyas Empire had already conquered the smaller countries and had made its way to the Southern Border. If Fort Afio fell, it would be easy to conquer the rest of Uferna.

When they reached Fort Afio, many soldiers saluted them as they entered. Many were singing praises of having both the War Hero and the War God on their side.

Grey and the other Shadow Guards were always nearby but never seen. Grey, who was obeying orders from Prince Cecil, was practically glued to his side. They haven't touched even once, but he knew that Prince Cecil was God System. They didn't even have to touch for him to know. He had no problems guarding him all day every day.

Meanwhile, Prince Cecil felt at peace with Number 18 by his side. If 18 left, he felt paranoid and annoyed. If he felt that 18 was not in the area, he would go and search everywhere for him! If 18 was staring at the War Hero Blaine, he wanted to chop the man down so 18 had no one to look at except for him! He had never felt this way before. He never knew he was hiding these emotions, but ever since he met 18, it all came out like a flood breaking through a dam.

To top it off, his "older" brother kept trying to rope in his Number 18! Prince Cecil felt like he was trying to guard his treasure against wolves!

As soon as Prince Cecil arrived, they immediately started the war council. At the round table, there were three Knight-Captains, the War Hero Blaine, and Prince Cecil. There was a seat empty to the right of Prince Cecil as it was for the individual who was on their way.

Originally, there were no Generals at the Southern Border, but the Right General was on his way. The Left General would stay in his position to defend the area near the Eastern Sea. The other side of the coast had a giant forest of death and unexplored mountains. Usually, the Right General guarded the towns in that area from monster attacks. But at times, the Right General would split his troops in half to reinforce other places. Going to the Southern Border was one of those incidents.

Grey had the other Shadow Guards rest as he stayed by Prince Cecil's side. He stayed in the shadows, staring at each person at the round table. The three Knight Captains were strong women who had made a name for themselves. Each one had different Auras, but they were somehow equally matched, giving them the title "Tri-Color Captains". Their hair colors also matched their Auras; Red, Yellow, and Green, so they were called Captain Red, Captain Yellow, and Captain Green. No one knew their real names and stuck to their nicknames. They also didn't mind it.

They had been the ones commanding the battlefield waiting for Prince Cecil's reinforcements. They were the pillars that held the Southern Border up for a long time. If it was possible to make more Generals, they would be promoted to Generals if they could, that was how much they were valued in the Empire.

Anyway, the rest of the people at the table were the War Hero and Knight Commander. Not much he could say as he had been staring at them for weeks.

There were a few assassination attempts since they had come to this area, but they were so boring that Grey didn't even participate in most of them. The assassinations would be problematic for others but they were Shadow Guards. If they couldn't stand up against them, they wouldn't be Shadow Guards...

"Blaine, have the scouts check out the enemy's base and their battle positions." Prince Cecil commanded, putting an end to their war council.

"Understood, Commander!" Blaine replied, his eyes shining with enthusiasm as he looked at the man who was his idol. His male god!

Prince Cecil gave out different roles for the Captains before concluding the meeting. It was quick, easy, and efficient, showing Grey that Prince Cecil was capable.

Prince Cecil was more than just a Prince, he was definitely a leader.

"18." Prince Cecil called out to him when everyone left.

He popped out from the shadows. "Yes, Master."

"Have the other Shadow Guards do this." He slipped a piece of paper out of his pocket and held it out for 18 to grab.

"Understood. Is there anything else you want me to do, Master?"

"No. You will stay by my side and protect me."

Grey felt his eye twitch but he grabbed the piece of paper and nodded. This man, even without his memories, was still so very... possessive. Even if it seemed toxic in some ways, he couldn't help but feel comforted that God System felt the same way for him regardless of what world or what body they were in. He hoped that with time though, that possessiveness would turn into unwavering trust.

Once 18 disappeared from the area to give the other Shadow Guards their mission, Prince Cecil couldn't help but give an exhausted sigh.

As Prince Cecil and 18 interacted more and more, the worse of a grip he had on himself.

Why did he feel so attached to Number 18? He felt as if his emotions were going to go haywire if he didn't see 18 by his side all day.

He wanted nothing more than to have that man by his side. It was something he had never experienced in his 20+ years of living. Was it really okay for him to feel this way? Especially towards another man? He felt rather conflicted but he knew for sure that if Number 18 left his side, he wouldn't know what he would do.


After giving the other Shadow Guards their mission, Grey immediately burned the piece of paper.

When he went back to Prince Cecil to follow the man around, everyone was rushing out of the fort and going to the battlefield. The Liyas Empire had made a surprise attack on the fort when they found out that Prince Cecil had arrived. He didn't know if they were stupid or overly confident, but it didn't matter to him.

Prince Cecil repeatedly told Number 18 not to show himself, thinking that 18 understood that he wanted him to stay at the Fort, but Grey took it as he had to stay hidden on the battlefield and slaughter anyone who dares to try to backstab his man.

Communication was important and it was best to not make assumptions… If only they communicated correctly...

Prince Cecil quickly gathered his troops and went out with vigorous momentum. He wasn't terrified or scared about the sudden attack, instead, his eyes burned with anticipation and excitement. The man was made to stand on the battlefield. His fighting spirit was unparalleled, it was like his Aura was made to command his subordinates to victory.

His soldiers and knights felt a boost of adrenaline seeing their Commander's confidence. Even the Knight-Captains felt Prince Cecil's momentum, making them feel as if they were invincible.

On the front lines, the War Hero Blaine was with his squadron and rushed toward the intruders. His halberd spun in the air above him, slicing the arrows that were aimed at front-liners. His men charged toward the other soldiers with their swords, lances, and axes, taking down anyone in their vicinity.

With him in the front, everything seemed to go smoothly. He was one of the few individuals who were able to use their Auras to make them as sharp as blades and heavier than gravity. He couldn't strengthen his body though.

Grey surveyed the battlefield that seemed to be in utter chaos. Though that was only what it looked like. He knew very well how organized and skillful Prince Cecil's men were. Even though they each had different specialties, their teamwork was phenomenal.

He already knew this battle was going to happen so he gave the Shadow Guards an additional mission after the one Prince Cecil had given them: Don't let anyone notice your presence. Carry away the wounded and bring them to the infirmary.

That was it.

So during the battle, wounded soldiers from Prince Cecil's army were being carried away during life-threatening moments. The wounded and the surrounding soldiers could not see who was carrying them, but this boasted their morals! Someone was saving them from death. Let's fight until the bitter end!! 

The Shadow Guards were quick and efficient. It was the first time that none of the soldiers died on the battlefield. Only the enemy's soldiers fell to the ground heartlessly. They were even trampled on at times when the bodies began to pile up.

They weren't as coordinated as Prince Cecil's army, so seeing the disappearing wounded soldiers, as well as the War Hero and the War God on the field, made their morale decrease. How could they ever think of winning against these monsters?!

Meanwhile, Prince Cecil was destroying his enemies on the front lines. His horse rode through bravely, even helping him in times of need, like using her hind legs to trample upon individuals who came too close to her master. Grey coordinated very well with Prince Cecil's steed, dodging her brutal attacks while also killing enemies who were cocky enough to try to backstab the Knight Commander.

Enemies fell one by one, not knowing how they died. Any time someone would go near Prince Cecil from behind, they were immediately slaughtered with no hesitation. They couldn't even shoot down his horse with their arrows! Those arrows were sliced before they could come close and those who shot them would find themselves dead on the ground. Enemy soldiers could see gashes forming across their comrades' necks or other vital areas before their eyes.

If one had to describe the scene, it would be that the God of Death was protecting Prince Cecil. How frightening!

Seeing people fall around him, Prince Cecil became annoyed. Didn't he tell 18 to stay at the Fort?! Why was he here?!? He thought that feeling the man's presence was a fluke and there was no way 18 would disobey him, but seeing those enemies fall around him, he was definitely being protected by 18!

Though he wanted to yell at him for not following his orders, he was in the middle of battle, so he unleashed his anger on his opponents, appearing even more brutal.

In the history books, Prince Cecil would be known as the Human Butcher, the man who was protected by the God of Death.


It was an easy battle for Prince Cecil as he charged his way through the battlefield unhindered and directly took the head of the commander. With the commander dead, their enemy soldiers tried their best to flee from the Human Butcher who looked at them with ice-cold eyes.

When they got back to the Fort, Prince Cecil ignored the victory celebrations and went straight to his room. He turned to the corner that 18 was standing in and beckoned him over.

Grey quickly emerged from the shadows and knelt in front of Prince Cecil. "Yes, Master?"

He was confused. Why was Prince Cecil angry?

"What did I tell you before the battle had begun?"

"To keep myself hidden and protect you."

Prince Cecil could feel his eye twitch hearing 18's answer. It seems there was a miscommunication that he needs to address.

The man sighed deeply. "18, get up, and come here."

Grey followed orders and got up. Even though he kept his head down, his posture was still there.

Prince Cecil gently grabbed Number 18's hands. Instead of the beefy hands Prince Cecil imagined on a strong individual, 18's hands were slender but long, but they held some strength in them.

Feeling the sudden contact, a tingle rushed up both his arms and went to the core of his body, where his soul sat. Grey wasn't surprised, but he was really happy to feel that familiar tingle travel up his arms.

"I should've been more clear. I wanted you to stay at the Fort. I didn't want you to get hurt."

Grey couldn't understand that well. As a Shadow Guard, it was his duty to protect his Master regardless of where they were.

"I may be your Master, but I get so worried if you are hurt. That's why, in the battles to come, you must stay behind and keep yourself safe."

Prince Cecil felt fear in his heart like something was going to happen to Number 18. He wanted to make sure this man would always stay by his side even if he had to lock him up at home. He could take care of himself, but he had to make sure that Number 18 would be okay, or else he would go crazy.

"Master, I was tasked to protect you. If I were to stay protected while Master is fighting on the battlefield, then would I have the title of Shadow Guard?"

Even though his words seemed cold, there were hints of warmth. Like the man was indulging him. Plus, Grey was already put into a lot of danger protecting Prince Cecil thus far. No one was safe when around Royalty. Average lives did not matter, only those with status must be kept alive. That was how this world was.

Even though Prince Cecil knew that, he still wanted to make sure that 18 was protected. He didn't care about being Emperor, all he wanted was for 18 to stay by his side. But if he wasn't the Emperor, he couldn't tie the man to him. So for the first time in his life, he yearned for the seat his father sat on.

"You can protect me, but if your life is in danger, you must leave me behind regardless of whether I stay alive or not." Prince Cecil urged the man to promise him.

Thinking about someone hurting 18 made his soul hurt.

Ah, this type of feeling...

He just couldn't understand what these strong emotions were.

After that conversation, Prince Cecil clung to Number 18 even more. He even made Number 18 take off his mask when they were in private. Seeing 18's face made his sense of urgency and protectiveness shoot through the sky, practically making Number 18 glued to his hip.

He had a strange feeling that something terrible was going to happen to Number 18.

Mini theatre by kuro_kama:

System 225: There must be proper communication in a relationship to develop a strong bond and trust. Miscommunication is very dangerous in relationships...

System 505: You are preaching as if you have been in a relationship before.

System 225: Even though I have never eaten pork, I have seen pigs run. Especially when you are practically eating dog food every day in every mission

God System: How can eating pork and seeing pigs run be the same? Can you tell the taste of pork just by seeing pigs run?

System 225: It’s an idiom. Why are you taking it literally, my lord? The pig I have seen running is none other than you.

System 505: Can’t you also tell that we’re just picking on you, 225!

System 225: -_-

Lille: Y’all should never brush off ML’s spidey senses strange feelings

Grandpa Marky: I will be posting one more chapter because I am exhausted. <3 thanks for understanding.

MakusCornercreators' thoughts
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