


Translator: Cinder Translations



In a room at the pirate stronghold of Jaden, the remaining leaders gathered to discuss their strategy.


The atmosphere in the room was somber, everyone furrowing their brows in silence.


Finally, it was the eldest, Old Donaldson, who broke the silence, "Speak up if anyone has any good suggestions. This might be our last chance."


Someone finally spoke softly, "I reckon they've already found out about our base from the captured brothers."


"You don't say! Do you think that ship outside is here for sightseeing?"


"So... maybe... we should surrender!"


"Cowards!" one leader slammed the table, loudly objecting, "Was it easy for us to build such a fortune following Jaden? If you ask me, we still have four or five ships, some of the drug left. When the Blue Stripes Dogs come, we'll fight them tooth and nail."


"Four or five ships? More like four or five skiffs!" Someone immediately poured cold water on him.


"You coward!"


"You're just a reckless fool!"


As the argument threatened to turn violent, suddenly a distant thunderous sound echoed. Though faint by the time it reached them, it startled the already nervous pirates.


It was the sound of cannon fire from the Hope.




"Adjust the angle! Let's get the next shot right!"


Captain Quik and the gunnery officer held their spyglasses, observing where the first shot landed. The cannonball missed its target, splashing into the water not far from the pirate ship.


After entering the harbor, the pirate ship responsible for guarding the dock immediately spotted them and approached. The naval officers responded with heated cannonballs.


On deck, a roaring fire burned in a stove fueled by coal. Several cannonballs glowed red-hot inside.


Using specially made tongs, the loader gripped a red-hot cannonball and placed it beside the cannon. A comrade had already inserted a wooden stopper into the breech, preventing the ignition of the charge inside.


After loading the cannonball into the barrel, the gunners reset the cannon together, adjusted the angle, and aimed at the pirate ship moving away from them.


The pirate ship on guard duty was only about ten meters long, with about a dozen people aboard. Compared to this ship, the Hope was a formidable presence.


The sudden cannon fire scared the wits out of the pirates on the ship. In that moment, everyone on board felt something whizzing past their scalps at a tremendous speed, followed by a splash of waves in the distance.


It was terrifying—such speed! What if it hit their own ship or their bodies?


"It's the terrible weapon of the Aldens!" exclaimed people on the ship. Among pirates, rumors spread about a powerful weapon Alde's army possessed for long-distance projection.


They immediately rowed with all their might towards the dock. Faced with an unknown force from the sea, they preferred the grounded feeling of solid earth.


Most of the pirates left at the stronghold were elderly or infirm, making it difficult for them to face the enemy who had come knocking so boldly at their door.


Based on the impact point of the first shot, the gunners swiftly adjusted the cannons. Then, four cannons on the broadside fired together, officially opening fire.


This time, three cannonballs hit the pirate guard ship squarely, tearing three large holes in the unfortunate vessel and killing two people. The remaining pirates were horrified, rowing desperately towards the dock.


Laughter erupted among the people on the Hope—this feeling of toying with the enemy was exhilarating.




They didn't continue the bombardment but turned the ship's bow towards the inner harbor, slowly approaching the pirate stronghold's dock.


The pirates from the earlier guard ship had already fled onto land, anxiously recounting their terrifying encounter to their waiting comrades.


"They still have five small oar-sail boats. Let's use this opportunity to practice our target shooting."


Quik was determined to destroy the remaining pirate ships, leaving them no chance of escape.


Next, the Hope fired continuously, relentlessly targeting the pirate ships moored at the dock.


The pirates on shore trembled in fear, none daring to steer a boat in resistance.


With solid shot ammunition, unless hitting near the waterline, sinking a wooden ship was challenging. Despite firing several rounds, the Hope managed to completely destroy two pirate ships—one sank from taking on water, the other's canvas caught fire from incendiary shells, the flames spreading across the entire ship.


The remaining three ships were also riddled with holes and rendered unusable.


Finally, due to overheated barrels, the Hope had to cease fire and wait for them to cool down.




"Hey! Did you hear that?"


Alan, tying mooring ropes, asked his working companion.


"I did. What in the world was that sound?"


Tom and Payne were equally surprised.


"The Wrath of Thunder! It's Alden's Wrath of Thunder!"


Alan suddenly became excited, gesticulating, "Have you heard? Earl Paul Grayman, the Alden Lord, used a powerful weapon to annihilate invading pirates in their territories. It creates a tremendous sound, ten times more powerful than a crossbow, even capable of breaking city gates. Because of its deafening noise, people call it the Wrath of Thunder."


"Oh, oh! I've heard about that."


"So does this mean the Aldens have indeed arrived?"


News of the Aldens reaching here quickly spread among the slaves, evoking varied reactions—some cried, some laughed, chaos reigning momentarily.


The pirate overseer at the door rushed in upon hearing the commotion, ready to berate, but then hesitated and left sullenly.


Seeing the overseer's abrupt departure emboldened Alan. He stood up and declared, "I can't wait any longer. I'm going to the dock right now!"


"Wait, wait! Hold on a moment. We can't be a hundred percent sure it's the Aldens. What if it's another group of pirates? We'd be leaving the wolf's den only to enter the tiger's mouth."


However, his companion's advice couldn't dissuade Alan, who quickly ran out of the doorway.


"Wait for me! I'm coming with you!"


A large group followed him out.




"In my opinion, we should surrender! They've come right to our doorstep and aren't leaving. There must be strong reinforcements behind them, just waiting to take us down."


Old pirate Donaldson voiced his opinion and judgment. The others remained silent this time, no one rising to oppose, tacitly accepting the decision to surrender.


Just then, a lackey rushed in hurriedly to report the situation at the dock. Upon learning that it was merely one ship using the rumored terrifying weapon to cripple their remaining five ships, the leaders present were crestfallen.


Seeing no objections, Donaldson ordered the lackey who reported, "Raise a white flag at the dock, signaling our surrender."


"Yes!" The lackey breathed a sigh of relief upon receiving the order, then turned and sprinted out of the room towards the dock.


"Everyone!" Donaldson smiled bitterly at the assembled leaders, "Follow me to the dock."


(End of the Chapter)

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