
Chapter 62: The Terrifying Power of a Single Punch

"The Three-Tails has been found."

"But it seems there's some trouble."

"So, I need your help."

As Mei Terumi explained while walking, Shishou nodded after hearing her out.


Then, he quietly pulled his hand out of Mei Terumi's. But as she looked at him in confusion, he took her hand again.


This action left Mei Terumi baffled, staring at him with a face full of question marks.

"You lead the way."

Regaining control, Shishou didn't explain. He simply picked Mei Terumi up in his arms and accelerated.

Mei Terumi, thinking Shishou was taking advantage of her, rolled her eyes at him, her face slightly red.

Following Mei Terumi's directions, Shishou soon arrived at a valley where the fully transformed Three-Tails was.

Standing before the Three-Tails were several figures.

Two of them wore Akatsuki cloaks, one wielding a bandaged sword, the other with green eyes behind a mask.

They were Akatsuki members Kakuzu and Kisame.

On the other side stood two women.

One wore a green coat with long blonde hair, mature and seductive with a voluptuous figure.

Especially her exaggerated bosom.

In the entire ninja world, only Tsunade of Konoha and Samui of the Hidden Cloud Village had such a figure.

Recognizing her by her chest, Shishou realized this was Tsunade, whom he had been searching for a long time!

Standing next to Tsunade was Shizune, dressed in black.

The four people and one beast stood silently in a standoff.

Shishou signaled Mei Terumi to stay silent and hid with her in a large tree.

Activating his Sharingan, Shishou began observing the surroundings.

He carefully searched for Uchiha Obito's location.

The Three-Tails stood still, clearly under control.

"Isn't this the First Hokage's granddaughter? Today is a lucky day."

Kakuzu coldly remarked, looking at Tsunade.

As one of the Legendary Sannin of Konoha, Tsunade had a high bounty in the underground black market.

Capturing her would greatly enrich his wallet.

"Kakuzu, I didn't expect you, this old immortal, to still be alive."

Tsunade glanced at Kakuzu and spoke calmly.

The next moment,

The Three-Tails suddenly roared, swiping a massive claw at Tsunade.


Tsunade snorted, clenched her right fist, and swung it at the incoming claw.


A loud crash sent a white shockwave rippling from Tsunade.

The Three-Tails' claw was sent flying by Tsunade's punch.

Even the massive body of the Three-Tails was knocked sideways by the tremendous force, toppling over.

The power of a single punch.

Terrifying beyond belief!

Seeing Tsunade's monstrous punch, Mei Terumi's mouth slightly opened in shock.

Even Shishou, who had been prepared, was somewhat surprised by Tsunade's punch.

Wow, if that punch hit a person, it would probably blast them apart!


"Hey, hey, that's too much."

Kisame laughed, watching Tsunade.

He loved challenging strong opponents like her.

"Lady Tsunade, the Three-Tails is obviously being controlled. There must be others here."

Shizune, dressed in black, quickly said.


Glancing at the approaching Three-Tails, Tsunade narrowed her eyes, preparing to counterattack.

Suddenly, Tsunade sensed danger. Her well-toned legs pushed off the ground, moving at incredible speed, taking Shizune away from their spot.

Where they had stood, space twisted and a masked figure appeared.

It was Uchiha Obito, ready to ambush them.

"As expected of Hashirama's granddaughter..."

Watching Tsunade retreat, Obito praised her before turning to Kakuzu and Kisame.

"The opponent is tricky; let's attack together."

Then he looked back at Tsunade.

"I suppose you're here to investigate Wood Release."

"In that case, let me show you."

With that, Uchiha Obito pressed his hands to the ground.

The next second, countless vines sprouted, attacking Tsunade and Shizune.

It really is Wood Release!

Gritting her teeth, Tsunade tossed Shizune backward and broke all the approaching vines.

Obito chuckled, using Wood Release again to keep Tsunade in place.

"Lady Tsunade!"

Mid-air, Shizune adjusted her landing posture and shouted anxiously as she watched Tsunade being surrounded by vines.

"Shizune, you must go!"

Without looking back, Tsunade shouted loudly.

Shizune knew she would only be a burden if she stayed.

After landing, Shizune gritted her teeth and quickly ran away.

Not dragging Tsunade down was the only thing she, a Chunin, could do now.

On the other side,

"Don't command me. I'm here under Pain's orders to help you capture the Three-Tails."

Kakuzu disdainfully replied to Uchiha Obito.

He then began to remove his clothes, revealing his Earth Grudge Fear mode.

Capturing Tsunade's head wouldn't bother him in the least.

For him, making money was paramount.

The Three-Tails, controlled by Obito, swung its three tails at Tsunade.

Kisame, however, didn't move, ignoring Obito's words.

He was excited to face Tsunade, a legendary Sannin, alone.

Fighting with three others against one wasn't interesting to him.

The Fire Release mask on Kakuzu's shoulder opened its mouth, gathering fire chakra.

Fire Release: Head Mincing Pain!

A massive flame formed instantly, rushing towards the vine-entangled Tsunade.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed. The power and range of this Fire Release were astonishing.

Facing the onslaught, Tsunade remained calm, assessing Kakuzu's jutsu.

She displayed the demeanor of a legendary ninja.

Then she formed hand seals, preparing to summon.

Water Release: Water Formation Wall!

Mei Terumi quickly appeared beside Tsunade, forming hand seals to block Kakuzu's Fire Release.

Summoning Technique!

Beside Mei Terumi, Shishou also pressed his hands to the ground, summoning the red-armored centipede, which shielded Tsunade from the vines.

Tsunade was startled, not expecting help.

She canceled her summoning and leaped into the air, striking the Three-Tails' tails away.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Tsunade's monstrous strength clashed with the Three-Tails' tails, creating thunderous roars.

"Who are you?"

Landing back on the ground, Tsunade looked at Shishou and Mei Terumi.

"This is the Fifth Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village, Mei Terumi."

"We're here to capture the Three-Tails."

Shishou didn't reveal his identity, instead directing the conversation towards Mei Terumi.

This created the illusion for Tsunade that both of them were from the Hidden Mist Village.

It was easier to gain Tsunade's trust this way.

It was a time of peace, and the relations between the ninja villages were relatively amicable.

"I see."

Tsunade believed the deception, thinking both were from the Hidden Mist Village.

Mei Terumi, understanding Shishou's ploy, didn't expose it.

Instead, she hoped others would also misunderstand.

It would increase the Hidden Mist Village's deterrent power!

"You again!"

Seeing Shishou's height and full beard, Uchiha Obito spoke hatefully.

Having lost an arm and a leg to Shishou, Obito loathed him deeply.

"Yes, it's me again."

Shishou, shifting his gaze from Tsunade's impressive figure, smiled lightly at Obito.

"Hehehe, isn't this our Fifth Mizukage? I didn't expect you to be here."

Kisame laughed strangely, eager to fight.

He wanted to test the strength of Mei Terumi, the new Mizukage.

"Kisame, you traitor, hand over Samehada."

Mei Terumi glared at Kisame's sword, gritting her teeth.


"That depends on if you have the skill to take it."

Kisame chuckled, attacking Mei Terumi.

Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!

Lava Release: Lava Monster Technique!

Both experts in Hidden Mist Village's techniques, their ninjutsu clashed fiercely.

Then, Kakuzu also moved.

Covered in his Earth Grudge Fear armor, he charged at Tsunade.

His target was always Tsunade's head.

Due to the large-scale Water Release from Kisame and Mei Terumi,

Kakuzu found it difficult to use other techniques.

So he decided to match Tsunade's monstrous strength with his Earth Grudge Fear-enhanced strength!

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