
The Strongest Sorcerer

The next day the arena was filled ot the brim with people. The battle to decide who would become a Soul Reaper had finally started, but not in a way that anyone would expect.

"Since this is the beginning of the end, we've brought in some special guests!"

From the entrance into the arena, three people began to emerge from the shadows.

As they did, white and red confetti began to fall from the sky, welcoming these visiters.

The first person was someone that was beleoved by the entire Soul Society. A hero of the world which everyone had incredible respect for, Ichigo Kurosaki.


Shinten was shouting unintelligable garabage while Shido tried to calm him down. Everyone else as relativly unbothered. 

The next person that came in was someone no one recognised, aside from Kai. Just before the two of them made eye contact, Kai quickly ducked and hid himself away.

"No way?? What the hell is she doing here??"

Shido who noticed this asked Kai if he knew them, to which he immediatly replied, "No."

It was obvious that he was lying, but he didn't want to admit to it for personal reasons.

The last person to enter was more dignified than the rest. He wore the Shinigami Shihakusho on the inside, but wore a dark blue Hoari with gold lining. He carried a staff in his right hand.

This was the current Kido corps master, whose skills in Kido could even rival Ichibe Hyosube of Squad 0. Joshin Haruki.

Shido had a heart attack after hearing that last name.

"Haruki?? Like Kitagawa Haruki?? They're related???"

Once the audience calmed down, a black box suddenly appeared in the middle of the arena. It began to unfold, and the unfolded once again. This process repeated itself until it covered the entire arena.

A hologram began to display what was happening on the inside of the box.

It was a giant sky island, a special arena made for its next fighters. Mayrui began to arrogantly explain how this technology worked.

"I call this the Mugen Kurobako. The inside of the box mimics the vastness of the muken, and it utilizes Reishi to simulate different enviornments. Thanks to it, I have made it possible to create numerous amounts of different stages just for this stupid game. It may only be a prototype, but in the future it will be capable of even controlling time!"

He started to maniaclly laugh while rambling on about surpassing Urahara. Even as the attention had been turned away from him, he still flawnted his genius.

"How about we get this started then? Can Shido Tatuya and Kitagawa Haruki enter the arena?"

The both of them enterd the arena from opposite sides of the box. Nervously Shido stuck his hand in, and in an instant, found himself in the middle of that Sky island.

On the opposite side was Kitagawa who lacked a Zanpakuto.

"You don't have a weapon?"

"I don't need it."

Shido unsheated his own with no intention of going easy on him. If he didn't go all out from the start, he would definatly lose. Not like he had much of a chance in the first place.

Kitagawa raised a finger at Shido.

"Hadō #73: Sōren Sōkatsui."

A stupidly large blast of blue energy emerged from his finger, which prompted Shido to try dodge the attack rather than blocking it with a barrier. He barely ducked under it as the blast flew just over his head, and anhilated one of the smaller floating islands in the back.

Shido was shocked at just looking at the power of the attack.

"I missied that on purpose, if it hit then there wouldn't even be ashes left. This is the only chance you'll get to forefit."

An incantationless level 73 kido of that calibur was the sign of a Kido master. 

"Are you really a student?"

Kitagawa refused to answer.

"Well it dosen't matter!"

Suddenly a 4 yellow Kido chains emerged from the ground, and wrapped around Kitagawa. This surprised him greatly.

"Bakudo #23: Ten fūsa! I casted it when I ducked from your attack earlier.You won't be able to cast Kido while trapped like that."

He walked up the the sealed Kitagawa before pointing his blade at his neck. 

"It seems that I've already won, arrogant senior. Would you mind congratulating me?"

Kitagawa smirked as he told Shido to look the the left of him. Once he did, he saw Kitagawa sitting on a nearby rock. This confused him as he took a step back, only to see Kitagawa still sealed in the chains.

"What the hell?"

He felt a hand grab onto his shoulder which gave him a heart attack. It was also Kitagawa. Instinticvly, Shido casted a smoke producing Kido spell which quickly covered the whole area, allowing him to get away.

"What the hell is going on?? Are these clones or an illusion??? When did he even cast it?"

He struggled to think of an answer, but then all the smoke suddenly started to be sucked away somewhere. It all gathered into a concentrated orb in the midst of Kitagawas hands.

"Nagareru kaze. It blows the air into one point, rendering all smoke screens useless. I made it after seeing your battle the other day."

Shido panicked as he struggled to think of methods to win. It was only be sheer luck that he beat Jinryu, and now he has to deal with this monster of a student. But even then, he stayed firm as he took a fighting stance.

"Your far too strong. Mabye even stronger than Yuki. But I won't lose here, especially when my new dream is so close."

He recklessly charged at the three clones, expecting them to be weak in close combat, but then suddenly he found himself caught in their trap.

One of the clones casted Bakudō #61: Rikujōkōrō which summoed six yellow beams which slammed into Shidos mid section, holding him in place. The final two clones casted Hado #31: Shakkoho which both hit Shido in the head, knocking him out instantly.

The Bakudo spell which bound his body faded away, as he collapsed to the floor.

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