
Chapter 14

 Trenton woke up feeling off, like a switch had been flipped. "Veronica, what's different about today?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

 Veronica's response was dismissive. "Nothing, Trenton. It's Tuesday, 21st of May, 2050. Just another Tuesday."

 But Trenton persisted. "I feel...different."

 Veronica's tone softened slightly. "Ah, that might be due to the recent unlocked upgrades in your defense suit" 

 Trenton's eyes widened. "Upgrades? Show me!"

 A holographic visual table materialized before him, displaying a rotating miniature of his suit. Veronica explained, "You've unlocked Advanced Suit Sensors, Stealth Mode, and Enhanced Strength. The sensors detect traps, hostiles, and allies within a 2000-meter radius. Stealth Mode which makes you go invisible, deactivates when you take a hit or come into contact with water. And Enhanced Strength...well, that's self-explanatory."

 Trenton's eyes were glued to the hologram, his mind reeling. "Wait, does that mean I'm as strong as Superman?"

 Veronica's response was very dry. "Let's just say if such a being even existed, you're approximately three-quarters of his reputed strength, however that great power comes great responsi..."

 Trenton's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I need to test this theory."

 Veronica's response remained impassive. "By all means."

 Without warning, Trenton punched the wall, his fist sinking into the material with a loud thud. He winced, expecting pain, but none came. His eyes widened in awe. "Wow...this is awesome!"

 " And that's gonna cost you fifty dollars " she added. 

*** Ariel Studios ***


 The man paced the floor waitind for feedback from either Hector or Lyman on the assignment he gave them, he was going to give them five minutes to get him his required info or he was going to murder them, he hates incompetency more than he hates traitors. He became conscious of his surroundings when he heard the doors open and when he looked up he saw the approaching form of his two idiots. 


 " Boss we found out a strange signal which emanated that day from one of the players" Hector began excitedly. 

 " we were unable to pinpoint the exact player it came from because its signal signature was strangely masked,however we know that it was directed to the FBI" Lyman explained throwing a new layer of light on some things. 'That means that son of a gun is a member of the guild war but who?' He wondered he didn't really have every basic info of his players neither does he particularly know Trenton, ' Damn! This is becoming one hell of a fireball' he thought morosely. Lyman who tried to study his mood from the way he paced around when angry or deep in thought suggested lamely. 

 " How about we set up another guild war involving the same players and set up bombs to go off in their arena after some time? That should take care of all of them including the traitor " Hector blanched after hearing this from his colleague. Meanwhile their boss's face lit up underneath his iron mask ' Lyman actually spoke sense this time' he thought. 

 " Rightly said, make the arrangements now and Lyman thanks if this works out you can expect a little extra in your next paycheck " the man concluded and his phone beeped, signaling an urgent message from an unknown sender. He hesitated, wondering if he should open it, but his curiosity got the better of him.


 The message read:


 "We know what you're hiding. Meet us at the old warehouse on 5th and Main at midnight. Come alone."

 He looked up at the duo in his office still waiting to be dismissed. " Um Hector... I want you to run check on this message and pinpoint it's sender this time! Okay" he said to nods of affirmation. " Good now get out!" He yelled and tossed his phone to him, returning to his thoughts when he was in solitude " if I discover that, that little trollop is behind that message I'll kill the little pup myself " he mused aloud. 

 Trenton got back to work as a columnist and had a good time doing nothing but planning on how to get his brother and bring Ariel Studios down while Veronica did his work. 

 " Miss McDougal wishes to speak with you, you've got eleven miss calls from her alone" she said immediately his phone began ringing in his pocket. 

 Trenton hesitated " cancel it, the less relationships I've got so far the better" 

 " You do know that with the money you've got you won't have to do this job again since you hate it" she informed him

 " I... Um... I never said I hated it" he stuttered then narrowed his eyes " what do you mean by " the money I've got " ?"

 " For each game of termination you play you earn a sum of five hundred grand" she explained. 

 " what! " he said and apologized when he drew attention to himself then recollected " oh! Right " 

 " so what are you going to do with it?" She asked. 

 He shrugged " I don't know " 

 " I think it best you prepare yourself and probably contact your team" she advised. 

 " What team? He's not starting another guild war is he?" Trent asked narrowing his eyes but Veronica's silence was more than a response to him. 

 " Oh shit!" He cursed. 

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