
Chapter 9

" So you can fly after all" Zach said amused "you had me thinking, now I'm gonna rip that little baby suit off you" he said and emerged dual jet boosters from his back, releasing a powerful jet of exhaust to create enough upthrust to loft his heavy frame off ground level. 

 " Trenton it appears the suit can fly" Veronica said. 

 " Yeah no kidding... Power up my thrusters we are going for a wild ride in three... Two.. Now" he said and charged at Zach bringing him down to ground level with a well placed fist to his helmet and then grabbing it pinned it to the ground and pushed him bodily at a linear flight speed of 290mph across the road amid sparks with hope that the friction would eventually peel off his outer armor but he was deterred before long by a hard dig in the chest that separated them. 

 " Damage analysis" Trenton prompted as soon as he was on his feet 

 " All clear, the thrusters are working fine and so are the rest" 

 " Good let's keep it that way you said I've got more slots right? " he inquired. 

 " Yeah if you can imagine it then I can create it " she replied and reading his thoughts promptly created two razor sharp tomahawks with a glowing red hot lining to help it tear through the armor with a little reduced difficulty. 

 " You've been a spy on me this whole time right?" He asked. 

 " well I won't say I wasn't I had to take the same job in the same place because of you and also change my name now finally I will have the honor of eliminating the Cyber Soldier " he said. 

 " Veronica I need you to mark out possible weak spots in his all impenetrable suit" he commanded. 

 " Initializing " she responded and Trenton moved in for the attack 


 *** Ariel Studios ***


 The man was in a different but same colored tux and his iron mask he was thinking of his next live stream coming up when he got a recording from Kovac the spy he had placed on Trent since he heard that he was still alive usually there was always nothing to report and he was beginning to forget that he had even dispatched a man of his for him to send him something now it had to be important he reasoned and played the message the info he got was shocking Trenton was playing termination to serve what purpose? The recording clicked signalling its end No that can't be right he thought and replayed it again then again. 

 " Damn it the asshole should have tried to milk out valuable information like his plans and gamer name then what league he was, rank and how recently he had joined, do I have to be there to screw his peanut sized brain on?" He asked himself in anger, it took him a couple minutes to make a decision, he had to be discovered and killed so he couldn't foil his plans.



 Trent was used as a floor wiper and slammed against a moving car in traffic startling the travelling family. 

 " come down okay" he said then an idea hit him " just call the cops there's a monster here that needs jail" he said and took off in the direction he had came

 " Trenton weak spots detected" she said and showed him a virtual image of Zach's suit with glowing red dots to show the weak areas. 

 " Permission to fire" she prompted. 

 " Light him up!" He yelled and fired as many missiles as he could from hatches in his wrists and back exploding externally at first but soon the bomb began to pack a punch and eventually penetrated his outer armor and exposed him to the mercy of Trent's reserve salvo which moved in for the ultimate kill and reduced what was once Hus impenetrable suit to a messy heap of molten wires and damaged titanium now Trent trained his aim on the figure of Zach slowly getting to his feet with a jet of blood flowing from his nostrils Trent's pulse wave blaster hummed dangerously belying the intention of the user. 

 " I guess you're gonna kill me now" he commented impassively " Do it"

 " I see that you're in a hurry to die however I won't be the one to deal with you" he said as they picked up the sounds of sirens. 

 " I do have one question though" Zach said " where did you get your suit and tech?"

 " I earned it" he replied curtly " I don't suppose you know what they did to my brother" 

 " I only helped deliver him, I have no business about what happens after" he said but his next statement caught Trent off guard " But at this rate I think you'll meet him soon just hope it would be in the best of circumstances " he said with a mischievous smirk. 

 " you bastard!" Trent began but checked himself on hearing the sirens got louder " Veronica? " he murmured and she understanding powered up his thrusters taking him up a couple feet of the floor. 

 " you will be detained by the cops and from there who knows you might and up with the FBI so you will be invariably outta the picture and watch me bring down Ariel Studios with every thing in it" 

 " is this your idea of revenge " he asked amused " there will be other branches termination will not die" 

 " then I will make it my life's objective to bring it down Trent countered undeterred. 

 " you really don't know what you're up against!" Zach warned

 " Veronica vertical thrust seventy percent " he commanded and suddenly activated his helmet while gaining altitude and vanished eventually out of sight leaving Zach at the mercy of the newly approaching cops. 

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