
Ch-8 < Training >

News soon spread throughout the MOTH base: a superhuman had joined their ranks. Kevin, now renowned for his extraordinary abilities, had become a subject of awe and fascination among the soldiers.

In third Honkai eruption, MOTH successfully took down two significant Honkai beasts, codenamed Vishnu and Sasha. Kevin gathered this information through conversations with other MOTH soldiers, who were impressed by his prowess.

Kevin's relationship with Mei remained firmly within the bounds of friendship. Since this was first time karna has talked with bookish girl.

One day, as Kevin and Mei sat in the base's cafeteria, Kevin broached a topic that had been on his mind.

"Mei, have you heard about Elysia? She joined MOTH during the second eruption. Everyone seems to be talking about her," Kevin said, his curiosity evident.

Mei nodded, her expression shifting slightly. "Yes, I've heard a lot about her. She's known for her vibrant personality and how she brightens everyone's day. I think she's currently handling some tasks but should return tomorrow."

Kevin leaned back in his chair, pondering. "It would be interesting to meet her. From what I've heard, she's quite the conversationalist, always engaging with everyone."

Mei frowned a little, her tone slightly cool. "She does seem to have a knack for making an impression on people."

Noticing Mei's change in demeanor, Kevin quickly added, "But, you know, Mei, it's hard to find someone who can compare to your dedication and intelligence. You're pretty amazing yourself."

Mei's expression softened a bit, but she still seemed somewhat uneasy. "Thanks, Kevin. I just hope Elysia doesn't distract too many people from their duties."

After dinner, they made their way to the command center. Kevin approached Mobius with a request and inquired about Elysia, given Karna's liking for energetic and lively individuals.

Mobius explained, "Vill-V attempted to infiltrate MOTH's base using thumb-sized drones, believing we were responsible for the attacks during the second eruption."

"But she got captured and left imprisoned at P-21. Elysia has been pushing me to give her a re-evaluation. So she's busy dealing with that matter and persuading the higher-ups," Mobius said, her frustration palpable.

"It's evident Elysia used some tactics to convince her," Kevin thought.

Kevin approached Mobius with a request. "I need a separate training chamber," he began. "One with a gravity chamber where I can freely adjust gravity levels."

Mobius frowned, clearly reluctant. "A separate training room is difficult to justify. The resources and the space required... It's just not feasible," she said, attempting to dismiss the idea.

Determined, Kevin pressed on. "Look, I'll clear the most concentrated Honkai-corrupted area, and I can be your test subject for the Honkai energy integration dose, which is your first step for genetic modification."

Mobius's eyes lit up with excitement. "You'd be willing to do that?"

If Kevin successful cleared Nagazora then Mobius will recive various merits from higer ups which will help in her experiments.

Kevin nodded. "Yes. But I need that training chamber."

Mobius readily agreed. "Fine. I'll arrange it."

Later, Kevin lay on an experiment table, needles piercing his body, slowly injecting Honkai energy. At first, he felt numb. "This isn't so bad," he thought.

However, as the energy spread, every nerve in his body felt like it was on fire. The Honkai energy invaded every part of him, first his muscles, then his bones, as all his cells were engulfed.

Mobius watched with rapt attention. "Can you believe it!? This is the first ever successful human trial of Honkai energy integration at this dose! Quick, lie on the table! I must take samples immediately."

"At least give me a break," Kevin complained, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat.

He received a notification from his system: Honkai energy reserve increased by 15%.

Kevin felt a surge of excitement. "This will be helpful. During the last battle with the Emperor-class Honkai beast, I suffered because my energy reserves were low."

Mobius was insistent. "You can rest on the table! Now, we need to examine you!"

Kevin stood up and looked at his reflection. "Damn, I look like a magus with messed-up magic circuits. Hey, Mobius, this will slowly recede, right? I can't look like someone infected with Honkai energy."

Mobius observed him keenly. "Let's monitor you for a bit to see how long it takes to disappear. Do you feel anything different?"

Kevin focused and used telekinesis to make a document float using Honkai energy. "I guess I have more control now."

Mobius took various samples, her excitement barely contained. "Incredible. We need to study this further."

Mobius, after taking various samples and data, let Kevin go to his chamber to rest. "You did well, Kevin," she said, her voice laced with genuine admiration. "Now go get some rest. You'll need your strength for what's to come."

Kevin nodded, feeling the exhaustion seep into his bones. "Thanks, Mobius. I'll need it."

Back in his chamber, Kevin took a long, hot bath, allowing the warmth to soothe his aching muscles. The room was sparse but functional, designed for efficiency rather than comfort. After his bath, he rested for two hours, letting his body recover from the intense experiment.

As he prepared to leave for Nagazora, Kevin grabbed some food items, his sword, and his guns. He knew the battle against the Honkai beasts would be fierce, and he needed to be ready for anything.

Before he left, he received a message from Mobius. "Remember, Kevin, your mission is crucial. Clear the area and report back any significant findings. And be careful. I don't want to loose my precious test subject."

"I will," Kevin replied, slipping his phone into his pocket. He took a moment to gather his thoughts and gear, making sure everything was in place. His sword, a sleek and deadly weapon, was strapped to his back, and his guns were holstered at his sides. He also packed some high-energy rations and medical supplies, knowing he might need them in the field.

He then took his bike, a powerful machine he had bought with the money he saved. The bike roared to life as he started it, the engine purring smoothly. The garage door opened, and Kevin sped out, heading towards Nagazora.

< >

The cityscape blurred as he drove, the towering buildings and bustling streets gradually giving way to the desolate outskirts. The devastation from the Honkai eruptions was evident, with ruined structures and abandoned vehicles scattered everywhere. Kevin weaved through the wreckage, his eyes scanning for any signs of movement.

As he entered Nagazora, the eerie silence was punctuated only by the occasional distant growl of a Honkai beast. Kevin tightened his grip on the handlebars, his senses heightened. He knew this mission would be dangerous, but he was determined to succeed.

His radio crackled to life. "Kevin, this is Command. We've received reports of significant Honkai activity in your area. Proceed with caution."

"Roger that, Command. I'll handle it," Kevin replied, his voice steady. He parked his bike in a hidden spot, ensuring it was well-concealed from any potential threats.

Drawing his sword, he advanced cautiously, every muscle in his body alert and ready. The air was thick with tension, and the smell of decay lingered. As he moved deeper into the city, he encountered the first wave of Honkai beasts. They were grotesque creatures, their bodies twisted and deformed by the Honkai energy.

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