


They get up to say goodbye to someone who goes by Patrick's name. They pivoted to face the source of the voice, and to their left, Taylor appeared, grinning, as she approached them.

She wore a blue blouse that seemed too tight on a black stiletto and black leather leggings. She still exudes elegance and beauty.

Phina winced when she saw her. For once, she doesn't hate this woman and is aware that the emotion was shared. She didn't act theatrically. She could not suppress the feeling that said, "This is the kind of lady Patrick hangs out with." She prayed and hoped that she wouldn't spoil their day.

She ignored her and smiled flirtatiously as she said, "Hello, Ricky." But she stayed silent and said nothing.

He smiled slightly and said, "Taylor. Hi. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great. I was having fun with my friends when I saw you." She said.

She had witnessed the pair enter as a couple. She had plotted to wreck it because she was jealous and hated that Patrick would go out with someone like Phina. She was only a friend, he had informed her. She questioned what someone of Patrick's caliber was doing with someone of Phina's caliber. Even at their dinner a week before, he had led her on.

Her friend Cara intervened and advised her to let them enjoy themselves. Although she was hesitant, Cara would not hear of it. She scolded her for being envious of something that wasn't hers.

She was compelled to observe them converse, dine, and even snap photos of each other. She saw something happen that she had never seen before, and the fact that it occurred in a public area only made it worse. She noticed that every eye was fixed on their table.

When Cara added, "They fit each other, and the girl is so pretty," she worsened the situation.

However, she lost all control as she witnessed them leaving, and Patrick failed to turn to acknowledge her. She then approached them.


Her hand motions toward his garments, saying, "Love your clothes. You look good. It's been long since I saw you in..." "Cloth other than a suit."

He gave a slight laugh. He replied, "Got to be different sometimes."

Phina then looked at him. He was trying to look incredibly cool, and she was greatly disappointed that he ignored her.

"And thanks. You are not bad yourself." He said. She smiled in response to the praise.

"Do you want to....."

Patrick surprised the two women by abruptly cutting her hair short. "I apologize, but I have to go. We have somewhere to go." At that moment, Taylor gave Phina her severe first glance.

Her eyes would have to kill Phina if they could do so instantly. However, Phina remained silent. She would not bow so low and say hello to her first. Thus, all she could do was give her a slight smile.

She smiled artificially as she turned back to Patrick.

She smiled and turned to face Phina. "Okay then. And thanks for the last time. The dinner was magnificent. I enjoyed it so much. I hope we can have some another time."

He remarked, "I'll try. See you another time."

She answered, "You too." With a nod, he moved Phina toward the door. Before Taylor turned to face the door, Phina noticed the rage on her face and smiled to herself.

When they emerge from the building, he removes his hand from hers. And he went to the parking lot where he had parked.

Following him, Phina got inside the car, and when Patrick pressed a button, the door closed.

Patrick left Chicken Republic by car. He intended to return home. He still has tasks to complete.

He didn't look at her when he questioned, "Why didn't you say Taylor never likes you?"

It shocked Phina. She never thought he would pose a question like that, even though he was a friend of Taylor's.

"What? Why do you ask that?"

"I don't need to say. And don't bother lying about it." He replied.

She replied, not letting him know that Taylor seemed attracted to him and that she detested the fact that he had brought her to her, saying, "There was no need to say such things. She is your friend, and it's not good to make her look bad in front of you. There was nothing I was going to gain from doing that. I understand she doesn't like people like me."

Patrick remained silent and continued to drive. Phina was better than he initially thought. His closest friend had been right, and he felt guilty for thinking of her that way. He didn't tell her, though.

As he was about to leave for home, he noticed some kids leaving an amusement park. And he was pulled toward them. Unbeknownst to Phina, who had assumed their day was over, and they were returning to the dull mansion, he executed a U-turn and drove back to the park.

He found a spot to park his car because he had no intention of driving inside.

When she saw he was looking for a place to park his car, she remarked, "You can park it there. They will help you to watch over the car."

He gave her a look, remained silent, and followed her instructions.

As the car approached, all the boys in the area got up and started exciting the owner.

Patrick parked his automobile in a convenient location. He gave Phina a look. She recognizes the inquiry in his gaze.

"Just give them what they want. They are not thieves. They are just thugs." She said.

Since he thought she was telling the truth, he put the car in park and descended into the unpleasant space where the men were consuming booze and conversing loudly. A group of men approached them, wishing them a great evening. They were dressed in yellow outfits that gave away the idea that they were road thugs trying to con bus drivers out of money.

He turned to one of them and asked, "Please help me watch over the car."

One said, "No problem, boss; it is safe." And they greet him with raised hands. He took some money out of his sweatshirt and handed it to them.

He was about to tell them to share that when he was interrupted by their boisterous discussion. They are always giving him praise. With a smile, Phina moved to be by his side. They grinned at her, and she gently drew him away.

She asked, "Why do you look so surprised?" "You grew up on the street, didn't you?"

"Not really. I grew up in a well-civilized town where thugs are rarely ever around. And I was busy trying to survive to notice things around me." He replied.

She grinned, pleased that he had responded.

"I see. But that is how things are. Just look at them, and you will know those who aren't thieves or pickpockets. Those people hide among them sometimes, but they know them, and if you treat the good ones well, they will prevent the thieves from touching your property. Just like the saying 'Bad child has his good use.' They are thugs collecting money they didn't work for, but on the other hand, they have their uses." She replied.

He nodded. It dawned on him that he liked hearing her speak. He pondered whether the other men saw her that way and enjoyed being around her. When she says, she can captivate you so that you never get bored.

They arrived at the amusement park's entrance when he said, "That's noted."

She questioned, "Wait. Is this where you were coming?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Why didn't you come and park inside the park?"

He replied, "Don't feel like it. And we wouldn't stay long."

Phina appeared perplexed. The man next to her is beyond her comprehension. It would have been safer for his expensive car if he had not parked it outside.

He is erratic! She pondered.

They were perched on a bench with a playground view, where some carefree children were having fun. They were surrounded by other guardians and parents who were observing their kids. While some were absorbed in conversation, others were absorbed in their phones. A woman shouted out to her son, warning him to be careful. With a nod, the boy raised his gaze to her. She smiled as he waved at her before returning to his game.

Phina watched what was going on around them while gently eating her popcorn. Patrick silently sat and observed the kids. He still needed to crack open his popcorn. She considered their reason for traveling there. Although she doesn't know Patrick's reasoning for going, she finds it appealing.

She inquired, "Do you like children?"

He glanced at her, then back to the kids having fun. "Who doesn't like children?"

Phina laughs. His curious gaze falls on her as he says, "Not everyone likes children. "Some people abandon their children after giving birth to them. I also have friends who have little tolerance for children. They keep praising me for how patient I am raising the twins." She beams. Two of them don't even like children. They said they are troublesome and senseless."

"I can't believe people like that exist. But do you believe it?" He inquired. She gave him a look. "That kids are senseless and troublesome."

"They can be very troublesome. When you have two kids with different characters and personalities and different tastes, you will realize how troublesome and headache they can be. But on the other hand, they can be lovely and amazing to watch. They are not senseless. They have their uses. You hear what you can't hear from an adult from them. They are always honest. And no matter what you do to offend them, they always return to you. They are beautiful angels." She stated to him.

As they passed her, two lads held up their hands and waved. She waved back, grinning. Between her and the kids, who appeared to know her before they fled, Patrick saw them laughing and waving.

She questioned, "Don't you want to have children?" She stayed away from him. Her gaze was fixed on the athletic field.

"Why won't I want to have kids? I plan on having some."

"Then why don't you have girlfriends? You don't look like you are interested in women. You will have to date someone and know who they are, then determine if you want them as your other half."

He answered, "I know that, Phina." "And I don't think I'm gonna pay a woman to carry my child. I don't believe in such things. It's nonsense and stupid to me. My mother will disown me." He responded, and she grinned. Then, he spoke in earnest. He locked eyes with her and said, "I will date when I find the right woman." She broke eye contact as she felt her heart flutter.

Before Patrick inquired, they sat in silence.

"What about you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

He remembered not asking her about it.

The question didn't appear to surprise her. Someday, she knew he would ask.

"I don't have a boyfriend for now. If I do, I won't be here. He would have broken up with me. Boys hardly share their woman. Am I right?" She turned to him. He shrugged. He was aware of her accuracy. He believes he will never be able to share his partner.

Not even his pretend girlfriend.

"I broke up with my last boyfriend six months ago. He was dating a friend of mine secretly. And I can't do that. Dating a guy that is also dating my friend."

"You didn't ask him to choose?"

"There was no need to do that. If he could date my friend while dating me, he could date another girl without me knowing later. There was no use. He barely has a future."

"What?" cried Patrick.

"He was a headache from the start. He thinks the world revolves around him because he is handsome," Phina stated. I was proud, and I didn't regret leaving him," she remarked casually.

She felt compelled to inform Patrick even though she knew he didn't need to know much about her. He can be a jerk, though. He was not without his virtues. He is capable of improving. All he has to do is learn to be concerned about other things. His family and job are not the only things and people in his life.

She had seen several facets of him in the two weeks she had been living with him. She concluded she loved the person now seated next to her. The fact that he is now a billionaire and CEO doesn't bother him. Her heart raced when she sat next to him. She hoped he would remain this way for the remainder of her stay with him. She liked that he was more upbeat and cheerful than ever.

And she hoped that nothing would ruin the lovely day's moments.

Patrick said as he got up from his chair. She nodded and stood up, saying, "Let's go." They exit the parking lot after she takes the untouched popcorn from him.

Unaware of a car approaching, Phina was chatting about some children playing in the playground. She stood motionless before Patrick as they watched the car speed past them.

Still holding her about her waist on the flesh the crop top was not concealing, he continued, "You should watch where you are going."

Once more, a stronger and deeper grasp stayed on her abdomen. She was astounded to discover that it was just animal attraction.

At last, he gently let her go.

Her heart skipped in her chest, her stomach fluttered like never before, and light coursed through her veins. She hadn't felt anything like that since her first lover.

Patrick wasn't just any man, nor was he just her boyfriend, which made it nearly embarrassing. He was an item that was about to expire.

Patrick chose to walk on, ignoring his emotions. For a brief minute, he had been furious and afraid of the insane motorist. He had questioned his concern for Phina's safety.

He moved quickly with his long legs, so she hurried to catch up.

As they passed them, she saw that other people were observing them. She also experienced a slight sensation of pride for no apparent reason when she approached Patrick, particularly when the women turned to see the woman strolling next to him after first glancing at him.

A man strolling beside Patrick remarked, "I love your outfit, bro." He and his companion were strolling. His face was fixed in a smile.

"Thanks," Patrick answered.

His companion asked, pointing his head toward Phina, who didn't seem to be listening in, "Is she your girlfriend?" With a little smile, her gaze was directed elsewhere. After glancing at Phina, Patrick turned back to the people on his left.

"Yes," was his response.

The second guy said, "Oh!" He had wished that she was his sibling.

"She is pretty bro. You should keep her well if you don't want to lose her. She is a hotcake. No offence." Patrick nods his head.

"Every man would like to have a girl like her. She is gorgeous, so take care of her," the second individual replied.

"I will." was his response.

The first guy grinned widely and remarked, "And one more thing, you look good together." At that moment, Patrick realized he was older than both him and the man standing next to him.

"Thanks." He expressed his gratitude with a slight bow. The man followed suit and turned away as Patrick took Phina's hand and guided her through the park's gate.

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