Anastasia noticed how the bustling party guests beside Old Wallace quieted down. Their eyes, filled with curiosity, followed her every move. Even Old Wallace observed her with keen interest.
"Anastasia?" Old Wallace called as a smile pulled on her lips. "Where have you been? Your father told us that you left. Where did you go?" Old Wallace asked, covering Anastasia's hands with hers.
Anastasia blinked at her, pretending not to understand her question.
"I'm sorry, I'm not Anastasia. I'm Selene Jones," said Anastasia, but it was obvious from old Wallace's smile that she didn't believe her.
"You'd better stop with this prank," said Old Wallace. Anastasia blinked at her again.
She parted her lips to deny Old Wallace's claims but Michelle suddenly spoke, "Anastasia, you are back! Why didn't you tell us where you went? You just disappeared for several months and didn't even bother to contact us."