
Help! Help! Help!

Luo Huian followed the Disaster Sensor's direction, fortunately, her grandmother was not an unreasonable woman.

 As long as Luo Huian was to appear at the destination discovered by the Disaster Sensor, the voice in her head would turn mellow.

Which was a good thing or else she would turn deaf before her time was up in this world.

[Stop. You have arrived at your destination.]

The voice in her head softly announced but as Luo Huian looked at the giant lock hanging in front of the door, she clicked her tongue. 

She thought that the plan was to kidnap these two kids without making a noise. So how was she supposed to do that when there was a lock as big as her face? 

If she were to break it, wouldn't everyone in the house hear the sound of the lock getting broken? 

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