
Ch - 20 Explanation?

Upon noticing Barry's naked upper body, Harrison looked toward Cisco and said, "Cisco, please provide our guest here some clothes, would you?"


Now, fully clothed, Barry was walking along a long corridor with Harrison Wells in his wheelchair. Dr. Wells was leading Barry to the place where the Particle Accelerator malfunctioned and exploded.

As they walked, Barry, a fan of Dr. Wells and his work, was in disbelief that he was at S.T.A.R. Labs and conversing with the legendary scientist. "It's hard to believe I'm here. I have always wanted to meet you face-to-face," Barry said, still somewhat in disbelief.

Eobard Thawne, posing as Harrison Wells and being Barry Allen's nemesis, couldn't resist a bit of sarcasm. "Yeah? Well, you certainly went to great lengths to do it," he said. Without giving Barry time to think, he continued, "S.T.A.R. Labs has not been operational since FEMA categorized us as a Class 4 hazardous location."

As they continued, they passed a broken cage with a nameplate reading "Grodd." The cage had been burst open from the inside, indicating immense power.

Harrison Wells continued, "Seventeen people died that night, many more were injured, myself among them."

They reached an observation deck overlooking the ruined Particle Accelerator. Barry, seeing the devastation, exclaimed, "Jesus. What happened?"

In a somber tone, Harrison Wells explained, "Nine months ago, the Particle Accelerator went online exactly as planned. For 45 minutes, I had achieved my life's dream. And then..." He paused before continuing, "Then there was an anomaly. The electron volts became unmeasurable, the ring under us popped. Energy from that detonation was thrown into the sky and that, in turn, seeded a storm cloud..."

Barry, not letting Harrison finish, added, "That created a lightning bolt that struck me."

Harrison, seeing Barry quickly catch on, confirmed, "That's right. I also went into a coma for one month. When I woke up, Caitlin and Cisco told me about you. They informed me that the hospital you were in experienced unexplainable power outages every time you went into cardiac arrest. It was a misdiagnosis because you weren't flatlining, Barry. Your heartbeat was moving too fast for the EKG to register."

Leading Barry back toward the patient ward, Harrison continued, "Now, S.T.A.R. Labs is not the most popular place in town these days, but Cisco and Caitlin managed to convince Detective West and his daughter to bring you here, where we were able to stabilize you."

When Barry heard about Detective West and his daughter, he immediately thought of Iris. "Iris?" he asked with anticipation in his voice.

Harrison, hearing the anticipation, responded, "Iris, yes. She came to see you quite often."

Caitlin, Cisco, and Swayam, who were listening in, also added their thoughts. Caitlin, handing Dr. Wells a canned drink, said, "She talks a lot." Swayam, also with a drink, agreed, "Completely agreed on that." Cisco, with a suggestive look, said, "Also, she's hot."

Barry, lost in thoughts of Iris, ignored their comments and said, "I need to go."

As he moved toward the door, Caitlin called out, "No, you can't."

Dr. Wells urgently added, "No, no. Caitlin's right. Now that you're awake, we need to do tests. You're still going through changes. There's so much we don't know."

But Barry, eager to see Iris, dismissed their concerns. "I am fine, really. I feel normal. Thank you for saving my life," he said as he walked out the door.

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