
It takes a smart man, to Play dumb.

After hearing that he cannot visit Safa, Fabian went to his study room, he sat by his desk debating what to do.

The truth is, he was worried about Gertrude's sudden outburst and wanted to talk to her and understand what happened, but the elderly woman has used one of Fabian's own tricks, she ran off to her room and closed it on herself.

So then, Fabian decided to give her some time alone and hopefully he'll understand why she yelled at him later, but for now he has another problem he is worrying about In his study room.

He debated whether he should go to Colin and tell him what happened, or maybe to Lady Danbury.

He stared at the ink and paper in front of him, The thing is Fabian has already sent Danbury a letter earlier, one that he wrote as soon as he came back home yesterday.

He was overjoyed that the bet idea has worked, he wrote so much about what happened at the party and how he was grateful for Lady Danbury's assistant.

But one thing that Fabian hadn't mentioned in the letter was that because of what Clara and Safa said yesterday about lady Danbury, there was now this new fear in his heart.

His mind telling him it's the best not to continue seeking help from Lady Danbury, because he was sure if Safa were to discover that Agatha was the one behind the Bet plan.

There's a great chance that she'll be angry at Fabian and he feared that would ruin his chances of swooning her.

However at this moment, Fabian needed to talk to someone and get an advice.

"I have been bothering Colin a little too much lately, he has his family drama to deal with...I should...maybe just one last time...I should go myself to Lady Danbury..."

Knowing that by now lady Danbury would have probably read his letter, Fabian decided that writing a second letter would be a little too much, so he rose from his seat and Headed back to his room to dress himself, he was going to pay the elderly charming woman, a visit.


With Wolfgang by her side, Safa layed on her bed just staring into oblivion.

She seemed beyond exhausted, and Wolfgang hugged her closer to him, he could hear her stomach rumbles from hunger as it was lunch hour but she betrayed any signs of wanting to eat.

The fruits he brought earlier were still by the nightstand, untouched and all Safa did since she calmed down, was lay, stare and occasionally a tear or two would escape her eyes.

Wolfgang was tired of seeing her this depressed, and he was also worried for James.

He was starting to wonder if his redhead has told Fabian that he cannot come today, and the thought made Wolfgang sigh.

Suddenly, "I am...sorry....I ruined your day." Safa spoke-up.

Surprised, "Don't be daft, you don't have to apologize for anything." Wolfgang replied.

"I Know...but I cannot help it...my irrational fear of love is taking its toll on everyone around me...I was horrible to everyone even to Clara."

"Clara will understand..."

"Fabian too...I was horrible to him...I even tried to push him onto Clara."

This statement came as a shock to Wolfgang, "Why?"

"I do not know for sure...if it is because I thought they would be a better match...or I just simply wanted to get him off my back..."

"You feel bad for Fabian, then?"

Sighing, "I do...he is innocent, yet I treated him as if his feelings for me were a choice...I wish we can just be friends..." Safa replied.

"Why just friends...Safa, why not allow yourself to be in love?" Wolfgang asked, he was nervous, afraid that his question would offend her but to his surprise, Safa sat upright on her bed as she answered, "My brother's heart would have been broken if he knew that Yamei was a horrible person.

But knowing him, he could have survived the heartbreak and maybe find truer love, but with my dishonesty, I took away that opportunity from him.

How can I allow myself to be in love when my brother is at the bottom of the ocean? The fact that I am still alive, is already unfair."

Sitting as well, "Can't you see that your logic is flawed? Safa your brother loved you to a point where he wouldn't be with a woman that didn't respect you.

And I know that despite what happened and wherever he is now, hopefully in heaven, your brother wants you to be happy.

You're a science woman, you know That nightmare isn't real! It's your guilt trying to further burry you, so you have to snap out of it.

You deserve love, and I know your father and brother think the same." Wolfgang replied.

"Still...what if I do not deserve the man?" Safa asked.

"Do you at least want to try?"


"Destiny has presented you with an opportunity, It brought Fabian to your door."

"I barely know the man."

"Then how can you determine if he's the one or not, without trying, without giving him a chance."

"But..." Safa tried to protest.

"No buts, Safa! you're a scientist! you should know that trying is very important to achieve any sort of results.

A Hypothesis can only go so far, you need experience to know for sure, at least to get closer to the answer." Wolfgang replied with a smile.

Sighing again, "So three months..." Safa said.

...some time later...

Acacius, the sleeping tabby kitten was no longer, asleep.

He was clearly hungry but refused to eat on his own, yet at the same time Clara was struggling to feed him herself since he kept trying to attack her.

The last straw came when, "Owowo!" He scratched her right hand as she tried picking him up from his basket.

"You're more stubborn than anything or anyone I dealt with!" Clara was starting to lose hope that she can make Acacius like her when suddenly, Safa came into the room with Wolfgang by her side, with Wolfgang carrying a box in one hand and helping Safa walk with the other.

"Safa! Wolfgang!" Clara wasn't expecting them so soon, she was even more surprised to see Safa using the cane that Fabian made her.

"I see you are facing troubles." Safa said.

"Oh my he scratched you! Good thing I expected that and brought some bandages." Wolfgang said shaking the box in his hands.

As she sat down, "Go sit with Wolfgang, let him treat your cut while I handle this misbehaving boy." Safa said and Clara obliged.

Clara went to sit across from the older girl, and gave her hand to Wolfgang who sat down and began cleaning her wound while she watched Safa pick a suddenly calm Acacius in her arms.

Not even once, did the cat try to scratch her.

"Amazing!" Clara whispered to herself.


Lady Danbury was in her drawing room, she has just finished reading Fabian's letter and was smiling to herself about it.

Her plan is working very well.

Suddenly, one of the footmen hurried into the room announcing James's arrival.

Astonished, "Lord James Teaton?" She confirmed the name.

"Yes, He says in case you don't recognize him, he was sent by a man named Wolfgang, he said you would know what he meant by that." The footman replied.

"Oh! let him in!"

"Yes Mildly!"

While the footman returned to announce to James that he could go see Lady Danbury, she quickly folded the letter and placed it on the small table besides her chair, before she picked her cane and helped herself up.

"Lady Danbury, good morning, I hope you excuse my intrusion." James said as soon as he was inside, he seemed in a bad mood to Lady Danbury so she responded, "More like a surprise."

"I know this is strange as this would be probably our first time ever talking to each other..."

"Oh yes, indeed."

"Alright... forgive me if I'm being rude, would you like to come with me?" James asked.

Shocked, "Come with you to where?" She asked back.

"Safa needs your help, something bad has happened and it has something to do with yesterday's party.

She's currently hysterical." James replied.

"But I thought everything went well at the party." Agatha said and then she realized she slipped as James smirked at her.

"Aha! I got you! I knew you were behind this all along!" He said, "It wasn't enough that you put her in a wheelchair again, You are indeed scheming to get Safa to marry someone and poor Indecisive Fabian is your pawn."

"I beg your pardon?!" Agatha said in disbelief.

"Poor Wolfgang, he believes what happened between you and Safa was just a misunderstanding, he is such a fan of yours." James replied.

"Whatever do you mean lord Teaton?!"

"Let's not bother ourselves with formalities, Agatha.

Now, let's talk about you knowing about the party that happened at the Vega Manor.

My guess is that you knew way before the party has happened, and while you can lie at the moment and say that you have just heard about it from Colin.

Considering that he happened to be the son of your best friend, for a conversation such as that to happen there needs to be reason.

However I'm sure as hell you knew way ahead and planned for Fabian, because at the party I could tell from the start that Colin, Fabian and even that maid Gertrude had something planned but as I got to know a little of Fabian, I believe it couldn't have been his idea." James replied.

"I think there's a misunderstanding..."

"No there's not, well before Safa would even announce to her guests about the courting news, I had already suspected something was planned, something that would anger Safa which is why Fabian was scared nervous and unsure the entire time.

Not to mention when they did execute their plan, he felt guilty and was about to go to Safa to talk to her because he didn't want her to be angry at him, which made it obvious that he's the most innocent one in the group.

which means the idea must have been someone else's, Colin is smart but I believe not enough to think of this and Gertrude well, She made it clear she's untrusting of men which means she wouldn't have came up with an idea that would benefit a man over a woman she cared about.

And obviously, Penelope was unaware of the whole plan, So that concludes that the owner of the idea was someone else." James explained.

Too impressed by his conclusion, Agatha remained silent.

"Then something happened, although I wasn't in the room when it did, my sister later told me the story.

My sister dislikes you by the way, so when she mentioned that you were the reason Safa was using her wheelchair again, and Safa collaborated that she as well wasn't very fond of you.

My sister said that just by mentioning your names, she noticed that Fabian, Colin and Gertrude were suddenly nervous, they even glanced at each other."

"What is the meaning of this?" She asked.

"The meaning of this, in short words is that the whole bet was your plan, now I don't know the details, after all I tricked you into slipping based on a hunch of mine.

However, I know why you're doing this.

Safa told me once that if you're trying to get her to marry, it's probably a mission from the Queen, the question is why is the Queen interested in Marrying off Safa?" James asked.

"The real question is why, does it bother you?" Agatha replied.

But before he can come up with an answer.

"Milady, Mister Kainz is here to see you." A footman came in announcing.

Fun fact: Cats are attracted to certain people for their own reasons.

Some may sense that you are not threatening, others cats may just like human attention in general and are not discriminate about who gives that attention…still others may just like how you smell or respond to your body language.

QW_JiHicreators' thoughts
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