
Grief can be a burden, but also an anchor.

"I cannot believe this!" An angry Fabian said at the sight in front of him, "What did that devil do to my room?!" He questioned.

A confused Colin stood beside his friend, both men inside of what used to be Fabian's bedroom at the Struat manor, "Uhh I see that...your aunt's husband apparently has turned your room...into a carpentry workshop." Colin replied nervously.

What was supposed to be a room with a window, a bed and a closet was now completely remodeled, all sorts of tools were hanging on the wall, large planks and logs of wood were neatly laying organized on the floor, and in the middle of the room was a working table with an apron thrown over it.

Not to mention, there was all sorts of wooden crafted objects on display, placed in a large shelf by one of the room's walls.

"Thank you I can see that Colin, but why?! Why my room! When did he even pick carpentry as a hobby?! I never saw the man carry a piece of wood, he did not even carry as much a his own shoes before and suddenly while I am gone, he starts crafting with wood?! What the hell is even this!" Fabian said as he picked something from the display shelf, it was a decorative tree statue made of wood the size of Fabian's hand.

"Around three years ago, A friend of Lord Stuart once came over to visit, the gentleman was a skilled craftsman and he gifted your Aunt a wooden comb he made himself." A voice spoke from behind the men, Fabian and Colin turned around to find a chubby and short elderly servant woman dressed in all black standing behind them.

"And Who you might be?" Fabian asked, "My name is Gertrude, sir...your Aunt used to call me Gertie so feel free to call me that as well, I was the late lady's maid, I know I am or was...older than her, but I can assure you I did my job perfectly.

I was hired shortly after you started your travels, so that's why you don't know who I am." The elderly woman said with soft smile.

Despite smiling, her face shown clear signs that she has been crying, and Fabian could feel that the woman was saddened by the death of his aunt just as much as he was.

"If I may ask, What were you telling us before?" Colin asked, "Oh right! As I was saying, one day a friend of The late Lord Stuart gifted my lady a wooden comb, the sweet woman with all her wealth still loved the humble gift and would comb her hair everyday with the wooden comb.

It made her husband so jealous that she was enjoying a present made by another man, and as the loving husband he is, he wanted to impress her more, so he started learning how to craft with wood, haha!" The elderly maid said laughing, "Do not tell me that the reason my room is in this state, is because my aunt's husband got jealous of a gift she received from his own friend?!" Fabian replied in disbelief.

Laughing once more, "Hah! The late Lord Stuart worked for two months until he made a wooden comb himself! It wasn't nearly as good as the one his skilled craftsman friend has made, but your aunt was so happy to see that her husband has made her a gift, she put away the pretty comb and started to use the ugly one her husband made.

Seeing how happy his wife was thanks to his gift even though it wasn't a beautiful comb, made the late Lord adamant to better his skill, so he needed a workshop to do that and seeing how your room was perfect for such purpose, he had it remodel and from then on he would go there whenever he isn't spending time with your aunt, to craft things out of wood, until he got better and better as you can see.

It became his hobby, he worked diligently on everything you see on that shelf." The elderly woman explained while pointing at the display shelf.

"Wow! What a story!" Colin exclaimed.

Sighing, "Indeed...it is bloody adorable, I cannot remain angry at the fact that I have lost my old room.

I suppose if this mansion becomes mine, I can have any other room I desire as mine... besides I did leave on my own volition, I am surprised my aunt's husband did not remodel my room as soon as I left.

The man could not stand me." Fabian said.

"On the contrary my dear." The maid spoke-up.

"What do you mean?" Fabian asked, "Your aunt's husband as you call him, did not hate you.

You'll come to realize that on your own eventually...as for now, I came to announce that the guests for the funeral should be arriving shortly.

As you know we have delayed the service until now to allow you time to arrive back to England and ready yourself.

I have left you your mourning attire in the late Lord's room, since your are going to be the new master of this house, I assumed you would use the master's bedroom.

Anyhow, please hurry up young master and dress yourself, I will be downstairs if you need me...unfortunately we do not have that many male servants who can assist you due to your aunt's husband jealously issues." Gertrude The old maid said cheekily before she began walking away.

But before she could leave, "You said it was alright to call you Gertie?" Fabian asked, "Yes?" Gertrude nodded.

"Then, thank you Gertie for everything you have done so far while I was not here...and just so you know I hope you join me downstairs not as a servant but as a friend mourning my aunt.

I know it is unusual but I would like you to be my guest of honor, I could tell from your eyes that you loved my aunt dearly, I cannot have you working while others less close to her get the chance to mourn her." Fabian said with a soft smile of his own.

His words made Colin smile especially when he saw the tears glistening in Gertrude's senior eyes, the woman was touched by the kind suggestion.

"As you wish then my Lord..." The elderly woman said smiling back then headed on her way.

When she left, The Bridgerton boy turned to his friend, "That was awfully nice and mature of you Fabian, I believe you just made that woman's day less harder." Colin spoke-up.

But he found Fabian's attention elsewhere, it was directed at a painting that was hanging on the wall of the room.

It was a painting of a beautiful woman smiling while she sat with her back facing a fireplace.

Colin's gaze softened as he saw Fabian shed a tear while looking at the painting.

He watched as Fabian grabbed the artwork off the wall and gazed at it while it was in his hands.

"Do you need some time alone... Fai?" Colin asked.

"When I first came to live in this house I was barely into my teenage years, I was just a kid who had lost everything including his family and was taken in by his aunt...I never knew the woman before that time, it took me time to warm-up to her despite how kind she was.

It felt like she was trying to be my mother, I had a mother she was just dead...my poor aunt put up with a brat like myself without ever getting angry.

I realized when I made it to England that with her death, I am alone once again..." Fabian said before he put back the painting where it belongs and wiped his teary eyes.

"I am here for you, you know that already." Colin replied, "I know and I thank you for that.

But the thing is I do not mind being alone, I have traveled on my own for years and I enjoyed my solitude, however I enjoyed it too much I almost forgot now nice it is to have people around for a change." Fabian said.

"So I take it that you will try to find a wife? You did say earlier that when this all becomes yours, you can have any room you desire." Colin asked.

Sighing, "Yes I give-up...I need a wife!" Fabian said making Colin nod happily, "Then I shall enlist my mother's help! Hopefully we find you just the right match!" Colin replied.

Intrigued, "Why are you so invested in this? If someone sees you right at the moment, they would think you are looking for a wife for yourself not your friend." Fabian said jokingly.

"Is it hard to believe that I care that much for a friend?" Colin replied.

...Few hours later...

It's been a while since the service began, Fabian was already tired of greeting people he didn't know, most comers to the funeral were acquainted with his Aunt and her husband, but now since he plans to take over the Struat name, he had to be acquainted with these people just in case.

With Colin right by his side, and As he gets the usual condolences from everyone he meets, Fabian's eyes caught the sight of something he didn't see coming.

Actually, he wasn't the only one watching, everyone's attention seemed fixated at a group of three people who entered the house.

Two young men, one was dressed finer than the other, the less fancy looking man was pushing one young woman in a wheelchair whom the crowd cannot help themselves but stare at her intensely.

"Oh!" Gertrude who was nearby and saw the three arrived, rushed to the woman.

"M'Lady! Wolfgang my boy! I didn't think you would come!" The elderly maid said, "I didn't expect it either." Wolfgang replied.

"I believe in returning favors.

The late Lady was there for me years ago in a moment like this, although we remained strangers, I shall be here for her this time even if she herself is no longer with us...I regret it deeply that I did not get to know the woman before she parted from this world." Safa said smiling.

"Lady Struat was a kind woman, I heard all about her from my new Gardener, I believe the young man worked here briefly before he came to me." James spoke-up, "Oh yes! Poor boy I felt sorry for him he had to quit due to the late Lord's jealousy!" Gertrude replied.

Colin who noticed how fixated Fabian was on the newly arrived bunch, "Do you recognize them?" He asked.

Fabian shook his head with a no, "Never met them, must be more friends of my Aunt.

Do you know them Colin?"

Shaking his head as well, "I do not think I have seen the woman in the wheelchair or the man standing behind her.

Although I think the red-head might be Lord James Teaton, I might have seen him at the gentleman club." Colin replied, "Would you like to go together to greet them, or do you prefer we wait for them to approach us because I see Gertrude has just pointed at you to them...she must be telling them you are to be the new lord." He added Asking.

"I feel we should go to them ourselves, I hate to see that woman come to me when I should go to her, she seems exhausted already." Fabian replied while looking at Safa.

So slowly with a gentle expression, Fabian and Colin approached Safa and the two men, but Fabian started to feel nervous as Safa was also looking at him as he came closer, her gaze intensified and it sent shivers down the albino man's spine.

But when he finally stood just three steps away from her, she smiled at him.

Fun fact: Paintings have different meanings for different people.

One of the remarkable aspects of paintings is their ability to evoke unique emotions and interpretations in each viewer. A single painting can elicit a range of responses and hold different meanings for individuals, making art a truly subjective and personal experience.

QW_JiHicreators' thoughts
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